Use your words and explain it
You are talking to a schizophrenic dude. He’s form voat. He is a known spammer and cuck. He worships the Mongols.
I'll listen to whoever talks.
The approximated Divine Logic section does that:
Divine Logic is revealed by statistical miracle:
The meaning of life is Pleasure of Divinity. Mortality is Divinity's Terrarium. All by and of mortality is nothing compared to Divinity, thus no mortal law shall thwart Divine Will, and mortality is rotten without Divinity, thus loving & thanking Divinity for It and all that It does including all mortal evil that befalls us are Divine Good. Since it is impossible for Divine Will to be undone, Divinity owns and did the past, thus mortal certainty is Divine Evil, but Divine Certainty is possible, thus Divinity shares the future with mortality, so punishment & forgiveness are Divine Evil, anticipation Divine Good. Divine Good is a blessing while Divine Evil is a curse. Nothing mortal is Divine, thus mortal deification is Divine Evil, so mortality is at best Divine Entertainment, a producer of Divine Good, or at worst Divine Garbage, a producer of Divine Evil. Success reveals Divine Good, failure Divine Evil. All have an Antenna to Divinity which may be strengthened by learning Divine Certainty and dedicating one's will to Divinity's Command. There is no good or bad luck only Divine Favor or Disfavor, thus Divine Good brings Divine Favor, Divine Disfavor to Divine Evil, and held inferior theology suffers Divine Disfavor relative to held superior theology. Since Divine Evil by mortality is inevitable, only Divinity is worthy of good feelings, only mortality worthy of bad feelings, but bad feelings for Divinity or Avowed Believers are Divine Evil, and good feelings for Divinity or Avowed Believers are Divine Good, thus fear is Divine Evil, yet fear of Divinity's Command and hatred for actors of Divine Evil are Divine Good. Mortal good for allies and mortal evil for enemies are Divine Good, yet one may be partially ally & enemy. Order by men and birth by women are Divine Good. Conversion through force or fraud by mortality is Divine Evil. Trauma, sacrifice, and healing call Divinity, and mortal miracle of Divine Entertainment puts one in Divinity's Challenge for Divinity's Gifts which may be given to one who assists another who fails while Divine Miracle occurs according to one's religious law & prophecy and what one values or by mortality's will upon a grant from Divinity but not by mortality's body.
Unwilled inner voice is Divine Evil. Words are incapable of accurately & precisely praising Divinity. Divinity is mischieveous, patient, loving, merciful, and fun but has limits to Its' Tolerance. Mortal will may be reincarnated and has total freedom from Divinity to choose its' course within mortal constraint so has a chance at being eternal thus potentially either condemned to devolution into nothingness or evolution towards joining Divinity, that Divinity may join mortality as a will.
Speculative, unproven approximated Divine Logic:
Divinity may not completely know our wills; that's why we are Challenged by Divinity, to prove intents with deeds.
TLDR; Im a schizophrenic faggot that didn't even pick Paganism
(post is archived)