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Took the day off to relax, and every activity relying upon humans was a parade of fucktardery.

Went to a wings place for lunch. Who doesn't like wings? Ordered a Yuengling. "What's that?" asked the waitress. I point at the menu and repeat myself. "Y-yi-ok the weird beer" says the waitress. Whatever, I dont need her to be able to pronounce it. Waitress comes back about ten minutes later. Apparently they're out. No big deal, I order something else. Another ten minutes go by. Waitress comes back. Tard sense tingles. "We're out of that too." Repeat until I discover they're out of 7 of their 11 draft beers, so they have light OR light. That'll be a no, I'll stick with water. The water I ordered FORTY MINUTES ago and still havent seen. Thankfully my spouse is a dear and lets me share or I'd go thirsty.

Buddy orders a sandwich. Sandwich arrives with the toppings missing. "They fell off onto the floor" says the waitress Slow-blink. At this point we're committed to finding out how retarded this establishment is. Waitress shows up ten minutes later with new ones so he can assemble his own sad-wich.

My wings finally arrive. I visit the bathroom to wash my hands before eating. The soap dispenser appears to have been smashed at some indeterminate point and left unrepaired. Heckin gross. I try to flag down the waitress to pay so I can bounce. She's disappeared into Narnia. The manager is watching the clusterfuck unfold and does nothing. We chuck some cash on the table and leave.

Whatever, sometimes you encounter a retarded restaurant and never come back.

I go running for a couple hours on the beach and then finish a book. Goes great, because I'm not reliant upon any other humans.

Spouse suggests we get cocktails and a snack at an italian place tonight. Cool, I've worked up an appetite. Specialty cocktails on the menu? Why not? They're out of bourbon. Um...ok? Order a salad. "We're out of tomatoes". AT AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT. How many people in the restaurant industry have been fucking their cousin for this level of ineptitude? Order a flatbread pizza. Surely they can manage to dump cheese on dough. They burn it. My fucktard meter is now up to eleven. Eff it, I want to leave and go home to wine and a bag of chips because at least inbred restaurant flunkies cant screw that up.

Took the day off to relax, and every activity relying upon humans was a parade of fucktardery. Went to a wings place for lunch. Who doesn't like wings? Ordered a Yuengling. "What's that?" asked the waitress. I point at the menu and repeat myself. "Y-yi-ok the weird beer" says the waitress. Whatever, I dont need her to be able to pronounce it. Waitress comes back about ten minutes later. Apparently they're out. No big deal, I order something else. Another ten minutes go by. Waitress comes back. Tard sense tingles. "We're out of that too." Repeat until I discover they're out of 7 of their 11 draft beers, so they have light OR light. That'll be a no, I'll stick with water. The water I ordered FORTY MINUTES ago and still havent seen. Thankfully my spouse is a dear and lets me share or I'd go thirsty. Buddy orders a sandwich. Sandwich arrives with the toppings missing. "They fell off onto the floor" says the waitress Slow-blink. At this point we're committed to finding out how retarded this establishment is. Waitress shows up ten minutes later with new ones so he can assemble his own sad-wich. My wings finally arrive. I visit the bathroom to wash my hands before eating. The soap dispenser appears to have been smashed at some indeterminate point and left unrepaired. Heckin gross. I try to flag down the waitress to pay so I can bounce. She's disappeared into Narnia. The manager is watching the clusterfuck unfold and does nothing. We chuck some cash on the table and leave. Whatever, sometimes you encounter a retarded restaurant and never come back. I go running for a couple hours on the beach and then finish a book. Goes great, because I'm not reliant upon any other humans. Spouse suggests we get cocktails and a snack at an italian place tonight. Cool, I've worked up an appetite. Specialty cocktails on the menu? Why not? They're out of bourbon. Um...ok? Order a salad. "We're out of tomatoes". AT AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT. How many people in the restaurant industry have been fucking their cousin for this level of ineptitude? Order a flatbread pizza. Surely they can manage to dump cheese on dough. They burn it. My fucktard meter is now up to eleven. Eff it, I want to leave and go home to wine and a bag of chips *because at least inbred restaurant flunkies cant screw that up*.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Many moons ago, when I used to go out for food and the occasional drink, I ordered a Yuengling. The waitress looked shocked and asked me if I asked for a ding uh ling. Smh. All this in a restaurant just across the Pennsylvania state line. (Where Ying is made.) My dining experience kinda went smoothly, tho. But I don't eat out anymore, if I can help it

[–] 3 pts

It wasn't that long ago that it had limited distribution outside of PA. It wasn't available in Ohio, for example, and we're right next door.

[–] 2 pts

still has limited distribution. I cant get it here unless I order from a bevmo or similar.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, they didn't stray far from home.

[–] 3 pts

It's not something I order often, but when the options are limited at least it's not woke troonshine.

[–] 4 pts

I don't drink at all anymore, but last I heard it's still family owned.

[–] 2 pts

I used to patronize a local pub that served Yuengling on tap. If you asked for a lager, that's what you got. It was the default selection.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 2 pts

Welcome to Fuck Joe Biden's America, where nothing works and no one gives a fuck.

[–] 2 pts

There appears to be a ever-increasing cognitive decline in society. Something about technology and being distanced from natural reality. I think there was a mathematics prof that wrote about it.

[–] 2 pts

It's called niggers and single mothers. Both contribute to the dumbing down of America.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, I think I remember him, name was Ted or Fred, last name something polish sounding, nice chap lived in a cabin not far from here... haven't seen him in a while hope hes doing ok.

[–] 1 pt

It's getting to the point where I'd have been better off telling them to sit the fuck down, I'll take my own order, pour my own drinks, and wait on my own table you inbred cousin-fuckers.

[–] 1 pt

And your order would have been correct and timely. Bonus - you can give yourself a generous tip.

Plus no niggers touching your food

[–] 2 pts

Every Day is Fucktard Day in Clownworld™

[–] 2 pts (edited )

oh ffs. I am patient but I would have just walked out after 15 minutes of that bullshit. You only have so many days to live. Fuck waiting around for some bullshit like that. I used to be one to just be like "well they are busy" but that level of fail is just not acceptable.

At some point you just drop $20 on the table and gtfo. I am amazed you put up with it past the "toppings fell off". I would have left that minute.

Fuck - Read the rest of it. At that point I would just try to find the local grocery and make a cold sandwich.

[–] 2 pts

There a huge I don't give a fuck everywhere about everything. Businesses have to accept shitty employees and shitty vendors because there isn't much option to replace them.

[–] 1 pt

Where did you go? It sounds like a shithole and let me guess, the waitress was either a nigress, a shitskin or a spic.

[–] 1 pt

Every day not out in the country is fucktard day

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for the chuckle!

[–] 1 pt

Running for a couple hours? Are you training for anything?

[–] 2 pts

Vigorous exercise is a good way to chill out so you dont end up in a news article about flipping your shit and chucking a menu at someone.

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