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I'm just old fart which live in Europe ( with bad Engrish ). So when look all this shit about gun control I'm.... confused, to say it most polite. It's weird to see military grade weapon like AR15 or Barret in hands of civilians. To be clear most European see this as strange, weird. But European also think that Afro'murica are weird in many others ways. Just like US. citizens think that Europeans are weird... and we together think that Japan are weird. This is normal, these differences make world more interesting place for living. What is purpose of trip to some remote country if people there are same as people in your country.

But back to topic. US. are full of weapon, this is true. And there is no easy way to do something against it. Only right way is to make Normal society, to put great effort to eliminate causes for shooting. Lazy, brainless way is to just try to grab weapon from people. And by pure coincidence get more power against citizens. Because unarmed population is easy prey to every predatory authoritarian government. So how they think to disarm Afro'murica? Well they have data about legal owners, so they simply want to grab his weapon. And that is all what they can to do. I don't believe that some "gangsta" will give his weapon voluntary... just like I'm sure that he will abuse fact that normal people now are unarmed and can't defend himself. Legal weapon is just part of weapon in Afro'murica. Every year government destroy big amount of weapon seized from criminals or illegal owners. When I say big I mean really big amount, they sink it in ocean. But criminals get new weapons. Even if manufacturers stop to make and sell weapon to civilians there are tons and tons weapon in black market reserve. And guess who will be buyers? Fucking government can't stop drug and human trafficking, how they will stop weapon trafficking? Also Afro'murica is really savage country. If I live there I will be armed for sure, although I don't like weapon. And If I live in rural area, I will have not only handgun, I will buy shotgun, AR15 and to be safe one Barret sniper, entire fucking arsenal :D Seriously, You really need weapon there. Leftards sometime use Britanistan as example. Preaching how they disarm entire population and leave only weapon for hunt in civilian hands. But they don't say that this happen long - long time ago. In time when weapon are much more expensive, so only limited number of people own weapon anyway. Also Britanistan in this time was completely different country. There is not so much crime, police was competent and respected, yap, his police was unarmed too ( because of that they don't recruiting 45kg disabled waman of color ). Also they in this time are not infested with immigrants. Nowadays Britanistan is not so safe. Lack of firearms don't stop criminals to kill or wound others. Knife is very dangerous, acid attack although are not lethal in most cases leave lifetime consequences. So even citizens don't have firearm, number of deaths - wound rise. Because society are sick. Criminals get carte blanche to harass law abiding people. You don't have right to defend yourself in Britanistan, even with bare hands.

So good luck with defunded police, without arms against all kind of lunatics and criminals around.

For end of this long rant, how peaceful leftard comment this topic https://pic8.co/sh/lRXkcf.jpg https://pic8.co/sh/3OoHLq.jpg So, yeah, no gun for you goyim, but we on right side of history will have explosives

I'm just old fart which live in Europe ( with bad Engrish ). So when look all this shit about gun control I'm.... confused, to say it most polite. It's weird to see military grade weapon like AR15 or Barret in hands of civilians. To be clear most European see this as strange, weird. But European also think that Afro'murica are weird in many others ways. Just like US. citizens think that Europeans are weird... and we together think that Japan are weird. This is normal, these differences make world more interesting place for living. What is purpose of trip to some remote country if people there are same as people in your country. But back to topic. US. are full of weapon, this is true. And there is no easy way to do something against it. Only right way is to make Normal society, to put great effort to eliminate causes for shooting. Lazy, brainless way is to just try to grab weapon from people. And by pure coincidence get more power against citizens. Because unarmed population is easy prey to every predatory authoritarian government. So how they think to disarm Afro'murica? Well they have data about legal owners, so they simply want to grab his weapon. And that is all what they can to do. I don't believe that some "gangsta" will give his weapon voluntary... just like I'm sure that he will abuse fact that normal people now are unarmed and can't defend himself. Legal weapon is just part of weapon in Afro'murica. Every year government destroy big amount of weapon seized from criminals or illegal owners. When I say big I mean really big amount, they sink it in ocean. But criminals get new weapons. Even if manufacturers stop to make and sell weapon to civilians there are tons and tons weapon in black market reserve. And guess who will be buyers? Fucking government can't stop drug and human trafficking, how they will stop weapon trafficking? Also Afro'murica is really savage country. If I live there I will be armed for sure, although I don't like weapon. And If I live in rural area, I will have not only handgun, I will buy shotgun, AR15 and to be safe one Barret sniper, entire fucking arsenal :D Seriously, You really need weapon there. Leftards sometime use Britanistan as example. Preaching how they disarm entire population and leave only weapon for hunt in civilian hands. But they don't say that this happen long - long time ago. In time when weapon are much more expensive, so only limited number of people own weapon anyway. Also Britanistan in this time was completely different country. There is not so much crime, police was competent and respected, yap, his police was unarmed too ( because of that they don't recruiting 45kg disabled waman of color ). Also they in this time are not infested with immigrants. Nowadays Britanistan is not so safe. Lack of firearms don't stop criminals to kill or wound others. Knife is very dangerous, acid attack although are not lethal in most cases leave lifetime consequences. So even citizens don't have firearm, number of deaths - wound rise. Because society are sick. Criminals get carte blanche to harass law abiding people. You don't have right to defend yourself in Britanistan, even with bare hands. So good luck with defunded police, without arms against all kind of lunatics and criminals around. For end of this long rant, how peaceful leftard comment this topic https://pic8.co/sh/lRXkcf.jpg https://pic8.co/sh/3OoHLq.jpg So, yeah, no gun for you goyim, but we on right side of history will have explosives

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts (edited )

see military grade weapon like AR15 or Barret in hands of civilians

AR15s are not military grade

And there is no easy way to do something against it. Only right way is to make Normal society, to put great effort to eliminate causes for shooting.

Nothing should be done about civilians owning weapons. Effort should be put into punishing with death those who harm innocents. Focusing solutions on addressing "causes" will only lead to further loss of liberties and more anti-White social programs.

Unless of course, by "eliminating causes" you mean eliminating the nigger and spic populations who are responsible for the vast bulk of the violence, and eliminating the kike who supports and promotes them.

[–] 0 pt

AR15s are not military grade

Pizza with Pineapple are not Pizza..... Yet many Afro'muricans love it. It's all matter of perspective. Seriously, to me AR15 look suitable for military - Militia, Police usage. Not to mention that is relative easy to convert it to full auto or burst fire.

When I say 'normal' society or eliminating causes, I mean that modern US. is violent savage, country. Again from my perspective. People there are more prone to react with violence. Crime rate is high, too much high. How I see it, many stuff there are upside down. Destruction of family, feminism, broken education, corrupted justice system, etc. All this lead to more violent society. Even if some politician wish to reverse life to normal this will be long process. He must fix too many things in same time. And if you are aware that many of this shit are carefully planned to destroy country, it's not hard to calculate his chance. But this are not US. exclusivity, in my own country similar process rise criminal level too. Of course some things are different, because of local situation, but in general it's same shit, with same purpose.

THEY have time on his side. Step by step, THEY are closer and closer to his final reveal. You see all this shit in Davos? Somehow I suddenly don't feel so bad because I'm old fart... but young people must shit his pants. Disarming people can take many shapes. Further limitation to buying weapon, limitation to carry. New and very restrictive politics, ease of confiscation of legal weapon from law abiding citizens because of minor violations.... Like you cross street on red light, now we will seize your weapon or similar stupidity. And, BIGGER Taxes. In my country you can easy buy handguns, hunting rifles, such stuff. But taxes are really high, so many people sell his weapon or voluntary give it to authority because can't pay ( or don't want ) taxes anymore. Very effective way to grab weapon from legal owners. Taxes are high even for BB gun. There is many ways, on the end people will simply bend... most of people. After every bad decision there is rant... then people accept 'new normal'.

"eliminating the nigger and spic populations" This is different topic. US. miss opportunity to get rid of niggers after civil war. Now become Afro'murica. Be real, there is no way to get rid of gentlemen's of color. Same is with latino, muslims.... They are there, live with it. Jews are .... well, they are your owner. Be happy if they don't kick you out from HIS land. Meh... I joke, but this is sad reality. They owe world economy, not only US. You can only dream about it. And when you wake up, white will be minority. Just look on some countries in South America. Whites there are now minority, but they still are oppressors. Same process in now in Europe. They import tons of immigrants which breed like rabbits on meth and in same time suppress white breeding in any possible way. There is no way that Europe countries can get rid of this garbage. They will breed and breed until they replace white and totally destroy white culture and heritage. They are here and they will stay here until they choke us.

PS. long time ago my country make similar mistake. After centuries of muslim occupation they miss chance to expel them all out of country after liberation. Leaders force out some, but many stay. Century latter we pay it with civil war... and shit is not over. Tension are there. Because you can't leave peacefully with muslims.... they want total domination, they want that you don't exist. And they breed like crazy. Wirth simple demographic pressure they will win on the end... I'm afraid.

[–] 2 pts

You guys are importing niggers and shitskins by the truckload. Your women and children are being raped right now, you are being slaughtered regularly:


They slaughtered the women and men there and cut off the balls of the men and put them in their mouths.

European safety is an illusion. The difference between American and European society is that we have not been taken over by communists yet (we are very close to losing) and you guys were taken over by communists after ww2. The communist invasion started by the jews before the communist revolution in Russia all across europe and even the world, Russia and the eastern bloc were just unlucky to get bloody revolutions. You guys got a silent communist revolution and lost.

The basic difference between how society in America and the rest of the western world is setup is like this:

  • American constituation has codified the principle of the responsiblity of the individual for them self. Because you cannot define personal responsibility, what you can do is codify those things that define personal responsibility like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and so forth.

  • Other western nations have NOT had the same luck at the creation of their constituations and all of them basically make the following assumption: no man is capable of being responsible for him self and the state will take all responsibility for taking care of the individual.

The reason that europe has enjoyed a high standard of living is because America took on the cost of policing international trade waters (oceans) from piracy and was the economic and cultural powerhouse that no one has been able to challenge up until the last 30 years when the project to ship our industry to third world countries was completed.

What this means is that Europe has been able to spend ZERO on military spending and almost 100% on social services that coddle their citizens into believing their standard of living was their own doing. It was not. The only reason all of the western nations have a high of standard of living is because they spend zero on military, everyting on social services because America is the one that spends everyone on military and virtually guarantees their protection.

This has allowed Europe to hollow out its military to virtually nothing, become lazy and complacent (europe makes nothing) and you have become so derranged as countries that you are importing niggers and shitskins at the expens of your own people.

Of course, we are too, for the same reasons: our communists are almost as powerful as yours and they are tearing everything down to destroy everything.

The answer is the same for all of our countries:

  • Arm all white people.

  • Mandatory military training for all white people in all of our countries.

  • Removal of communists from all power levels.

  • A return to a proper military stance and halving social programs by at least 50%.

  • Expulsion of non whites from all of our countries.

  • Return of all white migration back to their homelands.

  • Restoration of all political integration to purely one based on economics.

All of this applies to America as well. I don't consider this an impossible task.

I think all of us are uniting around a single value system, single vision and single set of goals for all of our countries. The above are the big picture goals that we must strive for.

[–] 0 pt

Ha, nice joke... hmmm.. you are not serious right?

Well Europe 'import" all these scientists, engineers, astronauts because of Afro'murica pressure... And we all know who OWN Afro'murica. Without Afro'murica which THEY use as his bully they newer broke Europe spine so easy. Maybe is time to nuke jew hive, and destroy his cancer once for all. What about Israel, you ask....Without Afro'murica protection arabs will eat Israel very fast, most likely... there is little chance that they live in peace, hate is too strong on both sides. How do you like my simple and effective solution wigger? To simply cut evil in his roots.

Now more reasonable. Everyone with two functional brain cells are aware that roots of all evils are in Afro'murica. THEY use US. military, industrial, economy power to force New World Order across planet. They bribe, corrupt, blackmail ....politicians, media, "intellectuals", education... across Europe. Do you know that Soros "fist logo" are presented in almost every European country? And Soros is just one of puppets. List is much longer. Now tell me more about "Europe Policy Fails".

Oh but Afro'murica secure international waters..... This is joke? Afro'murica in first place make international waters unsecure with his shitty foreign politics, then use this as excuse to deploy his Military across world. Bills pay mostly US. tax payers, but be sure that others pay racket to THEM too. But no one talk about this. And by coincidence Military Industry complex flourish because demands for more and more weapon. You are not aware that this Military Industrial complex destroy US? Many years ago I was shocked when read that last TV manufacturer in US. bankrupt... How is this possible? Country which "invent" television, are not able to manufacture TV? Same is with many other stuff. Except couple things, Afro'murica these days have only weapon industry. I mean if you have company, your best bet is to get government contract which mean that you work for military. Even if you produce lenses for telescope.

And NO, Europe spend too many $$$$$ because Afro'murica constant fearmongering and artificial tensions with USSR. Where you get these info? Be real, USSR never recover from WWII, and THEY know it and play war games. So European tax payers pay bills for this shenanigans.
Now think where all this money go? Which pocket are full of money spend on stupid weapon? One thing move others... In situation when only profitable is to work for government, Industry start to move out of country. Even people which are not part of globalization agenda feel pressure to relocate his factories.

Just to your info, Europe have good living standard long time ago. After WWII things become worse. THEY again use Afro'murica as his tool to destroy white western civilization. Truth is exactly opposite. Afro'murica has very negative impact on Europe economy - industry.

Rest of your writing are just childish fantasy... No connection with real world. It's not strange that THEY win so easy... with brainwashed whites on his side.

[–] 0 pt

Soooo ... judging by the english on the cueball here .. you are Serbian.

I'm right aren't I?

[–] 0 pt

Deduction is strong in you, young one.

In reality location don't matter. Because we all are in same cauldron.... or better to say "melting pot". So, weapon control in US. is not my business really. But I see this as another nail in coffin of people freedom. I mean global freedom. Again, we all live on same planet. For years US. represent himself as Beacon of freedom, democracy, human rights, law & order, yada, yada. We all know that this is lie, but sometime lies make life more bearable. Now look at Afro'murica... patriotism is now hate speech..... act of terrorism... regressive white supremacy.....?

I can't remember that any other country in entire history which so wish to destroy himself. I grown up on US. popular culture, music, movies, TV series, books, comics. Now all this are toxic garbage. Freedom? Just missgender someone or use wrong pronounce and you are fucked for life. I can entire day like this.

Maybe I'm too pessimistic.. or blackpilled, but I don't see way to reverse damage. THEY buy, corrupt, brainwash too many people... white people in Afro'murica and Europe...Canda... Australia...New Zealand....... Russia, Poland, Hungary etc. still are mostly white countries which keep his history - heritage to some extend. But these countries are also heavily infested and it's only a matter of time when they will fall.

[–] 0 pt

You are confused because your information comes from propaganda, which is made painfully obvious by statements like this

military grade weapon like AR15

And this

US. are full of weapon

There are countries where far more of the population owns guns. They have far less gun crimes because they have far fewer niggers and spicks.

Your information about guns and about America is just wrong.

[–] 0 pt

Ok. let say it in this way... AR is perfectly suitable for military - police usage. As far I know some country use it for these purposes... I guess full auto version. US. have a loot of weapon... for civilized country. Also, americans are more prone to use this weapon in minor disputes, than in other civilized countries. So if you compare US. with Pakistan or similar shithole, you have right.

[–] 0 pt

Isreal has a higher percentage of armed citizens.

[–] 0 pt

Ok, in this case you can add couple other countries on list. But you mess oranges and apples. In all such cases government give weapon to citizens... I mean National Guard, Reserve... whatever they call it. So instead to reserve soldiers keep weapon in warehouse, they keep them in his own house. So this actually are CNN - Reddit type of 'argument'. Even if this "argument' is valid, you fail to explain why they don't have so mush shit like Afro'murica in his streets. Y'know these people keep in house Military weapon. It's hilarious that you point on Israel, btw. Even toddlers know that Israel is in constant... war with his neighbors, and have fights with arabs which live in Israel. So people especially on borders keep any kind of weapon in home, sometime this is Mandatory. Also government encourage people to buy weapon, to be prepared to fight for country. Well there is just one little thingy, only "certain" citizens can keep military weapon or buy one.... Do I need to draw this to you?
But don't have fear, Afro'murica already are Israel province, it's matter of time when you will unite with your main country. Your puppet master work hard on this. bye

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Some Americans don't give AF about Europe and your opinion on gun ownership. Go free some kids and women from sexual slavery...your land is filled with it. Europeans have allowed the illuminati full sway. You cut your own balls off when you made government your god...your saviour.