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Kill your kid for me goy

Cut your kids dick off for me goy

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Kill your kid for me goy Cut your kids dick off for me goy Traitors all.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Would have been hard to be a Christian more than two thousand years ago.

Nice try rabbi.

[–] 1 pt

>Nice try rabbi.

The only one worshiping a jew god here is you and the jews that fooled you.

Israel has nukes. The holocaust was a fabrication. niggers are not people.

[–] 4 pts

You're doing the jews work. They hate white Christians more than anyone.

On your second like... yes, yes, and yes.

[–] 1 pt

They Hate Whites more than anyone. Christian whites are the easiest to kill. You have been separated from the ways of your fathers, from the ways of your dead. Tricked into worshiping a demon god of the mountain and offering the flesh of your own sons as homage.

You worship the devil and don't even know it.

They hate white Christians more than anyone.

The slave master loves slavery and holds contempt for the slave. Yeah, they HATE Christians, but they sure love Christianity!

Now, be a go be a good Goy and eat the flesh and blood of your Kike-God.

[–] 0 pt

the jews that fooled you.

nukes are fake. Here you are talking about how strong you are, believing in Jewish super weapon fairy tales. LOL

[–] 0 pt

>nukes are fake.

Where did i ever say i believed in Nuclear armament? That came from no where.

Space is fake. Here you are talking about how strong you are, believing in Jewish super weapon fairy tales. LOL

The White race is 5,000 years old. Conception was the Battle Axe Culture. So, if Christianity is only 2,000 years old, it is invasive.

Heil Odin!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Whites have been Christian for from 1700 to around1000 years (depending on whether you're talking about Italy or Iceland). In that time, the entire civilization of the West rose up. All of modern science was created by white Christians. All the great European empires, including the British Empire, spread across the face of the planet and subjugated the lesser races and lesser religions. All the benefits we enjoy today stem from our white Christian ancestors. So, if Christianity is a "weak and degenerate trick," as you claim, how did it come to rule the world and create what we know as modern civilization?

[–] 0 pt


Were the Greeks christian? What did the Romans believe in prior to being forced into jew worship?

[–] 0 pt

The OP may not know it, but he is working for Satan.

[–] 0 pt

Correct. All these poor, dumb cunts who call themselves pagans or atheists are working for Satan. You can tell this because of their fanatical need to attack and degrade Christians. They just don't know any better. They haven't thought things through, and their ideas were just planted in their heads by the Jew-controlled media.