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[–] 1 pt

I don't believe in either, because I can't confirm either. I am using FE as an example as it is, as you've pointed out, the opposite of globe earth. My point is that there is an arguement to be made for ball earth being a means of restraining man's nature tendency towards exploration.

Really wild theory here, but imagine the earth is flat and gay instead of ball and gay, and looks much like the Prague Clock (pic8.co) depicts, for example.

Now imagine that they use ball earth to get the public to believe that everything has been explored on the surface of the earth and there's no where else to go but leaving the planet. This is all to keep people from the edges. Why? because the edges don't have established infrastructure. Why? Because the unfrozen earth changes over time and the edges are the edge of where the sun current reaches. As the clock depicts, the inner circle (which routates around the larger outer circle) is the area the sun is circling around, and it shifts. The Prague Clock is on a 26,000 year time scale. Meaning the inner circle rotates around the outer circle 360 degrees in 26,000 years.

As the elite, the last thing you'd want the public slaves to know is A) the earth has an edge (and an impenetrable wall, according to Operation Fishbowl), B) we can get to it, and C) there are unexplored lands

The first two raise dangerous questions about the nature of life, specifically as it pertains to the existence of a god. The last one is particularly dangerous because you don't want your slave population using their collective talents to try and explore the edges of the known world. It's akin to the nigs escaping the plantation. No knowing what they could do. Globe earth keeps even the brightest men from exploring the lands because they think the only place left is space and that will take decades upon decades at best.

"Blah blah, it's all crazy talk". I get it. Believe what you will. I will keep asking questions until something fits.

[–] 2 pts

You’re both wrong. The earth isn’t flat or round. It’s fuk’d. - Ricky/Trailer Park Boys

; )

[–] 1 pt

Damn it Ricky

[–] 1 pt

Always to point this Ricky feller.

[–] 1 pt

As someone who has been in a plane and believes everything acts the same just scaled up and down, claiming the earth is something different than an electron or galaxy is perposterous.