No idea what happens to guns turned in in a non-existent gun seizure, ginger mohammed larper.
Also no idea what ppl are conditioned to think about fake brown foreign gingers while watching the electric jew. What's to be afraid of anyway? Worst case scenario is I get my stay in clown world shortened, but most likely scenario is nothing happens including a commisar showing up and asking for my gun.
Most ppl that actually own guns fire them bud, unless they were just hand me downs or they are eurocucks who just get dominated by every one around them. Also nice job picking the one nation that was ever more dominated by edomites that the US or Britain.
Whatever you say, americuck. Real White People will have you shot for cowardice once they have to either repel your refugee ass at the border or if they decide on a lark to go nigger-hunting and accidentally rescue you.
"You did not fight? Because you were afraid? Because you had things to lose? How sad. Please stand against the wall."
Nice little projection you have going on there my ginger muhommed larper. You ran away to the only country more dominated by them than us, where you're not allowed guns and you're fantasizing about linning up your own to save them I guess lol. Whatever was a funny conversation for a while but now it just feels gay and larpisj or something so I'm out. Enjoy you're delusions of saving whites by killing them for not fighting in a war that neither you nor anyone else is fighting in.
Sure thing americuck. You are a broken and defeated people, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tel Aviv, and everyone around the world but you knows it.
You people really can't even taste the jew cock in your mouths anymore, can you?
(post is archived)