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[–] 9 pts

I have zero tolerance for pedophile apologists. Do not try to apologize for this fucking monster. I am the founder of this site. I don't often throw my weight around but on this one I will. Fucking a six year old and saying she asked for it? How much more of a fucking monster can you be?

This is nothing like being forced to read a fucking book. NOTHING. This is rape of a fucking child.

Make an apology for this again and you are done. I accept all free speech EXCEPT pedophilia(clearly defined in the TOS) and this is seriously skirting that line.

There is NO excuse for raping kids it is not like any other crime it is not the same as anything else if you think it is then your mind is warped and you need help.

This type of argument is exactly why that dude got shot. There is nothing worse than raping a kid.

[–] 2 pts

Remind me not to piss you off

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt (edited )

A few months prior to the end of Voat, I recall a similar argument taking place about free speech and pedophilic content. The issue was raised because a certain subverse owner had been posting what he called 'loli' content. None of it featured nudity, but it did feature photographs of young girls with sexualized post titles.

I was of the mind that the subverse should be eliminated and the creator banned. There were various free speech arguments made, some better than others. I say this as a preface to highlight that I don't require any convincing where it regards banning pro-pedophilic content.

However, I don't believe that what ReformingBoomer did here was to defend a pedophile - even hypothetically. Hear me out.

99.99999% of the users here are confidently aboard the anti-pedophilia train. That being the case, then we can assume the abhorrence of the act depicted in the OP, which prompted the victim's father's actions, is just an established fact. It goes without saying for virtually everyone here.

So, if we are being charitable, ReformingBoomer's commentary on this situation should be given the benefit of the doubt, namely, that he is proceeding from that point of agreement.

As I see it, he is confronting an important talking point in these situations that is frequently raised by Leftist liberals, which also makes it a talking point that we ought to be able to handle with discourse. We begrudge the Left constantly for avoiding discourse, so it follows that we ought to be able to confront their points about this issue of consent in head-on fashion.

So we stipulate that a child cannot give legal consent. Okay. But the point levied by liberals is not equivalent to legal consent. To say that a victim of rape derived pleasure from the episode is not the same thing as saying that consent was given. I will vilify the political Left all day long for trying to muddy these conversations. I think it is vile. But it seems that what they are essentially trying to do is highlight the obsolescence of the entire concept of consent, given what they think is legitimate evidence that minors can derive pleasure from these acts. In other words, the child lacks the cognitive maturity to formulate legal concepts coherently, but the fact they can enjoy sex means that the idea of consent no longer 'works'.

Can we confront this argument? I am certain we can, but it does at least require that we acknowledge the possibility that a child can experience pleasure from such a heinous action by an adult (the criminal nature of which we have no disagreement about).

The way we can understand this is by simply realizing that this phenomenon is not coupled to age. It is true for women of all ages, and there is a perfectly natural explanation. For most of human history, people did not live in civil society. We can imagine that instances of rape were very, very frequent, and furthermore, that some marauding group of invaders didn't apply their in-group morals to the persons they conquered. This means they probably forced themselves on 'whatever was available' without discriminating across age ranges.

With the threat of that kind of trauma present in everyday life, it only makes sense that the female anatomy and psychology would have evolved faculties to cope with such trauma, i.e. to make a disgusting, painful and traumatizing invasion into something they could survive without their psyche literally splintering.

Such a process is even thought to contribute to fetish formation today, where trauma, fear and insecurity become sexualized episodically to alleviate the mind and body of the stress they cause. In this sense, the pleasure derived from them becomes the mind-body's semblance of control over an otherwise out-of-control situation - a way to get through something by mitigating its awfulness by just this much.

Now, what ReformingBoomer is pointing out with the Angelou book is how this coping phenomenon is being harmfully portrayed in 20th century feminist literature. Basically, a woman is confusing her pleasure for a sign about the moral status of the act that was done to her. I think he was pointing out that these representations magnify the confusion in the minds of young women who read her work and begin to rethink what their own sexual pleasure means.

The net effect of Angelou's mistake is to convince young girls to judge the moral character of sexual scenarios based solely on whether they feature any good feelings. Well, it's possible that any kind of sexual touch, wanted or not, could generate some erotic feelings. That's kind of the straightforward function of those tissues.

But since we have thought about this situation and confronted it, we now have a counterargument: there is a clear case for pleasure being decoupled from consent, and from 'wanting something'.

If we'd just refused to acknowledge uncomfortable aspects of a broadly uncomfortable fact of life, we'd have no choice but to dodge their talking points.

I'm not saying this to be a little shit, but from the moment I first arrived at Poal and cast my first and only downvote, I have seen it expressed relentlessly that the correct way to disagree here is via argument/debate.

To me, what happened in this thread had a lot more to do with you catching Boomer's comment too soon after reading the OP. I know when I first caught this post yesterday afternoon, my blood was boiling. It was probably the case that Boomer's post was just a little too situated in the cognitive approach while, at that exact moment, your headspace was hijacked by righteous fury. I know that mine was as well.

[–] 0 pt

You should tag boobs in this explanation I think it sums it up exactly unless I’m not seeing something.

[–] 0 pt

I think it was a direct reply to his comment. I might have messed that up though.

[–] 0 pt

There's nothing to talk about.

OP made the apology of pedophilia by claiming that a 6 year-old child was tricked into wanting to have sex with a pedophile.

Poal has a zero tolerance regarding pedophilia (and their apologists).

So keep trying to find excuses to justify that and you'll be handled the same way.

Case closed.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

OP made the apology of pedophilia by claiming that a 6 year-old child was tricked into wanting to have sex with a pedophile.

How is saying a child was tricked NOT saying it is STILL a very bad thing?

Imagine somebody offered narcotics to children. They put them in pretty packages and told the kids fancy lies about what these things were and what they did to you. Maybe they tell the kids that the drugs are magic food, or something.

It's perfectly possible that, operating under the lie, a child could want those drugs - because they don't understand what it even is that they're wanting.

If I made that point, I would NOT be apologizing for the adult drug dealer's behavior. He or she is still scum.

>So keep trying to find excuses to justify that

And now you're beginning to encroach on me with the false accusation. Read any of my comments in this thread. I am, and always will be, an enemy of pedophiles. Do not start accusing me of trying to justify it. That's an abject lie.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

A lot of people are confused by your remarks on this issue. I recommend a succinct clarification.

Simply clarify that this is your site, and you are deciding what is and isn't a fact regardless of any actual logical thought process, as is your privilege as site owner.

If people realize that you're not so much thinking as you are giving in to emotions, they'll have a much easier time understanding what's going on and why you're commenting as you are as an admin.

[–] 0 pt

OP made the apology of pedophilia by claiming that a 6 year-old child was tricked into wanting to have sex with a pedophile.

Didn’t happen. Case closed.

Jews trick white people to kill each other. Suddenly, that previous sentence is jewish apology. Great logic dude.

[–] 0 pt

I'm not apologizing for the dead pedo, please learn how to read. Look at my first sentence, and then the second, and then get back to me.

You're the founder of this site? And you just lit me up in a Reddit-tier hot take that splattered egg all over your face?

I won't ask for an apology, but it'd look good if you gave one.

[–] 3 pts

You really want to fuck with the owner over

Reminds me that millions of Americans have been forced to read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and in that book Maya Angelou contends that she was raped by a paedo and she wanted more. Maybe it's true, maybe she made it up, but it certainly exposed impressionable youth to the idea that paedo perversion is OK.

Your words not mine.

[–] 0 pt

I don't know who you are. I do know that you are misrepresenting what I said, and then doubling down on your mistake.

If you are the owner then this is pretty low on your part as not only did you do a hot take and get burned, but now you're trying to do a personal Big Tech "flex" on me to cover your own mistake. As I recall, one of the heads of Reddit (Spez) stooped to similar techniques, and if Poal is going to become Reddit then what is the point of it?

Literally nothing in my post defends the dead pedo in the story, or pedo trash in general. My comment about the degenerate book by Maya Angelou is an observation that if we don't want more pedos abusing kids--and we don't--then we need to stop them from being created in the first place via leftist indoctrination.

[–] 0 pt

Do not try to apologize for this fucking monster

I just dont think that is what happened at all. At all.

Most of the people here naturally want to shut down any slippery slope thinking leading to the normalizing of this shit. I certainly do. But I did not see @reformingboomer apologizing for the pedophile at all.

He didn’t say being molested is like reading a book! He said that the process of manufacturing consent or normalizing perversion in malleable children is similar.

You should reread that comment!

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on here. Boomer clearly shows how pedos groom their victims. And how some try to make it out to not be so bad by using books. I think the other poster definitely misunderstood what he was saying. Anyway, hang all pedos.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

yeah i will hang my head out of the window here a little:

our society is based on the concept of developing ones personality before using mind-altering experiences like drugs or sex.

So no matter if the girl likes it or not, it is just wrong to have her/it/him experience sexual pleasure before maturity because if we allow it, our Society crumbles to nothing

Yeah, i am an uncaring bastard, but i guess thats what it boils down to. Sex or drugs before the mind has fully developed creates stupid selfish individuals that cannot contribute to society in the way an interstellar humanity needs it...

i think age of consent should be 21 at least, so people arent drawn to each other just through their hormones, but have the necessary maturity and experience to withstand their natural urges.