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This memorial day I went through some old docs and other sources and found that my great, great, great grand parents were both Quakers. Evidently there's some lineage also traced back to the 1600's of in the "New World" even. Finding this out, it got me going down the path of looking into what Quakers stood for and it seems that the main premise is The Inward Light.

Which led me to some reading about, which led me to, yet another, confirmation that any and all ideologies have been compromised by ilk.

I have never been someone that follows(persons or rituals) and have always found that "God" is within and is of us all.

It also led me to create an account, after removing myself from a previous one, to query those of you who are a bit more well read and versed in theology than I.

What is the Inward Light?

This memorial day I went through some old docs and other sources and found that my great, great, great grand parents were both Quakers. Evidently there's some lineage also traced back to the 1600's of in the "New World" even. Finding this out, it got me going down the path of looking into what Quakers stood for and it seems that the main premise is The Inward Light. Which led me to some reading about, which led me to, yet another, confirmation that any and all ideologies have been compromised by ilk. I have never been someone that follows(persons or rituals) and have always found that "God" is within and is of us all. It also led me to create an account, after removing myself from a previous one, to query those of you who are a bit more well read and versed in theology than I. What is the Inward Light?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Manley P Hall, the occult historian, talks openly about the personage of the "lightbearer" in the gnostic tradition, which the Quaker system was following. The principle of looking inward to find your perfected self and achieve salvation rather than dying to your sinful self and seeking the external Savior in Jesus.

The Gnostic/ Rosicrucian/ Masonic/ Jesuit/ Kabbalist/ Babylonian systems and all the related offshoots are the same thing at the root. Speaking of Lucifer, Albert Pike himself asks "Is it he who bears the light? Doubt it not!"

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I do, very much, appreciate your response but I do have to ask or have you expand upon what is not written within The Bible. Throughout the world cultures and peoples have, in a way or other, found that god exists within themselves and every living being (plant, animal and insect..ect).

I'd give you an internet point but can't.

edit I understand I asked about one thing but wanted an expansion of beyond.

[–] 1 pt

I'm not sure what you're asking. If you want to know what the occult world says about the light within, read their books. Sure, every culture has a version of the Babylonian system. It's not surprising since it started at Babel.

I have not deeply researched Quakers, but always found them interesting.

As far as the term, "Inward Light", I would opine that combines the idea that heaven is within you, and receiving heavenly guidance. So, when you listen to or follow the "Inward Light" (via intuition I guess), that would mean that through prayer and yearning, you discern what God wants for your life. Why they use the term "Light" is because it illuminates. That's my best guess about how your great grandparents may have seen it.

[–] 0 pt

I have little doubt that the "Inward Light" is just as you describe. It's something that I have known my whole life and live by day to day but don't realize it because I just do.

I guess, to me, everyone has their own "Inner Light" as well. In a time and era where the light of a fire meant life or death, quenching another person's light was a death sentence.

Quakers were Christian. Im unfamiliar but any light mentioned in their doctrine would have been through the in-dwelling holy spirit that only saved Christians have. Every human alive wants and craves this, having the spirit of God within, your own curiosity proves as much, and every heart is given this irresistible urge for God to make them whole and at peace - especially those who claim to hate it the most but are incapable of having it such as judeo-atheists, Muslims etc or just to be general “deniers of Christ” such as yourself. It sounds like you’ve stumbled down a blind alley though, Christ is the way the truth and the light.

[–] 0 pt

They were Christian but evidently stepped outside the realm of what was heavily handed. To the point that they didn't have a church, and went elsewhere to get away from.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Some Quakers are Kikes. (books.google.com) A substantial number of Jews became Quakers. And those not secretly Jewish, are likely Noachide Shabbos Goys. Quakers were friendly to Jews in the Northeast 'New World', and partnered with them. Could your grandparents have used a Rhinoplasty? "Inward light" is freemasonic luciferianism. Jews are the 'light unto the nations'. More light = less gentiles. Gentiles are evil darkness, Jews lightbearing angels

In the Lurianic Kabbalah, the Kellipot (singular: Kellipah) are the "husks" or "shells" imprisoning the sparks of divine light that were exiled from God as a result of the Breaking of the Vessels. The world as we know it is thoroughly comprised of these Kellipot, some of which are completely dark and "unclean" and thus irredeemable by man, other's of which are "translucent" and thus subject to human restitution.

By extracting (birurKellipah, or what amounts to the same thing, by "removing the kernel from the husk," the individual is able to "raise a spark" of divine light and contribute to Tikkun ha-Olam, the restoration of the world. http://www.newkabbalah.com/kellip.html