Bragging about your self?
It was posted last night. I've written about Marcionism before, but I haven't done a deep enough dive into gnosticism to come up with this stuff if I tried.
Bragging about your self?
It was posted last night. I've written about Marcionism before, but I haven't done a deep enough dive into gnosticism to come up with this stuff if I tried.
It's a good read. A little too much Matrix in there, but a good read. Those who have studied the documents of Gnosticism with an open mind know that it is the only explanation for creation that makes any sense. It resolves the conflicts that exist in conventional Christianity, which from a Gnostic perspective appears charmingly simplistic and naïve.
The observation that the NPCs may actually be soulless simulations of real human beings is an interesting one, given the doctrine of the klippoth of Kabbalism (the Kabbalah is based on Greek Platonic and neo-Platonic philosophy, plus Gnosticism). I tend to agree. The NPCs are animated not by human souls, but by lower spirits or demons. It is a false semblance of life.
The writer accurately indicates that some humans are willing servants of the Dark Lord, as I like to think of the demi-urge who created this world. He does not say it, but those would be the Jews, who are the servants of Satan. The demi-urge, the God of the Old Testament, and Satan are one and the same, just different aspects. The True God, whose son is Jesus the Christ, lis something completely separate.
Real human beings have within themselves a spark of the divine light, which the demi-urge lacks. This is the main reason the demi-urge hates us.
The observation that no sane, loving God would place the reproductive organs with the organs of excretion is a good one also. The writer H. P. Lovecraft made the same observation in one of his stories (At the Mountains of Madness, I believe it was). Why should physical reproduction be bound up with everything that is perverse and foul and disgusting? Unless, our physical bodies are merely husks placed around our light-bodies to imprison us in matter? Then physical reproduction would not be of the Lord of Light, but would be from the demi-urge.
The observation that the laws of our reality may be breaking down is interesting, given that it is possible to bend those laws on rare occasions, provided you stay out of sight while doing so. Think of reality as a board game, like chess or Monopoly. We are the pieces. The game has rules that constrain our actions. But the rules are only arbitrarily imposed by the one, or ones, who play the game. It is possiblel to cheat -- that is, bend the rules slightly -- without completely destroying the game. But the more the rules are bent and broken, the more impossible it becomes for the game to continue. The rules are what give the game structure. So bending them, which can be done (I assure you, having done it more than once myself) is something that needs a fine degree of discretion.
I don't really blame Christians for not understanding Gnosticism. It is a perspective that challenges everything conventional Christians believe, plus it is sometimes difficult to comprehend by whose who think in conventional terms. But it's the only explanation for our world and our presence in it that makes any sense.
It’s an interesting read - a unique mixture of Gnosticism, traditional Christianity, and the Matrix.
It boggles my mind when people talk about faith and then equate that with a strong faith aimed towards Jesus or some prophet. It’s a bit like worshiping the pointing finger rather than making the effort to notice what the finger is pointing at. For example, when we are told that with faith we can move mountains, that is not faith in Jesus Christ because he is the one who's talking - so what is this “faith” concerning or about?
Or is “faith” even the correct translation? I’m amazed at Christians that have not studied the idioms of Aramaic. For example, according to Rocco Errico of the Noohra Foundation, the phrase, “Do this in my name”, is a common Aramaic idiom still in use today that means, “Do it the way I do it”. So we should consider that perhaps the translated word of, “faith” may be incorrect.
As for me, the idea of a demiurge gets too close to the devil or Satan. Even though there is great natural beauty in this world, I view this existence of suffering and the endless reincarnations much more like a prisoner of war camp with various enemy (alien? parallel universe?) soldiers stationed at strategic points to watch and guard the exits. I do agree with the author that this existence is a pale copy of true reality.
I don't like spiritual explanations; there's more concrete, socioeconomic motives related to power that explain the inevitability of the concentration and consolidation of psychopathic organized power. A misunderstanding and lack of appreciation of psychopathology is one most glaring explanation. Really homo sapiens can cure this ill in 1 night
I don't like spiritual explanations; there's more concrete, socioeconomic motives
The world of matter is nothing more than a cloak wrapped around us to baffle and constrain us. If you become entangled with it, you can become lost in it. Ultimately, it is an illusion of no importance whatsoever.
Fake and gay. That's what bosses and owners say so that you obey and produce with less of a stake in the output and so that they can then fuck your women, who know better than men what stupid shit that is.
The answer becomes increasingly obvious until it becomes undeniable. This is not the real world. This is a cruel impersonation of the real world made by the one called the demiurge. Every material "Good" that you perceive here is a corrupted copy of something in the real world. When Jesus / Paul refer to "Satan" as the "prince of this world" and "ruler of this world", it is meant deeper than the modern Catholic interpretation of just temptation. The fact that you are even able to be uncertain of this world is oddly proof of its falsehood. Jesus says he is the truth and hides nothing; the world of Jesus would therefore have no uncertainty at all.
I have no idea what to make of this stuff, myself.
Can't remember which philosopher; Plato or Aristotle. Said something about the true nature of all things could be deduced because they are immutable. Basically the opposite of today's relativism. So you can ask a kid a bunch of questions, and the kid will know the truth even if he never learned it.
This is because these "truths" existed outside the bounds of reality. They were immutable, something humans couldn't fake or mess with.
Demiurge sounds like demi and urge, guessing the primal or "evil" urges of men? And it's antithesis would be the good or Jesus? If the Greek philosophers were right, then there is an overarching reality that is immutable and thus intangible to mere mortals.
Something like that I would guess.
Demiurge sounds like demi and urge, guessing the primal or "evil" urges of men? And it's antithesis would be the good or Jesus?
If people's primal urges are used to define the physical world, I suppose this would make sense. But I think the Ghostbin OP is talking about an actual separate spiritual being dreaming up the physical world we live in.
I have no idea what to make of this stuff, myself.
Yeah. Schizo-posting.
(post is archived)