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[–] 12 pts

the tranny is the embodiment of Baphomet.

now considering the body modification freaks (remember that cat dude?) plus rhinoplasty satanists really arent all that far off from bringing that filth to life. theyre already most of the way there.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Bingo. It's blatantly a precursor to transhumanism.

[–] 1 pt

I'd argue its the precursor to forced hermaphrodism. Chemically and surgically.

[–] 0 pt

it is, and will continue, to be purely by consent and the choice of the freak doing it.

[–] 11 pts

The old gods are hermaphrodites. This is part of the rise of satanic worship.

[–] 8 pts

I think it's the Kabbalah. They want to reunite with their god who is unity therefore a hermaphrodite. That's what the WTC towers represented. Male, and female. After they were knocked down, they were replaced by 1 tower. Meaning that now their agenda is accelerating.

[–] 3 pts

More eunuch than hermaphrodite.

[–] 1 pt

Jewish mysticism & Kabballah (google.com) --- Quotes from this book (files.catbox.moe)

tikkun olam: "Fixing human beings by making them androgynes" (@3:30) (bitchute.com)

Was Adam a hermaphrodite? (forward.com) (forward.com):

"rabbis understood Adam..as an intersexed being, a hermaphrodite....Genesis 1:27 refers to Adam as..“them”... "Rabbi Jeremiah ben Elazar held that Adam was an androgyne, while Rabbi Samuel bar Nachman held that Adam was more like conjoined male/female twins."

In tune with tikkun olam, this cantor has a day job helping transgender patients (timesofisrael.com)

[–] 7 pts

That or these people are anti-human, and see transgenderism as an opportunity to create a post-human.

I honestly see them as post-human. Human is distinctly male or female. You can damage an attribute, but not create the other, and thus lose a degree of an attribute that is essential to being human.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts (edited )

I think it's being pushed publicly so hard because they've put something in the food and water. They know a large percentage of trannies are on the way. It's no different than in roughly 13 years, when these kids from the schools being taught masterbation to kindergarteners begin voting, there will be a major push for pedophilia and sex rights for children.

> will be

Preteens have been able to get birth control on the spot for decades now.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I get that, but this issue is far more concerning. Teen promiscuity is one thing, they are sexually mature after puberty (albeit, still not right) However, teaching sexuality to children as young as 5 creates adults who connect sexual behavior to children. Thus creating a population of people who will push for pedophilic rights. There are plenty of studies done about the effect of pornography on children.

[–] 3 pts

If only it were that innocent

[–] 1 pt (edited )

No. Its a fulfillment of hermetic occult principles. Samson bringing down the 2 pillars. In short, they are priming humans for a massive sacrifice event, and the destruction of the distinction of the sexes is part of that.

I really should have read the other responses before responding. I am proud of the people on this site for pointing out the truth.

[–] 1 pt

plus a boatload of antidepressants and mood stabilizers

[–] 1 pt

There's like 60,000 tranny's on the Planet. 30,000 in the Philippines. That's not a consumer base.

[–] 1 pt

Tranny is the demise of Whites. jews want Whites gone. It’s jews.

[–] 0 pt

A tranny with the earnings potential of a man?

I don't think so. Probably not even a woman.

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