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I went to a neurologist, and he told me i had migraines and not a tumor issue, than he prescribed me some kind of migraine medications i refuse to take. This makes no sense to me, since i never had an MRI done, i told him about the history of cancer and how i had a tumor, and that the pain im getting is from the same site as the old one. I also explained that i have vertigo, and sleep issues. He just said it was migraines and prescribed away. Think i need a new neuro

I went to a neurologist, and he told me i had migraines and not a tumor issue, than he prescribed me some kind of migraine medications i refuse to take. This makes no sense to me, since i never had an MRI done, i told him about the history of cancer and how i had a tumor, and that the pain im getting is from the same site as the old one. I also explained that i have vertigo, and sleep issues. He just said it was migraines and prescribed away. Think i need a new neuro

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts

You definitely need a new neurologist. That med sounds scarey.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

i know im looking for one now, my symptoms dont even match what you would find in a migraine

[–] 0 pt

If out of options you can try what I did for immediate help.

go to ER (military hospital so refused MRI since I'm not active duty) refused to leave till transfer to another facility was offered had to exaggerate my symptoms once at new facility also claimed religion/race as judaism/jewish (this is a literal hack in the system) MRI, cat scan, 12 vials of blood given & over 80 tests done in 36 hours by a team of doctors have a surgery done within 8 hours of final test

Godspeed, mate.

[–] 4 pts

fuck that guy


[–] 2 pts

You are ALWAYS entitled to a second opinion, definitely go see another one. My sister had similar issues - was put on migraine meds and ended up having a stroke at 17. Apparently it's a known "side effect" of some migraine meds. If the pill is blue, avoid it like the plague. There's also a tiny white pill that's just as bad. I don't remember the names (this was like 12-15 years ago now).

Anyway the point of this story is that when she had the stroke they finally did an MRI and stuff and it turns out she has a tumor on her optic nerve (inoperable). They left it alone for 10 years and gave her some meds but it's so big now that she has no relief whatsoever to they are giving her some new laser focused radiotherapy thing.

I have had similar experiences with medical "professionals" (was told I had growing pains from 9-17, turned out it was juvenile arthritis. Was told I had fibromyalgia at 24, turned out it was a genetic disorder that makes my tendons and other soft tissue very loose causing hyperflexibility and dislocations, not to mention the pain I was feeling that I went to the doctor for in the first place).

I was a paramedic... and now I have very little faith in medicine at all.

Ehler Danlos?

[–] 1 pt

Yep, the hyperflexible type.

Stay well and as healthy as possible- avoid the vax at all costs.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Look at his nose and look at his name. That's really all you need to do... oh and he has to be White.

A male White. Females are too sensitive and aren't fit for serious endeavors. They function only as nurses or caregivers in the medical field. Also, they are 100% useless as leaders or military. Leave your unit if you have women in it. You're not safe.

You said you had a tumor resected then you said your brother had one. Be glad you don't have a brain tumor and get on with your life. CT scan would show a mass if it were there; where are your medical records you can show them to this doctor and he can do real follow up.

[–] 0 pt

Definitely get a second opinion.

Gotta stand up for youself with medicos. Not confrontational, but not meek either.

im looking at my options. Luckily i have very very good insurance so i can look around. Plus the fuckers billed me like 400$ for the favor

[–] 0 pt

If he smells like curry, you better be worried.

[–] 0 pt

Lemme guess... you went to the VA?

[–] 0 pt

Similar situation happened to my father. He had plugged ears, nose and was losing weight so started with an ear, nose throat doctor. Faggot prescribed him some bullshit.

Turned out he had a cancerous tumor in his sinus cavity and it wasn't found until it was too late.

R.I.P. dad, fuck medic merchants.

Good luck niggerfaggot.

[–] 0 pt

Was the med Imitrex?

Amytryptiline. I cant think of a single thing either online or from other people that is good about the med. They had given it to me years ago for some other reason i took it ONCE, and it felt like i had been roofied

[–] 1 pt

I think that's an older antidepressant.

Sometimes prescribed for migraines. Cheaper than newer stuff.

I'd avoid heavy duty meds (as you seem to be).

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

i just wanted the damn MRI to know if i need another resection or not, but their first goto was to prescribe me meds. Annoyed me to no end

old school used off label for everything just about. Docs like to perscribe psych meds and anticonvulsants for off label use for whatever they want to throw them at.

[–] 0 pt

My best friend had debilitating migraines. Would have to take shots sometimes that would knock him out. Ended up having an arachnid cyst on his brain.

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