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Been married 37 years now. Spouse still thinks voting makes a difference. Still thinks there is hope in America. Still watches Tucker and believes in muh ‘merica. We agree on a lot, but recently (last 3 years) I’ve seen a big separation on agreement politically. Maybe I’m the fucked up one, but he (yes, he) has always been an optimist. And no, it’s not a gay marriage. I’m a female. But this evening, he was so vitriolic about how negative I am. Said some things to me that, as I type this, makes cry. So hurtful. We are traditional, but damn. Wake up man.

Been married 37 years now. Spouse still thinks voting makes a difference. Still thinks there is hope in America. Still watches Tucker and believes in muh ‘merica. We agree on a lot, but recently (last 3 years) I’ve seen a big separation on agreement politically. Maybe I’m the fucked up one, but he (yes, he) has always been an optimist. And no, it’s not a gay marriage. I’m a female. But this evening, he was so vitriolic about how negative I am. Said some things to me that, as I type this, makes cry. So hurtful. We are traditional, but damn. Wake up man.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

Just let it go. We are all fucked, no sense ruining a marridge over it.

[–] 5 pts

Thank you. It won’t ruin our marriage. We’ve been through some fucked up real shit over our time together. It’s just that we normally agree on so much, but he’s so damned pollyanna at times, it’s hard to connect now on what is happening in this new world. I fear for the future and the little, comparatively, time we have left. Makes me feel lonely and sad.

[–] 4 pts

Throw out the TV (at least turn off the news) and get off social media. It’s amazing how quickly you forget that politicians even exist when you’re not constantly putting them in your own face.

I don’t think that everyone should be willfully ignorant but if you’ve been married 37 years then you’re likely old enough that you won’t be fighting in the revolution. Just live your life and be happy, if politics is the only wedge you’re experiencing then it’s easy enough to make it nonexistent

[–] 0 pt

Fighting doesn't have to be physical. Many other ways to fight.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

(UK) I can tune to this. However I got my knowledge by deliberate curious effort, it was upsetting though relatively fast to find much of it. However, Spouse is gathering information, changed opinions, by a more organic method, very slow, for me scary slow, but it started soon after the pandemic began, and has not stopped.We are just going at different speeds, and very different routes. It took a year for her to WANT to stop buying a (propaganda DS) newspaper. Is still an active political party member, with good intentions. Some of our friends are still asleep. Spouse is now saying of the politics activities, meetings, '(they are in) it is a different World'. I try to keep in mind, and sometimes have said, that when she knows what I know, she will think the same. She is at her limits of speed, I think of timescales, but I think it will be ok as things move forward. My need is for faith, patience, courage wisdom. I am learning. It can get lonely, although we have actually got a bit closer lately than before it all began. In UK I suspect wake up times will include health issues because the national health service NHS has been such a strong central aspect of nearly everyone's lives. I was one of the strongest supporters. Now it is going going gone and has mostly force jabbed the trusting masses. In UK we are not armed, I joke by saying if the UK riots, everyone forms an orderly queue to get a ticket. America is different, and bigger, and has a culture of freedom which is subsurface in UK. I focus on a future where Spouse and I will more fluently share common ground. She may be prompted when new technology appears (energy, flight, medical?) but we have to yet continue a path to GET there. God be with you both, and with us all

[–] 1 pt

> I am learning. It can get lonely>>

This is where I am. Waiting for him to catch up is odd. He’s anyways been way ahead of the curve than me, but the state of the world is different.

I don’t envy you being in the UK, but I think America is following in their footsteps and it’s not good.

[–] 2 pts

Hundred percent correct answer.

[–] 1 pt

spellcheck my man, no worries but it's marriage