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2014: 34 States with Moment of Silence or School Prayer Legislation https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a00e57baeb625aaac139aad/t/5a71fef7e4966b73011e59f7/1517420280747/States+with+Moment+of+Silence+Feb+2014.pdf

Bill requiring moment of silence in schools passes House — but not without controversy https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/state/2021/03/26/floridas-public-schools-may-required-hold-moment-silence-legislature/7011793002/ “This moment of silence has been a Chabad movement since 1983, when famous Rabbi Menachem Schneerson began to speak on the topic”, Oirechman said.

https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3984019/jewish/The-Jewish-Responsibility-to-the-World.htm "[Rebbe’s handwritten note: in present situation a moment of silence] in the public schools, which I consider most essential in reminding the children every school day that there is a “Seeing Eye and a Hearing Ear,” a Supreme Being to Whom everyone is accountable for one’s actions and behavior."

https://chabadinfo.com/news/moment-of-silence-bill-moves-through-florida-legislature/ “Students should be encouraged by their parents to think about a higher authority and what does G-d mean to them,” Oirechman said. “It’s about instilling values in our children. The parents will tell the children what these values are.”

This isn’t the only time that issues of school prayer have been raised in the Legislature this year. One bill proposes that student athletic associations adopt procedures about one- to two-minute opening remarks during sports games. The bill itself does not mention prayer, but one of the bill’s sponsors, Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Orange City, did during a committee meeting.

“I recall the first day that when all of us sat in that House, we opened the House of Representatives with, what? Just say it, prayer,” he said. “No one objected to the prayer that was said in the House of Representatives. If it’s good enough for us as representatives, it ought to be good enough for our children.”

https://asknoah.org/video/rebbe-calls-for-moment-of-silence-in-schools https://momentofsilence.info/

https://collive.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Untitled-1-5.jpg 2014: **34 States with Moment of Silence or School Prayer Legislation** https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a00e57baeb625aaac139aad/t/5a71fef7e4966b73011e59f7/1517420280747/States+with+Moment+of+Silence+Feb+2014.pdf Bill requiring moment of silence in schools passes House — but not without controversy https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/state/2021/03/26/floridas-public-schools-may-required-hold-moment-silence-legislature/7011793002/ “This moment of silence has been a Chabad movement **since 1983**, when famous Rabbi Menachem Schneerson began to speak on the topic”, Oirechman said. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3984019/jewish/The-Jewish-Responsibility-to-the-World.htm "[Rebbe’s handwritten note: in present situation a moment of silence] in the public schools, which I consider most essential in **reminding the children every school day that there is a “Seeing Eye** and a Hearing Ear,” a Supreme Being to Whom everyone is accountable for one’s actions and behavior." https://chabadinfo.com/news/moment-of-silence-bill-moves-through-florida-legislature/ “Students should be encouraged by their parents to think about a higher authority and what does G-d mean to them,” Oirechman said. “It’s about instilling values in our children. The parents will tell the children what these values are.” This isn’t the only time that issues of school prayer have been raised in the Legislature this year. One bill proposes that **student athletic associations adopt procedures about one- to two-minute opening remarks during sports games.** The bill itself does not mention prayer, but one of the bill’s sponsors, Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Orange City, did during a committee meeting. “I recall the first day that when all of us sat in that House, we opened the House of Representatives with, what? **Just say it, prayer,”** he said. “No one objected to the prayer that was said in the House of Representatives. If it’s good enough for us as representatives, it ought to be good enough for our children.” https://asknoah.org/video/rebbe-calls-for-moment-of-silence-in-schools https://momentofsilence.info/

(post is archived)