You might also be interested in /s/GunGrabberWatch
I'm just old fart which live in Europe ( with bad Engrish ). So when look all this shit about gun control I'm.... confused, to say it most polite. It's weird to see military grade weapon like AR15 or Barret in hands of civilians. To be clear most European see this as strange, weird. But European also think that Afro'murica are weird in many others ways. Just like US. citizens think that Europeans are weird... and we together think that Japan are weird. This is normal, these differences make world more interesting place for living. What is purpose of trip to some remote country if people there are same as people in your country.
But back to topic. US. are full of weapon, this is true. And there is no easy way to do something against it. Only right way is to make Normal society, to put great effort to eliminate causes for shooting. Lazy, brainless way is to just try to grab weapon from people. And by pure coincidence get more power against citizens. Because unarmed population is easy prey to every predatory authoritarian government. So how they think to disarm Afro'murica? Well they have data about legal owners, so they simply want to grab his weapon. And that is all what they can to do. I don't believe that some "gangsta" will give his weapon voluntary... just like I'm sure that he will abuse fact that normal people now are unarmed and can't defend himself. Legal weapon is just part of weapon in Afro'murica. Every year government destroy big amount of weapon seized from criminals or illegal owners. When I say big I mean really big amount, they sink it in ocean. But criminals get new weapons. Even if manufacturers stop to make and sell weapon to civilians there are tons and tons weapon in black market reserve. And guess who will be buyers? Fucking government can't stop drug and human trafficking, how they will stop weapon trafficking? Also Afro'murica is really savage country. If I live there I will be armed for sure, although I don't like weapon. And If I live in rural area, I will have not only handgun, I will buy shotgun, AR15 and to be safe one Barret sniper, entire fucking arsenal :D Seriously, You really need weapon there. Leftards sometime use Britanistan as example. Preaching how they disarm entire population and leave only weapon for hunt in civilian hands. But they don't say that this happen long - long time ago. In time when weapon are much more expensive, so only limited number of people own weapon anyway. Also Britanistan in this time was completely different country. There is not so much crime, police was competent and respected, yap, his police was unarmed too ( because of that they don't recruiting 45kg disabled waman of color ). Also they in this time are not infested with immigrants. Nowadays Britanistan is not so safe. Lack of firearms don't stop criminals to kill or wound others. Knife is very dangerous, acid attack although are not lethal in most cases leave lifetime consequences. So even citizens don't have firearm, number of deaths - wound rise. Because society are sick. Criminals get carte blanche to harass law abiding people. You don't have right to defend yourself in Britanistan, even with bare hands.
So good luck with defunded police, without arms against all kind of lunatics and criminals around.
For end of this long rant, how peaceful leftard comment this topic So, yeah, no gun for you goyim, but we on right side of history will have explosives
(post is archived)