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[–] -1 pt

He didn't touch anyone, "beat the shit out of", shut up with that nonsense. He threw a fit, flipped over a table, and used a flail to whack a table. Oooo big tough guy sure showed those kikes.

How long was it after that till he was tortured to death? Two days?

This is embarrassing. You are literally saying Jesus "beat the shit out of people", when there is absolutely zero basis for this. Doesn't say that in the Bible. No historical accounts of this violence. Only in your head.

But, let's strip away the myths and fog of time, and look at Jesus as he truly was- a revolutionary man. Charismatic, he developed a new form of religion based on John the Baptist's bizarre rituals, and gained a following quite rapidly. Eventually, they marched on Jerusalem. In the Bible, there's a hint of this- when arriving in Jerusalem, Jesus ordered his followers to sell their cloaks, and use the money to buy SWORDS. They were preparing for a fight. They began rabble-rousing.

The kike priests were worried about this, because Jesus's movement threatened their power structure, so they sought help in dealing with this brewing rebellion from the Romans, specifically Pontius Pilate. Romans were notoriously brutal on potential rebellions, so with the help of traitors among Jesus's followers, he was identified and captured. Then he was tortured to death in a very public fashion, and crucified as an example: "This is what happens when you challenge kike/Roman rule." Decades later, the legend of Jesus remained, and through the mists of time he became the legendary figure we know today.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The Romans saw what Christianity truly was, an ideology of decadence birthed out of a schism in Judaism.

[–] 0 pt

Christianity preaches love of the other, just like leftism. It uses White people's love of noble values against us.

[–] 1 pt

Matthew 10:34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

[–] 0 pt

I'm pretty sure it says to reserve your hate for the Wicked, especially about those who lead children astray being better off having a rock tied around their neck and thrown in the waters.

This whole thread of yours screams millenial reject.

And yes, Jesus did get physical - you can quit your rather extended kvetching about it.

He "drove out" the people from the temple. He didnt "yell at them until they left" - he got upset, like a human being, and did some things.

But hey, lets hear more r/atheism circa 2009 from you even though you couldnt be bothered to do a simple google search to confirm your sperg out before you typed it down below.

[–] 0 pt

But, let's strip away the myths and fog of time, and look at Jesus as he truly was

It's possible he didn't even exist (youtube.com).

[–] 1 pt

I've considered that frequently. Btw, that speaker looks remarkably jewish. Look at that 'fro.

I do believe Jesus existed, and he was just a revolutionary. He failed, and his friends, scattered to the winds, wrote stories about him. They embellished and exaggerated. They were bitter, so they wrote as if they had already won.

Then like 200 years later, some Europeans scrapped all of these writings together, made who knows what changes (most people couldn't read at the time, so the original scriptures may be entirely lost and nobody would know except King James and his people) to the writings.

I'll never understand how people trust the Bible so implicitly. It's full of contradictions and bizarre nonsense. It's literally a fan-fiction sequel to the kike's Old Testament. If that was indeed the word of God, it should be plain, easy for ANY to understand. But no- it's been almost 2000 years since the Bible as we know it today was made, and people are still trying to figure it out. One Christian can read a verse and take an entirely different meaning than another individual who read the same passage.

Finally, the religion of Christianity has become inexorably warped by the European Renaissance. A lot of nonsense came to be, such as the typical appearance of an angel being an attractive man/woman with beautiful white wings. That's not what angels look like... this is what angels look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gGJY9rsuiM

One Christian can read a verse and take an entirely different meaning than another individual who read the same passage.

Songs arent real!

One person can hear a song and it meams something specific to them, then another person hears the same song and it means a totally different thing!

Its a fucking jewish scam goys!

You subjective little cunt.

If you could hear yourself talk from outside yourself, even you'd agree you sound fucking retarded.

But no- it's been almost 2000 years since the Bible as we know it today was made, and people are still trying to figure it out.

Because its not a fucking car repair manual you tard.

Its a recipe for your life and your soul - part of it is a historical account, and part of it is instruction, and the rest is up to you.

[–] 0 pt

Btw, that speaker looks remarkably jewish. Look at that 'fro.

Don't care if he is or he isn't (though the fro looks like a perm to me) if his argument is sound. He's not the only one to make these arguments, see for example, Ken Humphreys (jesusneverexisted.com). The record for a historical Jesus is essentially nil, and relies on pure mythological texts like the gospels.

I do believe Jesus existed, and he was just a revolutionary.

I believe there were multiple preachers and cults from that time that could have fit the mold in various aspects, such as the "Sons of Light" that kept the Dead Sea Scrolls. But "Jesus" was a constructed figure.

So many ivy league universities have attempted takedowns of world religions as historical fable and they always conclude Jesus was a real person who existed in our timeline.

[–] 0 pt

So many ivy league universities have attempted takedowns of world religions as historical fable and they always conclude Jesus was a real person who existed in our timeline.

That's not an argument. That's a handwave. I could do the same -- so many apologists have attempted to prop of the historical Jesus myth, but they have all ultimately failed.

[–] 0 pt

used a flail to whack a table

I've never seen that before. How do you figure?

[–] 1 pt

You're right! Seems that's another myth that sprung up, probably out of Hollywood. Here's the exact passage where OP says Jesus "beat the shit" out of people (there's like 5 versions of this, because it's from the Bible, but I'll pick the simplest one):

Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.

So he just flipped some tables over and made a sick burn. And this is how ridiculous the Bible can be, this is what came next:

The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching

So the onlookers who saw this amazing act of flipping over a table and saying "it is written", the crowd was awed, floored even, and they all immediately wanted to join Jesus. So the kike priests were like "Time to kill this guy".

It fits my theory about Jesus just being a revolutionary perfectly. A man threatening the status quo, charismatic enough to gain a following, and then start making unrest during a kike holiday in their holiest city. It's so obvious, this kind of shit has happened in history so many times- just a few individuals (such as Jesus or the Muhammad) were active at the right time and place for mythology to form around them. Christianity is the result of a failed rebellion. Islam is the result of a warlord who was so dominant, he was able to conquer and convince his region (using a lot of kike methods, no less) that he was divine, and then the myth built from there.

So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

No. Its in there.

What do you think "drove out" means as it was written then?

You are reading an old book translated several times through the eyes of a millenial and then pretending to understand because you recognize the printed words.

[–] 0 pt

I never quoted passages. Don't bear false witness.