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[–] [deleted] 3 pts

>watches netflix
>being this gay

Come on, man

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I rejoice. I am unaware of this Netflix propaganda.

[–] 0 pt

the government butchered people at WACO and sill people believe they kind ,benevolent and are there to help you out? Just pulled a Covid hoax stole an election false flag riot to impeach a president and people watch their OWN choice of news networks LOL.... and think they are informed ...LOL

[–] 0 pt

Federal Faggots. Takes real men to burn down a building full of children. But they got their money and silk suits, so it's ok.

[–] [deleted] -2 pt

Branch (((David)))ians.

Never forget. Those Race-Traitors worshiped a (((Jew))). If your God belongs in an oven, so do you. You have been warned.

Heil Odin!

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Odin was a Hebrew, dummy

[–] 0 pt

Please explain this to me

I don't know it yet. Just kinda assume it at this point.

[–] 0 pt

Putting the word "jew" in parentheses.

There are people here who forget that a Jew is a (((Jew))).

[–] 0 pt
  1. does the jew thing of accusing Jesus of being a jew

  2. uses it to dismiss the death of innocents.

Master Foo is a fed and a faggot in need of gassing.

  1. (((Jesus))) was a (((Jew))). What are you? Some kind of (((Black Israelite)))?
  2. (((innocents))).

Go back to (((Israel))) (((race-traitor))).

Remember, you are White. Remember, your people are White. Remember, your Gods are White.

Heil Odin!

[–] -3 pt

Those people CHOSE to follow a false god. This sometimes happens as a consequence.

[–] 11 pts

That is what they will say of you when you are lined up by the Muzzies and shot... Or the communists and shot. Just so you know.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I'm aware of that. I accept it. I was fooled the FIRST time. Won't happen again. I CHOSE this time. I think I made the RIGHT choice this time. NOT the popular choice "they" WANT me to make, but then, I don't fear them, I fear God. TRUE God.

Execution (happened mANY times before) isn't so bad when YOU made the CHOICE and YOU STICK with it. THEY will ultimately be PAYING the PRICE of that.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

That isn't justification for the government's actions.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Not sure this was INTENDED. Thinking this WAS flammables igniting accidently or by INSIDE choices (inside the house). NOT the government planning to torch the place WITH women and children inside.

beside BLAMO! Mess with the beast you get the horns. NOT the precision surgical operation you'd EXPECT (delusional). Perfection and precision are CONCEPTS not goats and largely unachievable.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I think you are retarded.

[–] 0 pt

You know as well as I do that the truth about that whole situation has never and probably will never be told. You don't really know what they followed or believed. We only "know" what we were told!

Like when we were told, by the same people, that guys with box cutters took control of planes, ran them into buildings, fire from jet fuel and office paper melted the steal in the buildings and made them fall straight down! Plus a whole bunch of other stuff about that day.

You believe every word of it? Of course not! You know better! So just because those same lying turds tell you that these people had strange beliefs and worshipped some weird god you are going to believe them Now?

[–] 1 pt

Yes I know that. PROBABLY a clusterfuck I think. DUMBASSES in those command positions since they are NEVER called on to DO this sort of thing in REALITY. STANDARD government PR ensues (PLAYBOOK). What would YOU do? buck the routine and get FIRED? See how evil works?

I don't totally believe anything from anybody that I have vetted as being as smart (or smarter) as I am (Not many), AND not evil (actually READ the Bible).

[–] 0 pt

Including the children?

[–] 0 pt

Yep. God's will. SANCTION he calls it. EVERYBODY and pets and livestock and crops (livelyhood/fortunes). BLAMO. ALL for "just" following a FALSE god (money, celebrity, pop culture, liberalism) ALL "know" BETTER than the Bible in THEIR minds.

[–] 0 pt

Hmmm so your god supports burning children alive for decisions that were not their own...whatever god you are following might be named "satan". Perhaps you are practicing judaism?

[–] 0 pt

I don't have strong feelings about Waco either. The cult leader definitely deserved to be roasted alive and probably many of the adults there as well, but the children didn't deserve that.

The satanic cult leader was knocking up married men's wives and their children as well. Satanic evil demon is what he was. Who's to say that if the the fire didn't happen, it would of ended up like Jonestown?

Some of the survivors who left early are still brainwashed to this day believing what that idiot brainwashed them with.

[–] 1 pt

I don't have strong feelings about Waco either. The cult leader


definitely deserved to be roasted alive

proof he deserved it?

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

I don't get the stories either. HOW they got lured into thinking HE was a leader who had SEX with them and their children (?) and husbands just looking on. I mean, are people THIS stupid in large numbers? Are these the "poor" we "shower" with AID (taxpayer dollars)?

I have so many disappointments to factor into my worldview since childhood. REALITY disappointments.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I was looking it up and I saw at an article saying the Branch Davidian Cult is still around. Couple of the people have "bible study" in Waco still. It's a 7th Day Adventist cult. They believe the coming of Christ is about to happen. Anyways, those people thought David Koresh was the Messiah. Most of the survivors are still brainwashed. I was reading about one survivor who wrote a book on it, Clive Doyle. His wife and daughters died in the fire. Koresh had sex with both his daughters who were teenagers. Koresh took Doyle's 14 year old daughter as a wife. Doyle had no problems with it. The articles say that Koresh had like 20 something kids from knocking up other men's wives and their daughters and other women.