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[–] 2 pts

Half of the world knows who is behind everything evil on this planet.

[–] 0 pt

Jamiroquai. Virtual Insanity is the blueprint.

[–] 0 pt

Knew a pig with your name once.

We are truly watching a scripted movie, sadly we aren't privy to the script.

You know God said, "all that was hidden will be exposed, justice and vengeance is mine"?

[–] 1 pt

I remember back in the day we boycotted sodastreams and jaffa oranges because they were jew products.

but then the Left made it all about, "we are doing to this to show solidarity with the Palestinians!", and tbh I didn't like the Palestinians either, so it kinda spoiled the whole thing

here's a list: Israeli boycott (cdn26.us1.fansshare.com)

it includes CNN, so remind any Lefties what terrible people they are for not, "showing solidarity with the Palestinians!" or whatever

[–] 1 pt

if you would like to undercut jewish business in a fun little way, sodastream obviously makes a ton of money through their refills, the canisters have special caps that make them annoying or impossible for a regular person to refill, so they spend $20 or more to get a new canister or to get them refilled. Instead you can take them apart, and either fill them with the correct amount of dry ice or just refill very slowly.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeZmesxhk8Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-a3pISQLQg

[–] 0 pt

this is wonderfully encouraging to see that boycotts did actually work on a large scale in history in the past.

Thanks for this.

[–] 0 pt

Remember that the boycott ended with the Haavara agreement (en.wikipedia.org) in August of that same year, which made peace between the Nazi party and major jewish organizations.

This was because Hitler and his top lieutenants were a bunch of kikes. Dr. Goebbels, for instance married Magda Quandt, who was the ex-girlfriend of top zionist leader Haim Arlosoroff (en.wikipedia.org). Rudolf Hess was the son of a guy who ran an import/export business in Egypt. If you look up people with the name Hess, they're all jewish! Eichmann was a fluent speaker of Hebrew and Yiddish. I could go on...

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Then they were all kikes, from Poland, to Russia, to Britain, to America, so on, that means Europeans have never not been led/ enslaved by Kikes, and even when they explicitly oppose them, it's still Kikes running the show! Wow. Such Demi-Gods.

[–] 2 pts

The Kaiser was a kike!

The Romanovs were kikes too!


[–] 0 pt

that means Europeans have never not been led/ enslaved by Kikes

No, but it seems that since at least the 19th century the kikes have been micro-managing politics in western Europe.

The truth needs be followed to wherever it leads. Instead, you are suggesting that it's better to stop because it might not be flattering or because it might shatter some fantasy that you are in love with.

It's so much like liberals who suggest that you better side with them because surely you must have some flaw that Hitler wouldn't accept.

Searching the truth is not about self-flattery or acceptance. It's about getting in touch with reality about attaining whatever level of power we are entitled to as human beings. About letting go of the chains that bind us.

Believing in any lies, regardless of how flattering they might be, is going to make it harder to survive in these days of mass genocide.

Choose to stop believing in fantasy and accept reality. As the Bible says, "the truth will set you free".

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

it seems truth shatter some fantasy Believing any lies stop believing in fantasy and accept reality

You aren't even trying to convince me. If you have assertions to prove then go ahead & prove them, the assumptions & bullshit sophistry are just tiresome. Being grounded in reality and using a solid sense of logic is the only way you can tell lies from fiction. That is the basis of sanity.

About letting go of the chains that bind us.

Laughable. Your mentality only enslaves people to superstition, complacency or apathy & despair.

survive in these days of mass genocide

Don't pretend as if you've said anything productive or helpful. You're just being subversive.

"the truth will set you free"

Which one? Clearly not all truths. In general, many truths burden people with emotional baggage they didn't have before, and there's not much most people can do with it unless they were taught how. The Bible is written to be intentionally confusing, by it's own admission, it is not meant to be understood by those whom weren't given the means to understand. So what is this Freedom?

It's so much like liberals who suggest that you better side with them because surely you must have some flaw that Hitler wouldn't accept.

This doesn't even make fucking sense. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

[–] -1 pt

As the Bible says, "the truth will set you free".

It also says to bend the knee to your enemy, love your enemy e.t.c.

Jesus was a kike, the people who wrote the bible were kikes, the goal was to turn white people away from their older, stronger gods and get them to worship a jewish carpenter who preached love and forgiveness.

[–] -1 pt

It goes back much further than that too. Jesus was a kike who considered himself king of all kikes. Christians have been worshipping a filthy fucking kike as a literal God for centuries now.

The Jews are clearly in control of humanity, not some magical sky fairy.

[–] 0 pt

Then they should label themselves as a Jewish company so people know not to boycott them.