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When you're a nigger and communist jews are reporting the news you can assault elderly white people and it's just a "fight." And when you kill the responding officer the jews will just make the headline sound like he spontaneously died, or there was some kind of accident.

Can you imagine if a white guy beat up elderly black people and murdered a black cop?

In a sane world the headline would be: "Ape attacks elderly couple and kills cop."

When you're a nigger and communist jews are reporting the news you can assault elderly white people and it's just a "fight." And when you kill the responding officer the jews will just make the headline sound like he spontaneously died, or there was some kind of accident. Can you imagine if a white guy beat up elderly black people and murdered a black cop? In a sane world the headline would be: "Ape attacks elderly couple and kills cop."

(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts

cop, afraid to shoot a nigger, gets stomped to death

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Exhibit A: I posted a comment the day of Chauvin's verdict that we are going to start seeing a lot more cops dying due to their hesitancy to shoot niggers.

[–] 4 pts

Faggot sheeple too afraid to stand up and demand death penalty for feral nigger murderer, news at 11.

[–] 6 pts

This is similar wording as "so and so shot dead" as if the gun shot someone. Based on the headline, I already assume the cop was murdered by a nigger.

jews love transference, or put another way, deflecting blame to abstract entities.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

This won't get worldwide attention.

[–] 3 pts

This is so horrific.

Here's what happened to the elderly couple: https://www.delmarvanow.com/story/news/local/delaware/2021/04/27/delmar-police-officer-keith-heacook-randon-wilerson-delaware-assault-court-records-franklin/7395735002/

If you're moved to help them, here is the go fund me set up by the humane society where they both volunteer to walk the shelter dogs every week: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/support-for-steve-and-judy?fbclid=IwAR16qsXi6T12ftj68bzxVBnsfLTCdaX_NZA_C7O8V82-SF2lJODzw8__2qs

[–] 2 pts

How much you want to bet that nigger was out on some kind of bail, parole, dropped charges, or some other jew fuckery?

[–] 0 pt

How much you want to bet that nigger was out on some kind of bail, parole, dropped charges, or some other jew fuckery?

Ahhhh, so others are starting to get it.

We point the finger of blame at almost everyone, and almost everyone deserves it- the police, the politicians, the actual criminal savages themselves, stupid victims who actively facilitate their own doom: all of these deserve blame. But if you trace the route of the problem, it always goes back to the criminal himself... but what's next?

THE COURTS. Remember the nigger who got blown away after he stole the cop's taser and tried to zap him with it? The one that sparked the Kenosha riots. That nigger (I can never recall his name) was 27 years old. He had been charged and convicted of dozens of crimes, and he was sentenced to a total of 31 years prison time. He was 27 years old, but he spent those 27 years in one long crime spree, briefly interrupted with little stints in jail/prison.

Some judges, or a parole panel, sat down with this nigger. They went over his rap sheet, his extensive history of savage behavior, including extreme violence, resisting arrest, and so on. He had had around 100 encounters with the police. AND THESE ASSHOLES MADE A DECISION- "We're going to give him a 72nd chance to pull himself together and behave." Not even a few months later, the nigger gets drunk, drives to Wendy's and passes out in the drive-thru. Police show up, he wakes up and chimps out, not wanting to go back to prison, so he fights the police and gets shot to death. AND THEN A MASSIVE RIOT BEGINS.

And what happens to the people who let this clearly dangerous nigger "slip through the cracks of the system"? Fucking nothing. The vast majority, we're talking over 3/4 of people who get killed by police are on parole, probation, or have a warrant; these are probably what motivates the retarded decision to try and fight the police, because they know they're going back to prison.

My point is, the courts are out of control. JUDGES specifically are fucking untouchable, and they are ALL corrupt- they wouldn't be allowed into their positions if they weren't bought or blackmailed or just part of the club already. And they are never held accountable for making absurd decisions like this. The fucking morons who allowed that nigger out of prison when he still had another like 22 years to serve HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. THEY ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RIOTS, ALL THE DEATHS/INJURIES/DAMAGES THAT RESULTED FROM UNLEASHING A CLEAR MENACE BACK INTO SOCIETY.

If judges ever had to face any kind of consequences for their rulings, they might fucking think a little more carefully before they send a convicted murderer back into society. The police are fantastic at catching and killing rogue Tyrones- but that doesn't mean much if some kike judge just lets them right back out a few weeks after they fucking stabbed someone or robbed a store at gunpoint. Can you imagine how frustrating it is as a cop in a city, wrestling and arresting a savage Tyrone, putting him away while submitting video evidence that should put this fucker away for 7+ years.... and then 3 weeks later, that cop pulls over a stolen car, and look who it is: Tyrone! The restraint a cop needs to have to not just shoot the fucker right there is superhuman.

Fucking clown world courts need to be reminded of what justice is.

[–] 2 pts

Can someone please archive this?

[–] 1 pt

dems 3 whyt debbils atak dat blak man an he wuz minin he own bidness

[–] 1 pt

So how come blacks aren't held to the same standard ethically as Whites? Are they just simply stupid and inferior?

[–] 3 pts

You are either new here or not quite ready for that conversation.

[–] 1 pt

I was being facetious. New here but not new to black privilege.

[–] 1 pt

So how come blacks aren't held to the same standard ethically as Whites?

Because half of the entire population of negroes would have to be put in jail and the other half made unemployable.

[–] 0 pt

No one EXPECTS better from them, it's just ho-hum business as usual.

[–] 1 pt

"If we focus on the cop's photos, we don't have to post the niggers mug shot!"

[–] 1 pt

Not a single description of the perp.

[–] 0 pt

Delware huh? That place sounds like a real jungle. Glad my kids don't have to go to school there.

[–] 0 pt

The headline is wacked, but the article did say viciously attacked. Usatoday is a junk rag anyway.

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