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[–] 0 pt

I think Jesus was a real man who was infused with the spirit of God in a way that few other men have been. Does that make him the only begotten son of God? No. But he was pretty special, and his teachings are worth following and respecting, worth more in my opinion than the teaching of any other man who ever lived. Do I think he rose from the dead on the third day. No, not on the third day or any other day. Dead is dead. But his teaching and his example live on.

[–] 0 pt

Published April 1st...?

[–] 0 pt

It was 82% at the same Rasmussen poll from 2009.

At the same poll, only 87% of Catholics believed that Jesus Christ actually walked the earth. There are many CINOs around (Catholics In Name Only).


[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

catholics believe in the mythology of jesus. but many catholics, including me, are not interested in the ancient hebrew mythology of christianity. for 2,000 years, judaism has been attempting to ruin catholicism. for 2,000 years, jerusalem and rome have been enemies. if you were catholic, you would understand why some catholics dislike judaism / jerusalem.

[–] 0 pt

The Jesuits did even more damage to Christianity. When the bible got translated and mass printed, people realized that the Popes lied to them. So the Jesuits tried to rewrite the Bible: They want to convince us that Jesus is either an allegory or just a prophet, and therefore not his word counts, but the word of Gods representatives on earth, which are able to forgive sins and to "modernize" the word of God.

The Jesuits founded schools, universities, newspapers, theaters and secret societies. They went underground ("persecuted by Rome") to spread gnostic and pagan teachings into Protestant areas. They still control education, media and entertainment (Hollywood). The Jesuits have much in common with the Talmud Jews, but they are more hidden in our society (Freemasons, Knights of Malta) and therefore much more dangerous.

They're also in league with the talmudic jews. Personally, I believe the Jesuits are a step or two higher on the command structure.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

This is why we can't have nice things. Imagine our civilization if we were to focus on the Glory of the White race, as opposed to throwing out resources at a (((Foreign-Jew-God))).

Remember, you are white. Remember, your people are White. Remember, your Gods are White. Remember, your Heroic-Epic is White.

Remember, YOU are the Anti-Christ!

Heil Odin! \o

[–] 0 pt

Lmao. Where did they do the survey outside inside of a church?

Your participation in this site shows you can read. Read the article that you are having a hissy fit over, because it gives you a link to your question.

[–] 0 pt

I dont have thumbs to push with

The evolution of human and ape hand proportions.

Human hands are distinguished from apes by possessing longer thumbs relative to fingers.


[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

i was raised catholic. i doubt that jesus and mary were actual people. the documentary zeitgeist said jesus is a supernatural personification of the sun. god's sun / son. many ancient civilizations had a diety similar to jesus. the mythology of jesus is very similar to the greek god zeus. and the mythology of zeus probably was based on ancient egyptian and sumerian gods. ancient hebrews plagiarized most of the bible from ancient sumerian & egyptian mythology.
also, i've read that virgin mary is a supernatural personification of the constellation virgo.

i believe in the mythology and morality of jesus and mary. but i disagree with ancient hebrews' claim of "god's chosen people". so i ignore the hebrew parts of christianity. the ancient sumerians and egyptians were undoubtedly more advanced than the ancient hebrews. the word 'hebrew' is from the ancient sumerian and egyptian word 'hapiru'. it means 'murderer, criminal'.

[–] 0 pt

That's what the Protestants protested against: The Vatican tried to diminish Jesus: instead of God himself, he was a prophet or even just an allegation. This way, they could take his place and forgive sins (selling letters of indulgence and define what is good and evil). When the bible was translated and mass printed, the Vatican was proven wrong. So they invented a new bible, the Jesuit one with old Gnostic and pagan texts in them.

The main difference between Pagan/Gnostic/Catholic and Protestant is, that the moral teachings of the former are fluid (and so is the moral: "the end justifies the means"), while the received scriptures are fixed, nobody can adjust or "modernize" the word of God.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

yeah, catholics believe we can confess sins to clergy, do penance, and be forgiven by god / jesus / mary. but you left out a lot of info. about sin. there are different types of sin. a mortal sin possibly is unforgivable. also, you make it seem as though catholics confess their sins, so they have a clear conscience to commit new sins. most clergy wouldn't allow that. shame and guilt are a main part of catholicism, especially confession. if a person commits an unforgivable sin, or many sins, they could be ex-communicated.

[–] 0 pt

The system of micro-managing guilt, atonement, and forgiveness can have beneficial effects when used with good intent. In history, however, there have also been negative outliers when the system was misused for political purposes. The famous letters of indulgence were an example of how not to do it.

Your view was prophesied over 2000 years ago. Go read Ezekiel 8.

it was written by ancient hebrews. as i said, i ignore that part of christianity. and the ancient hebrews plagiarized the ancient sumerians' and egyptians' religions.

[–] 0 pt

the romans had a record of jesus execution

[–] 0 pt

i guess basic math isnt a strong suit of the christcuck.