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Been married 37 years now. Spouse still thinks voting makes a difference. Still thinks there is hope in America. Still watches Tucker and believes in muh ‘merica. We agree on a lot, but recently (last 3 years) I’ve seen a big separation on agreement politically. Maybe I’m the fucked up one, but he (yes, he) has always been an optimist. And no, it’s not a gay marriage. I’m a female. But this evening, he was so vitriolic about how negative I am. Said some things to me that, as I type this, makes cry. So hurtful. We are traditional, but damn. Wake up man.

Been married 37 years now. Spouse still thinks voting makes a difference. Still thinks there is hope in America. Still watches Tucker and believes in muh ‘merica. We agree on a lot, but recently (last 3 years) I’ve seen a big separation on agreement politically. Maybe I’m the fucked up one, but he (yes, he) has always been an optimist. And no, it’s not a gay marriage. I’m a female. But this evening, he was so vitriolic about how negative I am. Said some things to me that, as I type this, makes cry. So hurtful. We are traditional, but damn. Wake up man.

(post is archived)

[–] 13 pts

One way to go is to move past the blackpill to the whitepill. Everything will collapse, but the sooner that happens the sooner the world will be remade in all the traditional ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLNu-A1VmSo

[–] 9 pts (edited )

Kind of long, I know, but I put some thought in this one.

"We defy augury. There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all." - Hamlet

The country is polarized into two camps that represent complete opposite ends of the spectrum. One has already shown a willingness to use deadly force and the threat of deadly force to get what it wants. The other side has been holding back, abiding by the law, and hoping that their faith in "the system" would be rewarded. They just got kicked in the teeth. No matter how this all turns out, the country will have been changed irrevocably.

There is no universal law that says the United States of America must continue as a nation now and forevermore. Historically speaking, 240 years or so is not a bad run for a republic, as these things go. I fear that it has gone beyond a "fixer-upper". It's looking more and more like a "tear-down" every day now. The point is, you have to accept that the old nation is done, and start thinking and planning how to begin building anew.

Tibetan religious tradition has it that when the Dalai Lama dies, the Buddha of Compassion leaves his body and incarnates in the body of a young child. The monks immediately go out in search of this blessed child, and when they find him – as they inevitably do – he is tested by a group of high lamas and enthroned as the direct reincarnation of his predecessor.

Imagine, however, if the lamas refused to recognize that the Dalai Lama was, in fact, dead. Suppose that instead of going in search of the Buddha’s new carnal home, they hooked the corpse up to a life support machine and waited patiently for the Holy One to awake and rise up. It’s not hard to see that they would be doomed to disappointment, and furthermore, would fail to find the next Dalai Lama as well.

This is precisely our dilemma today, for America, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is dead. By every measure, large and small, the original vision of limited government by, for and of the people has been folded, spindled and mutilated beyond recognition. When one reads the Constitution, one simply marvels at the distinct difference between its words and our present reality.

America is dead. Let us go, then, and find her.

[–] 5 pts

I am 100% on your wavelength. Very very good analogy. We'll make it!

[–] 5 pts

This was excellent, thank you for sharing such an insightful comment.

[–] 3 pts

Nicely said and That is also readily apparent more or less for all the Western Nations today.

[–] 2 pts

I put some thought in this one.

It shows. One of the very best internet comments I've had the good fortune to encounter. Thanks.

[–] 2 pts

Nice song, but can't really get behind listening to a band like this:

Invited by U.S. President Barack Obama, the band played on the White House South Lawn on July 4, 2010, for the second annual "Salute to the Military" United Service Organizations concert as part of Independence Day celebrations, which Flowers described as a "monumental honor".131 Despite their hiatus, the band got together to play "Human", "Somebody Told Me", "Mr. Brightside", "A Dustland Fairytale", "God Bless America/Read My Mind" and "When You Were Young".132 Flowers, Keuning and Stoermer also played at a campaign rally on July 8, 2010, in Nevada for Obama and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who was up for re-election. The Killers played an acoustic version of "Read My Mind" and did a folksy rendition of the state song, "Home Means Nevada".133 In February 2011, Flowers had a private lunch with Mitt Romney during Romney's visit to the Republican Party convention in Nevada.134 In 2012, the band remained neutral in the election.135 In 2015, Flowers performed a folksy rendition of the state song, "Home Means Nevada" for Obama and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid at the National Clean Energy Summit.136 In 2017 the band wrote a letter opposing development on the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.137 "Land of the Free" references a number of political issues, including immigration, gun control, and police killings of African Americans.138

[–] 2 pts

Ummm post in the wrong place bot?

[–] 1 pt

WTF are you talking about? I suppose you didn't click the link and watch the video of the song that business_route posted by the killers? Thats what my response was, and yeah there were a bunch of posts in between the video and my response cuz I can't post but every 10 mins or some stupid shit because of this label given to me.

[–] 1 pt

yeah but don't listen to the song for what (((they))) want you to hear, but for what it inspires in you... we're a dying breed, but we will live

[–] 1 pt

I like that song, Are We Humus Or Are We Dancers

[–] 1 pt

I don't think I'm hummus, I'm also not much of a dancers

[–] 1 pt

Thank you.

[–] 6 pts

It's very hard to hold both blackpill and whitepill in your hands. Many of us face similar circumstances. Keep trying and keep moving toward the eventual new reality.

[–] 4 pts

It’s tough. Grateful to not be in the boat alone, so to speak.

[–] 1 pt

It's hard to hold the dissonance at bay sometimes.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

We’re all moving to living / enjoying life. While still continuing to be true and not be an apathetic accessory to evil.

[–] 0 pt

How the fuck will it be remade into anything worthwhile among the hordes of shit skin trash?

[–] 0 pt

Some of the hordes of shit skin trash have a gift when it comes to murdering each others on an industrial scale for little to no good reason, anything with a sub-saharian origin essentially

And it's only because authorities/the system hinder their efforts that the situation hasn't reached rwanda level already

If you leave them on their own they aren't going to build and maintain schools or anything, they aren't civilization builders, never have been


During a true SHTF scenario, society will be divided in 2 camps; the civilized and the rest. The so called rest needs the civilized to provide for them, not the other way around

[–] 0 pt

They will all die first

[–] 1 pt

No, they reproduce much faster than they kill each other

[–] 6 pts

Just let it go. We are all fucked, no sense ruining a marridge over it.

[–] 5 pts

Thank you. It won’t ruin our marriage. We’ve been through some fucked up real shit over our time together. It’s just that we normally agree on so much, but he’s so damned pollyanna at times, it’s hard to connect now on what is happening in this new world. I fear for the future and the little, comparatively, time we have left. Makes me feel lonely and sad.

[–] 4 pts

Throw out the TV (at least turn off the news) and get off social media. It’s amazing how quickly you forget that politicians even exist when you’re not constantly putting them in your own face.

I don’t think that everyone should be willfully ignorant but if you’ve been married 37 years then you’re likely old enough that you won’t be fighting in the revolution. Just live your life and be happy, if politics is the only wedge you’re experiencing then it’s easy enough to make it nonexistent

[–] 0 pt

Fighting doesn't have to be physical. Many other ways to fight.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

(UK) I can tune to this. However I got my knowledge by deliberate curious effort, it was upsetting though relatively fast to find much of it. However, Spouse is gathering information, changed opinions, by a more organic method, very slow, for me scary slow, but it started soon after the pandemic began, and has not stopped.We are just going at different speeds, and very different routes. It took a year for her to WANT to stop buying a (propaganda DS) newspaper. Is still an active political party member, with good intentions. Some of our friends are still asleep. Spouse is now saying of the politics activities, meetings, '(they are in) it is a different World'. I try to keep in mind, and sometimes have said, that when she knows what I know, she will think the same. She is at her limits of speed, I think of timescales, but I think it will be ok as things move forward. My need is for faith, patience, courage wisdom. I am learning. It can get lonely, although we have actually got a bit closer lately than before it all began. In UK I suspect wake up times will include health issues because the national health service NHS has been such a strong central aspect of nearly everyone's lives. I was one of the strongest supporters. Now it is going going gone and has mostly force jabbed the trusting masses. In UK we are not armed, I joke by saying if the UK riots, everyone forms an orderly queue to get a ticket. America is different, and bigger, and has a culture of freedom which is subsurface in UK. I focus on a future where Spouse and I will more fluently share common ground. She may be prompted when new technology appears (energy, flight, medical?) but we have to yet continue a path to GET there. God be with you both, and with us all

[–] 1 pt

> I am learning. It can get lonely>>

This is where I am. Waiting for him to catch up is odd. He’s anyways been way ahead of the curve than me, but the state of the world is different.

I don’t envy you being in the UK, but I think America is following in their footsteps and it’s not good.

[–] 2 pts

Hundred percent correct answer.

[–] 1 pt

spellcheck my man, no worries but it's marriage

[–] 5 pts

The "hate" or rather anger, he threw at you, has its roots in his pain

You didn't deserve it of course, it blew at your face, you're some sort of collateral casualty in that story

Over the years, I got a lot of flack from people I tried to inform, for their own good, for our own good, and this includes close relatives

And I wondered "why?"

And I came to the conclusion that, all those people had hope, plans, for the future, and "you" come in and you tell them it's not going to happen, it's over it's fucked there's no future as it is, and it's going to be hell... If we do nothing about it...

So "you" essentially come in and trample all of his hopes and dreams for a better future

Expect anger and denial

On top of that, when one acknowledges that there's indeed a serious problem... Something has to be done about the said problem then, and most just don't want to get there...


So here's my suggestion; let it go, you know where this is going, soon or later you'll be proven right (at least that's what you believe and probably rightly so IMO, but that's just my opinion, what do I know for sure?). You don't bring the topic on the table anymore, no need to twist the knife any further it won't bring any good for you and your couple.

And if you're right well there's a point at which it's going to be undeniable, even him will have to face it, and "come to terms"

In the meantime, I'm certain you both are some sort of preppers, so prepare, it will certainly come handy in due time...

[–] 1 pt

Sage advice. Thank you. We are indeed preparing.

[–] 4 pts

The real blackpill is that you are too far through the wall to do anything about it.

[–] 2 pts

This is disturbing and sad. Not saying it’s not true, but damn, contributes to my sadness.

[–] 3 pts

The most White thing that you might do is to acknowledge the possibility that anything you do is fruitless. But still grow a garden, go to church, help neighbors, barter for goods/services, etc.

[–] 2 pts

Then perhaps direct your energy and skepticism into something you feel is productive that he can help you with and see you are serious and not just going to bitch for the hell of it?

[–] 4 pts

I came to the conclusion long ago that ignorance is bliss. I’ve been ranting about the systemic corruption, deep state, jews, blah blah blah for what feels like forever. And then I had an epitome: so I really want my wife and daughters to shoulder the burden that I carry? Knowing the truth has made me a grumpy and downright angry motherfucker, and I don’t want that for my wife and kids. I’m jaded and blackpilled and it has affected my relationship with my wife, kids, and the rest of the family…

Sorry you have to carry that burden, but if your spouse isn’t ready for it then back off. Turn off the TV, stop coming to poal and work on your marriage instead of worrying about things you can’t change. This shit will still be here when you come back.

[–] 1 pt

You basically posted the comment I was gonna make, saved me some time

[–] 4 pts

Don't argue about it, it's not worth it, my wife and I are different but get along fine.

[–] 4 pts

Agreed, not worth it. Tried to apologize. Got yelled at in return. 🤷🏼‍♀️

[–] 4 pts

You mention 'lonely,' yeah that's why we are here talking to likeminded folk lol.

But in the future you will be vindicated, needed, affirmed.

[–] 3 pts

You need to apologize to your husband for being so negative and combative. You think you know more than him because you're blackpilled and that's a problem.

Here are some verses from the Bible that may help you:



I would really rather not receive a reply from you. God bless you and help you discern what's right.

[–] 3 pts

I apologized almost immediately. Several times. Specifically for my negativity. I received nothing but vitriol in return. That’s when I stopped and left him alone. Ball is in his court.

[–] 3 pts

Get outside and do something... Learn to sail or something. Grow pot and make hash brownies and buy some hammocks. Quit worrying about all that stupid shit.

[–] 0 pt

I like you Ho-Lee-Fuk. I have a hammock and I’ve grown pot. Getting ready to plant garlic. Thanks for the reply.

[–] 1 pt

You can always work together to buy the Bitcoin bottom in the next few months. That will be an adventure you can do together... And good luck with the garlic!

[–] 3 pts

Damn that's a tough one when a couple grows apart, especially after so many years. Relationships are all about compromise though and sometimes taking the high road is the right course. But you do have to live with yourself so...

Sincerest best wishes that you two can come to an understanding that you can both live with.

[–] 1 pt

Only you can fix your own blackpill. For me getting past it was asking what I was willing to do about it. B/c that was less than it would take to fix the situation I simply let it bother me less.

[–] 3 pts

Ugh. I’ve done this so much in life. Let it go. This, too, shall pass, I suppose, but FUUUUCK!!!!

[–] 2 pts

I'm not saying that. I'm asking what you're willing to do about it. If the answer falls short of a solution then the reality it's only you letting your conscience torture yourself. Marriage isn't perfect and you took a vow. ATM ur behavior is ocd. I should know. I specialize in being an OCD fuckwit myself on occasion.

[–] 1 pt

We are about the same age and gender. I see some of the men in my life, in the past few years leaning toward stoicism. Once you pass a certain line of bad, more bad is wasted time and effort to react to. I guess. Just my .000001 cents I just pay attention to everything and keep on prepping.

[–] 2 pts

I, too, keep on prepping and paying attention. Thank you, PWY.

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