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[–] 0 pt (edited )

No, I didn't accept your false premise that the only option is either communism or not having our tax dollars come back to us at all. The third and best option is to never have our money STOLEN from us in taxes in the first place. That way freeloaders like yourself have no opportunity to steal from the people that produce in society and the producers can choose where, how, and what they want to support with all the extra money that would have gone to badly run corrupt government programs like universal healthcare and other communist bullshit you are trying to sell to naive idiots.

For example, I could use my extra money saved from not having to pay taxes to create societal initiatives that will destroy communism in all forms in western countries along with re-establishing black slavery, putting gays back in the closet, and removing all rights of women to do anything besides stand barefoot in a kitchen and make husbands sandwiches and babies.

[–] 0 pt

But how is UHC a commie thing? I mean you're more or less forced to pay for it now. Sure a choice is not having it and then risking your life over a broken bone or some other misfortune. Not everyone's a multi-millionaire so with all the premiums/deductibles and high costs associated with modern healthcare. Good people are running into serious trouble trying to pay for it plus the other costs of life.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

First of all, health insurance used to cost a fraction of what it does today and the reason for it skyrocketing in price over the past 15 years is exactly because the government got involved starting with Obamacare, which is effectively universal healthcare lite. What you don't seem to understand is that the government is by definition dog shit at running any form of public assistance programs for a multitude of reasons, not least of which is general gross incompetence, corruption, and the gov's mere involvement in _anything_ immediately jacks all costs associated up because having the government regulate something requires hiring tons of people to manage and police it which requires leeching more tax money out of regular citizens and possibly even creating entirely new government agencies, which is a HUGE burden on regular tax payer backs, especially middle and poor class people.

Now since you're a communist, it's unlikely you've ever been a producer in life, let alone starting a business. If you were a producer with your own business, you'd know just how fucked small and medium size businesses were and are with the debut of Obamacare. The moment that dog shit program was released, it added anywhere between $10-15K and higher on top of every employee's salary that must be paid for by the business owner straight to the bastard government (NOT to the employee), which always gets translated into higher costs for consumers for whatever that business sells or produces (again, fucking the middle and poor class). Not to mention that $10-15K now going direct to the government is once again money stolen directly from that business AND that employee, at least in part, because the business could easily have given the employee some of that money in the form of a higher base salary - but no, they won't see one dime of it now because it has to go to the government to pay for "free" communist leech healthcare. That's why salaries have stagnated majorly the past 40 years. More communist leech programs = less money available to pay better wages to employees.

The whole thing is destructive as hell and further insulates big corporation power (i.e the rich and ultra wealthy people) to dominate any one that would seek to challenge their monopolies. Plus, the rich are fully insulated away from the increased costs of government healthcare because they can pay fuck tons of accountants to make sure they don't pay one single cent more for these communist leech programs, leaving the entire burden of universal healthcare and similar programs on the backs of the middle and poor classes and the people you mention are "hurting", making their lives that much harder and more expensive. After all, what's paying an extra $20-30 million to some accountants for the rich if it saves them from having to pay hundreds of millions or billions extra in taxes. No middle or poor class person stands a fucking chance against those resources, so they are the ones at the end of the day that will foot the bill for every single government communist "free" program.

As for "good people" running into serious trouble trying to pay for healthcare, they are victims of everything I mentioned above because at every level, the increased costs upstream for communist programs get passed down and down until they land on regular citizens heads, there by hurting the very people these programs are supposed to help. Where as if they just decreased taxes from the get go and allowed people to keep much more of their own salaries they EARNED, those people would have much greater ability to pay for their own healthcare needs and freeloaders like yourself wouldn't get shit, which is how it should be. After all, each person individually knows FAR better than the fucking government what they need to maintain their own health in a good state. The government doesn't have a fucking clue and aims to basically provide shit-tier to mid-tier service that is basically barely good enough to deliver what it promises to the majority of people, but NEVER great service at anything (that's why universal healthcare countries have epicly long wait times for basic surgeries and also why citizens in those countries often come to America for those things despite having universal healthcare at home in their own country). God-tier individualized tailored solutions and services for 300 million+ people is laughably beyond every government's ability to provide, so they have to simplify things down to high-level generic fuck-you buckets of shit-tier service that give people something, but never what they really actually need individually. That's why the anecdotes you hear online over and over of how great UHC supposedly is always focus on the most generic and common types of injuries like nose bleeds, broken arms, seasonal colds/flus, and other super common shit because that's the only stuff governments can effectively cover. Anything even moderately out of the norm like cancer treatment or more specialized diseases, and you're utterly fucked and doomed to epicly long wait times for solutions and/or shit tier solutions that are utter dog shit relative to what can be found in private medicine in America.

That's why communism and communists are so fucking stupid. They don't understand how basic economics actually works and as a result, they try to wedge the universal "solution" called "government" into every problem because politicians attach the word "free" to these incredibly expensive leech programs which communists are too stupid to realize is a flat-out lie and as I said above, the government does NOT produce anything of value. It is a leech on citizens backs and the more shit it covers, the more it leeches from the poor and middle class because the rich and ultra wealthy have the resources to pay big bucks to major accounting firms to find ways to insulate their wealth far away from ever having to pay for these "free" communist government programs.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

We have kind of moved away from my whole original complaint which was why are we giving money to other countries instead of keeping it here for potential benefits to American citizens, that was my focus not trying to solve the American health Care system on Poal.