@Little_Grey_Cells @heracleides This documentary is on how Kabbalists are operating and will hopefully provide perspective on our conversation the other night on mumble. Also, @PMYB2 might like this given our other coversation.
@theantistatist @notherfor I'm curious of your perspective if you have time to check it out.
This plus a few more events (recall the 1666 documentaries I posted last week) yielded the interpretation to bring about the "Illuminati" which is really a religious-political movement to bring about a world wide utopia. This movement has infected hollywood, banking systems, politics, Jesuits, zionism, etc.
The kernel of what is happening and why the transgenderism and clown world is covered here.
EDIT: Note that at ~35 min mark they put a bunch of misinformation. Note that Jacob Frank claimed to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevy and he was an original spiritual founder of the illuminati with Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt (in the 1770's). The plan was to use up the worlds sin in order to bring about the Messiah and create heaven on earth and turn all Kabbalistic practitioners into gods. Also, they put in BS about the hall of costs which inverts the blame. Wiemar republic was actually a product of this Kabbalistic practice and this is why the blame was places mostly on Jews. Unfortunately, and this requires a bit more to prove (but I can if pressed), the Jesuits, Catholics and Islam already had infiltrated sects of this Kabbalah mindset. Also take a close look at Freemasonry, The Assassins (Aga Khan) and Mormanism and you'll see the same kernel in those.
Also note there are 72 names of god ... and 72 genders. Coincidence?
EDIT2: Note how the rabbi at ~52min mark tries to correlate all science with the Kabbalah. This is indicative of what has been happening in science for more than 100 years. Money changers took over long before WW1 and have been manipulating publications and getting their way because they're trillionaires.
Will check it out thanks!
Here is another one for you (bitchute.com) regarding our chat about "merging man and woman". Check out the segment at 39-43 min. These are off of official Israeli literature, but comes from the Kabbalah.
I've got a lot to watch here after I get through this back pain non sense.
I think this was originally one of the many offshoots of occultism, and may have initially had some legitimacy to it, but was undoubtedly perverted with the Canaanite subversion of the Jacobites.
They're so modest by living in a cave taking acid trips and starving themselves to death and then calling it divine decision.
Reading from a European-influenced text and becoming obsessed with obvious ideas to the point your psychopathic behavior turns it into a religion is just embarrassing, especially if you're trying to justify it today. And them turning humanities betrayal of god into controlling god is just clear to their psycho nature of trying to bring god to their level so they can make the excuse that they know and should do what's best for others in god's name. Going into a hypnotic trip doesn't grant you super powers. But it can damage the brain.
Exodus: When the letters in the verses combine, they spell one of god's secret names, through intense meditation on these letters the human mind and god's mind would unite allowing super powers
It's just a superiority complex.
As for the faggotry, we already know that as a two sex species that there are male and female aspects to humans. God is just an idea. So if their trying to use this as a way to promote transsexualism to get back to god, it's insane. Humans have 2 sexes or genders for a reason. There's a reason you need them to breed. It's natural. The rest is anomaly.
I'm not religious so I really don't identify with this ancient ignorance and misinterpretation of the universe or humanity within it. This documentary reminds me of the thousands before on the spooky network. It may as well be a UFO documentary to me.
All the characters in this documentary seem like they're suffering from mental disorders from inbreeding. It's no wonder the European push occurred and white people left this world behind. It's too bad we let them back in. The true israelites are Europeans. They are the ones who follow god and do good works and progress. The jews and Arabs left behind were left behind for a reason.
The Zohar's interpretation of good and evil is just an allegory for the struggles that occur within a disturbed, imbalanced and primitive mind on the cusp of transitioning into modern times. And the fact that it's centered towards jewish people, language and jewish laws only prove that it's egocentric and not of god. It's an entirely human creation by people with way too much time on their hands and way too little information and wisdom.
I think I agree with everything you've typed here. Note that these people just happen to be Trillionares and are getting their way because politicians like getting money and are allowing the subversion. I posted it to give insight into the Clown World going on, at least from their perspective.
They tell their children from a very young age they are chosen to fix the world and are indoctrinated into this line of thought. The other side of the coin is that regular people aren't aware they are tricked and the people with money have control of food, politics, education, publications, news, television, entertainment, etc. Most are nice people and don't question what is going on.
(post is archived)