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I believe that the original Israelites were all killed or still not returned yet. Think about how 666 is the sign of the devil and the star of david "magic" has 6 points. I'm not aware what happened but I do realize that Gods chosen people would not try to rule the world if they had a chance to get back into his graces. They wouldn't block the golden entrance and wouldn't ignore that the wailing wall when told was actually the wall for a temple for Herod. Or that the muslim temple is Mt Zion not the place Jesus was judged Mr Awesome where they used the bible to figure out that the place that the 2nd temple was 2 hundred yards south. Jesus was about honesty and God is follow my word so why would the real Jews refuse to disguss that they might have made a huge mistake when their inheritence of land required them to have specific regions of 25000 cubits by 10000 cubits and told never to sell it. These are huge clues that the ones in Israel are not the Israelites originally put there.

I also believe that the Vatican is not what the Lord wanted. I believe church is the father son and holy ghost aka a loving family and we've been tricked for over a thousand years to believe that the church hierarchi is right when I don't see a thing about Popes that tend to be all so different not close to the same tending of their flocks just greedy.

Now what was the structure of the church in the time of Jesus is my huge question I'm not sure of, I am sure it was not going through the motions. I believe it was to create a loving world, a world where god not the church was revered "false idols". I think Lucifer long ago tricked all man into believing that we all need to go to this sanctioned church like a corporation. I think we might need to look toward the Quakers to find out how god intended us to live, simple, modest, and community based prayer.

Would someone kindly point out any glaring errors without just being a lemming and tell me the correct thoughts here. I'm new but singing and then the pastor just disappearing and not trying to teach new people of the church about god and jesus when they have questions is not what Jesus thought. It's like the entire thing is to make us complacient and then forget our true purpose to believe and praise God. I could be totally wrong. I just feel it's not what Jesus showed everyone. I think the new testament might be a trap.

I believe that the original Israelites were all killed or still not returned yet. Think about how 666 is the sign of the devil and the star of david "magic" has 6 points. I'm not aware what happened but I do realize that Gods chosen people would not try to rule the world if they had a chance to get back into his graces. They wouldn't block the golden entrance and wouldn't ignore that the wailing wall when told was actually the wall for a temple for Herod. Or that the muslim temple is Mt Zion not the place Jesus was judged Mr Awesome where they used the bible to figure out that the place that the 2nd temple was 2 hundred yards south. Jesus was about honesty and God is follow my word so why would the real Jews refuse to disguss that they might have made a huge mistake when their inheritence of land required them to have specific regions of 25000 cubits by 10000 cubits and told never to sell it. These are huge clues that the ones in Israel are not the Israelites originally put there. I also believe that the Vatican is not what the Lord wanted. I believe church is the father son and holy ghost aka a loving family and we've been tricked for over a thousand years to believe that the church hierarchi is right when I don't see a thing about Popes that tend to be all so different not close to the same tending of their flocks just greedy. Now what was the structure of the church in the time of Jesus is my huge question I'm not sure of, I am sure it was not going through the motions. I believe it was to create a loving world, a world where god not the church was revered "false idols". I think Lucifer long ago tricked all man into believing that we all need to go to this sanctioned church like a corporation. I think we might need to look toward the Quakers to find out how god intended us to live, simple, modest, and community based prayer. Would someone kindly point out any glaring errors without just being a lemming and tell me the correct thoughts here. I'm new but singing and then the pastor just disappearing and not trying to teach new people of the church about god and jesus when they have questions is not what Jesus thought. It's like the entire thing is to make us complacient and then forget our true purpose to believe and praise God. I could be totally wrong. I just feel it's not what Jesus showed everyone. I think the new testament might be a trap.

(post is archived)

Stop talking nonsense. Jesus and his teachings are for the salvation of the soul, not salvation of this life and this world, and church is his body, that means all the true believers in Christ around the world are the real "church" or congregation, assembly, not the temples and stone buildings. And the Jews are there to this day, to persecute us, for they are children of the devil and synagogue of Satan.

I recommend that you install the Bible study program The Word on your computer, and install the modules called Torrey New Topical Textbook and John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible on it, and search topics related to salvation, and read the explanation on these modules. They're on the Internet too in webpage forms.

I will take and do that. I do believe Jesus is our messiah I was just saying it seems the church in it's state is not helping us like intended. I thought when they had bible study at the church the pastor would be more detailed and I could ask questions, nope and after he was busy so that kind of blew my mind. I thought then why is he here. He is a shepard I assumed from reading, I guess what they are supposed to do and what they end up doing are 2 different things in some cases. I was really disappointed. He was telling us he believed it was the end of days he thought, well the Jewish 3rd temple is not rebuilt and if the do rebuild it they'll likely kill the muslims and build it on Mt Zion instead of Mt Awesome where it is supposed to be built making the rebuild a false one so then the end of days doesn't come.

What would be fucked up is if the Palistinians are the true Jews and they've been silenced by the media like we have and Trump and we didn't have a clue.

If this pastor you met is incompetent, it's his problem, not the New Testament, it's like you go to a mechan, and the mechanist is dumb and doesn't do things right, and you want to blame mechanical engineering, not mechanic. And it's quite possible that we're seeing the end times, just a few wars and everything changes, and these Palestinians are not persecuting us, so they are not the real Jews. I recommend you worry about your salvation, and learn about offgrid, survivalism and minimalism. God bless you.

Yeah, this is what I meant, the big organization seems wrong but your answer is what I think is correct.