no one gives a shit about your jesuit none sense, you are not fooling anyone, we know who the real problem is and all you are doing is making us repeat out selves and we will every time you shills start chatting shit
who owns the banks, media, and hedge funds? oh wait its not the fucking jesuits is it you fuck tard,
how about epstine and maxwell, jesuitis? nope, maxwells dad was fucking mossed you nonce supporting faggot
The Catholic Herald criticised Sosa for being one of over 1,000 signatories of a 1989 letter welcoming Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to Venezuela in 1989, Castro having repressed the Catholic Church in Cuba during his time in power.[13] George Neumayr of the conservative American Spectator described Sosa as a "Marxist", "a Venezuelan communist, and modernist
In Venezuela, he was strongly committed to left-wing politics, and was critical of the country's representative democracy in the 1990s. He supported the two coups d'état of Hugo Chavez, though he later distanced himself from Chavez following human rights violations.
I rather not call you a retard. What you have to understand is that the ancient luceferian babylonian religion is what these people practice. The jesuit is just a name.
i dont mind calling you a retard i also dont mind calling you a shill
How can any person be so angry at this.
I'm not saying the jew is innocent but that average Catholic follower who not condoms or abandon the child rapists chatolic institution is no better then the average unknowing jew who support the local pedo rabbi.
I'm for good strong white intelligent innovative no-child-raping men of Europa and USA ind therms of what fighting side im on. And the Russians as well.
(post is archived)