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[–] 13 pts

This is what I've been telling people for years. If we truly had 'extremists' and 'domestic terrorists' that were organic and home-grown, there would be a lot of dead politicians, CEOs and (((international bankers))). Since those are never the targets, then it is safe to say that all of the big scary mass shootings glow like a motherfucking supernova. It's always targets that induce fear into the populace (e.g. kids) and never, ever monstrous elites who get killed. Once again the Rising Sun illuminates the reality of what our glowniggers do on the regular.

[–] 4 pts

100%. I've ran into enough sadistic people who want politicians hung, their boss to die, anything of people above. Nobody ever says I just want to kill someone to get it out of my system.

Glowing like Nagasaki. I don't trust any of it. And they do the school shootings to make people not ask questions.

I even asked my liberal NPC dad years ago, why can't we ask questions about Sandy Hook? Because children died? He yelled at me and said that is exactly why and disgusting for me to have a second thought of it.

He wouldn't even for a moment just take it into thought or as theory.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Seems like this whole time, they've been promoting phantom domestic terrorists in anticipation, knowing full well, that some normie is eventually going to lose their shit on what's been rolling out.

Currently every major globalist looking behind their back waiting for the first to drop. Gates? Soros? Klaus? Bezos? Fauci? FDA board? Blackrock? AP? Reuters? CNN? BBC?

Seems like they'd want to get a head of it by offing a brainless patsy like Biden, whom nobody even cares about.

That seems to be the main role of the modern politician. To shift blame from those who the people should really be angry with.

[–] 0 pt

They aren't supporting that at all. They're creating and doing that themselves. What do you think that nigger in Wisconsin who drove into a Christmas crowd was? He was a jew asset orcheestrated by glows to punish Wisconsin for finding Rittenhouse innocent.

Seems like they'd want to get a head of it by offing a brainless patsy like Biden, whom nobody even cares about.

... why? That' retarded as heck. He's more valuable to them alive than dead as he plays the part so well.

[–] 2 pts

Although Representative Gabby Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head and almost died in 2011.

[–] 6 pts

More recently (newsweek.com) (2017) a Bernie volunteer tried to gun down several republican congressmen at an early morning baseball practice and managed to seriously injure Steve Scalise.

[–] 5 pts

Giffords wasn't the real target. The real target was pro-2nd Amendment federal judge John Roll who was kllled in the same incident.

Its like the movie John Reacher where the villains staged a mass shooting of random people to cover up a targeted assassination.

[–] 0 pt

Dang. News didn't even cover that. And I read the articles.

[–] 1 pt

hey this is fake news, just look at japan literally yesterday

[–] 1 pt

Ahhhh gladio part 2, aka "gladio b"...


'Operation Gladio B' (also Gladio 2[1][2] or 2.0[3]) is a codename the FBI have used since 1997 for the relations between the US intelligence community, the US military and Al Qaeda.[4] This was revealed by Sibel Edmonds[5](whose revelations Daniel Ellsberg termed "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers"[6][7]).

The original Operation Gladio was a Europe wide network of fascist "stay-behind" cells that NATO/CIA/MI6 trained to carry out bombings and assassinations in the event of a Soviet invasion. Gladio B substituted Muslims for fascists, and continues to carry out false flag attacks in Europe and maybe elsewhere.