I tried to pay an invoice with cash, “my bank is 3 hours away, I don’t take cash. I take PayPal”. I deleted PayPal for a reason and I’m not going to get a new account because you don’t want to get a bank account in your current town. It’s bullshit. They can do a mobile deposit with a check, but they wouldn’t take the check while I was in the office trying to pay in cash, so I stuffed it in their mailbox when the business was closed. I will pay with cash, check or debit card, but not a payment application. They wouldn’t send an e-invoice because that would incur processing charges, they only wanted me to use PayPal “pay a friend” which requires you to have an account. Now they can do a mobile deposit, also free.
I did some digging into my issue, apparently guest payments have to be activated and/or you can't have used an email address that you've used before.
So I created "<paypalsucksdick@mydomain.com>" and tried that, still won't do it. Apparently this merchant doesn't have guest payments turned on, or his shitty storefront with the time set Alaska Standard isn't set up well.