Met one of those yesterday. It's a never ending stream of language with these people.
It's my own brother and he's been this way for years. Got a colleague who's the same.
Those two would get along great, i bet.
I only ask that guy for advice if I absolutely have to because I know I'll be tied up in a meandering, one-sided conversation for minutes when a one sentence answer would have sufficed.
In Germany we have a proverb. "If they die, you'll still have to beat their mouths to death."
I understand Foghorn Leghorn better each passing day.
"Yappity, yappity, yap I can't get a word in edge ways, talk, talk, talk"
Met one of those yesterday. It's a never ending stream of language with these people.
It's my own brother and he's been this way for years. Got a colleague who's the same.
Those two would get along great, i bet.
I only ask that guy for advice if I absolutely have to because I know I'll be tied up in a meandering, one-sided conversation for minutes when a one sentence answer would have sufficed.
In Germany we have a proverb. "If they die, you'll still have to beat their mouths to death."
I understand Foghorn Leghorn better each passing day.
"Yappity, yappity, yap I can't get a word in edge ways, talk, talk, talk"