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[–] 3 pts (edited )

You're either very confused, or intentionally subversive. That verse is talking about Natural Law, not "Global Warming." If anything, we know just how much jews like to try and fulfill prophecies themselves, for their own demented (accelerationist) reasons. It's why they're always claiming that six million of them died doing something-or-other— they want to accelerate the coming of moloch. But being the jews that they are, they never really want to pay "full price," and keep falling short on the numbers.

They think they can trick their own god-given prophecy in to happening without paying their prescribed sacrifice, lol.

so that the possible solution to environmental problems does not it would come to implement one or another measure (which will also be transgressed),

Sorry, I can't unscramble the salad, this time.

accept the covenant that God made with humanity through the sacrifice of his son Jesus and put His Word to work

You can only make ice by cooling water, or boil it by heating it up. There is no other way.


The people who built the Georgia Guidestones were not, as far as I'm aware, the same people who wrote the bible.

[–] -2 pt

i can't tell who is more retarded between you two

[–] 2 pts

Just calling someone a retard is too weak to even remotely qualify as a valid rebutal though

[–] 0 pt

i call it like i see it, retard