Yeah well my understanding is the Romans could not have cared less which religion or ethics were practiced in the foreign lands they governed, they were used to dealing with "outlanders" and as long as they paid their taxes and obeyed Roman Law everything was tiketty boo.
"The pharisees became Catholic priests" .. they did indeed, the root of the Jewish surname Kaplan is Chaplain ( as in Minister of the Christian religion.
Thus Jews had infiltrated the Roman political and social order, the same way they infiltrated Turkish politics before instigating the 1915 Armenian Genocide they blamed on Turks, like they infiltrated German politics before installing Adolf Hitler who was a Jew ( in any case, and carried out the Holocaust ( they blamed on Germans.
The same way they had infiltrated every aspect of the US political, news dissemination, military and law enforcement establishments before perpetrating the 911 attacks ( which they blamed on Moslems, and it was they who organized reprisals against Christians then went ahead and blamed Nero et al.
So the theory would be that Jews put a Jew in the seat of Roman power in order to persecute the Christians, such that the Christians could play the Jew game and cry persecution?
That's an interesting take, but not one I think passes muster historically. First of all, the Edict of Milan wasn't ratified until 313 AD. Theorizing that Jews installed Hitler is one thing. He didn't have power for more than, what, upwards of two decades? (I should say I am not agreeing with that theory.)
With the case of Rome, they didn't grant legal reprieve to Christianity from persecution until 313 AD. That means roughly 200 years. So you're telling me that the Jews, while fighting a military revolution against Rome (that decimated the Jews by the way), were also carefully selecting the Roman cesar for two centuries - even after their Temple at Jerusalem fell and they were dispersed?
It just doesn't make sense.
You are still failing to properly separate Christianity and Judaism theologically and culturally-historically.
If your issue is that the earliest Christians were Jews, well of course they were. Jesus preached what for the Jews represented a radical truth. It took a great deal of adjusting for a people whose entire way of life had thereunto been based on Halakhic law. Grasping how serious this law was for Jews would take a lot of ink-spilling.
But this was a major reason for the early controversies. Take the example of Paul/Saul who was a Jewish early persecutor of Christians. Does your theory make sense if the Jewish authorities are also persecuting Christians at the same time as Rome?
Christianity spread despite the persecution and martyrdom, and its adherents grew by an estimated 40% per decade for the first century AD.
The reason that Rome adopted Christianity in 380 AD was because Christianity had become a predominant belief system. Their Church structure under the Bishop of Rome made them more unified and organized than sectarian pagan groups who worshipped heterogenously like the Greeks had.
By the time of the Edict of Thessalonica, Christianity had become so prevalent that divisions within it had begun to form theologically, namely with arianism. The dispute was so impactful for Rome because Christianity had become such an influence, and Theodosius virtually had to settle the disputes. Hence the edict making Nicene Christianity the official religion of Rome.
You are still failing to properly separate Christianity and Judaism theologically and culturally historically.
Yeah well it sounds to me like you are confusing Jews with the "Synagogue of Satan."
Christianity spread .. Rome adopted Christianity in 380 AD because Christianity had become a predominant belief system.
Roman society in the same era was by no means Christian per se .. carnage under the auspices of gladiatorial combat was the national sport, while in response to vast Jewish propaganda it had become very fashionable at least among the upper classes to be a Christian.
Which gave the Jewish religion a leg on into Italy at the same time, it was all manipulation .. as well you can be sure the Christians who fell foul of the persecution were the true believers put down by the SoSers, so it was only Jewish paper Christians who held high office within the Papal orthodoxy.
From which positions they fed bs like "John 3:16," the "Son of God" and "Virgin Birth" into Christian dogma where it resides unto this day, while the Inquisition was instigated to deal with any reluctance to accept their bs that might turn up from true believers.
Then you think Jews in positions of power in Rome built a church by retro-fitting the pagan systems of Rome to take in the Christians and control them that way?
I mean, it is an interesting theory. But how does it explain the rest of history?
It seems difficult to explain the cohesive endurance of an unbroken Catholic magisterium for two millennia if the Jews had established stewardship over their Christian enemies from the very start.
It's almost as if you are saying the Jews used Christianity like a golem to subsequently manipulate all of European history.
This is full of intrigue and would make a great fiction novel, no doubt.
But I am going to burst this bubble right away for the sake of truth.
The first four Popes were martyred, meaning the first century-worth of Popes were all executed by Romans for being Christians. Peter, Linus, Anacletus and Clement I. Peter was crucified. Clement was drowned by being tied to an anchor. These men went willingly to their deaths, rather than renounce the faith.
You say they were all Jewish paper-Christians eh?
As I said before, the first Pope was a Jew by ethnicity. Of course he was. He was a direct disciple of Jesus Christ, so quite naturally he came from a Jewish background. But when Christ established the Church and the succession which was to begin with Peter, Judaism in Christianity stops there, at precisely the moment a Jew confirms Christ as Lord, he is not a Jew.
You will find that there are legends throughout history about Jewish Popes who kind of 'infiltrated' the Church. Invariably, these all appear in Jewish publications.
(post is archived)