>nukes are fake.
Where did i ever say i believed in Nuclear armament? That came from no where.
Space is fake. Here you are talking about how strong you are, believing in Jewish super weapon fairy tales. LOL
the jews that fooled you. Israel has nukes. The holocaust was a fabrication. niggers are not people.
whoever said this is a moron. Space is fake. Any attacks on Christianity or Paganism is an attack on whites. Nobody is gonna convince enough Christians or Pagans to give it up by the time it is too late. We need all the help we can get. Only an enemy would try to divide us not unite.
you are right i did say lol that but its because a nigger accused me of being a kike and they have this retarded belief that a JIDF agent wouldn't be able to admit it so thats the safe word. I only meant it in this context.
I am keen on the nuke scheme how keen are you to the ground underneath your feet?
>Nobody is gonna convince enough Christians or Pagans to give it up by the time it is too late. We need all the help we can get. Only an enemy would try to divide us not unite.
It's already too late
It wasn't worth saving
> by the time it is too late We need all the help we can get
The time "by the time it is too late" was ~30 years ago. Fourth generational rats living within a maze beyond his ability to comprehend, unaware that he would have to look outside to make any true progress. Behind each mage another grand reveal. You swim in an ocean of rot and suppose yourself clean. Look around. There is nothing else left.
> Only an enemy would try to divide us not unite.
Our ancestors cast their gaze down upon our fallen form; Let it burn. Let it burn. Let it burn.
They will either rise up in this fire or be consumed by it.
Are we not controlled in every fashion by works of the jew and their master? Do you doubt their control of your Educations, Sciences, Histories, Medias, and Entertainments of every nature and kind? Holding onto your precious truths as little children clutching to dolls, terrified to let go of plans and devils plans. Horrified at the thought, stunned by dissonance. Do you not understand their works? Is it not plain for all to see, for them to chose for themselves whether they will be act or be acted upon in the presence of such evil?
You can no longer claim ignorance to amalek/loxism/Whitegenocide. You can't pretend that you don't know the blood libel and torture of gentile children. You can't erase the truth that pizzagate is nothing more than finding the jew by another name. They eat and torture children and you pay the taxes for it. You send your sons to die for it and think it brave.Your father's artifacts are melted down and creations attributed to vermin. All elections are null. The Constitutional Republic of The United States declared bankruptcy in 1871 and was incorporated as The United States of America. The 14th amendment made us all niggers. Government is all a hoax. Governance is all a hoax. Its Kings and Queens ruling by force and calling it something else. Its too much isn't it? Too much to hold onto in your head all at once so you forget it don't you? Admit it, you put effort into forgetting about it.
Only now its not so easy to forget about as it used to be. Everywhere you turn is a nigger or a nigger loving faggot. Every aspect of your day to day living has been targeted to continually accelerate the Genocide of White people on Earth and you can't do a single thing to convince me you can't figure out what is going to happen over the next 20-50 years with demographic replacement. Be honest with yourself and realize that the population recovery option is long gone, its sad to watch Good otherwise intelligent White men reach a basic understanding and think they can simply breed there way out of this. Thats basic. Thats a given. You must continue the chain or we perish. Where did your mathematical reasoning vanish off to? You understood the absurdity of the holocaust yet fail to recognize the irony in your present condition. They are not at the gates you fool, they are already here and their children kill your own even as i write. (the nigger hordes are endless and waiting, you have no idea of the horror that awaits us)
They will come for us all and there will be nothing you can do about it. There is no green meadow. Every White nation on Earth has been infected with shit skins and niggers (Not you East block), your politics are nothing more than jewish theater. Half if not more of your own kind are degenerate traitors that would side with the mud of their own free volition. Your police force will be non white. Your military will be non white. Your judges and courts will be non white. Your officials and educators, doctors and governors They will only be comprised of niggers and kikes. Each nation one by one, not all at once but in turn and time. You won't stop this. Your lone wolf antics won't stop this. Only the hivemind can stop this and it wont. It watched. It saw. It did nothing.
It wasn't worth saving.
In the last of hour of the fourth watch everything will be left to chance. The behemoth of rot will be void of all healthy flesh and when it finally collapses from its own unsupported nigger horror there will be those who waited, as wolves in a long winter desperate for the scent of blood to fill the air. Those who would be willing to conquer and destroy. Free from the chains that he himself had placed. Free to act and not be acted upon. Free to choose Life over death. Having now at the end no other choice but to face this truth.
Where one sun sets, Another will rise to take its place.
(post is archived)