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And now everyone is getting fired anyways because of the shit economy. Never give these fucks an inch

And now everyone is getting fired anyways because of the shit economy. Never give these fucks an inch

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts

I haven't taken the Covid vax, and I will never get another vaccination as long as I live (which will be longer than many young people who took the vax).

[–] 0 pt

Same here and same for my young sons. Gp keeps sending me automated txt for the boys early teen std/ cancer immunization shot. Nope not happening. Tbh, if i knew back when they were born what i know now, i would'nt had given them any.

[–] 5 pts

I was told to get a shot for work, asked them to give me that request in writing, was never mentioned again.

[–] 4 pts

Same. Wrote out religious exemption prose validated by counsel as a response to the 'demand' as well.

[–] 2 pts

And they're supposedly voting for who did it.

[–] 2 pts

Yup. They can shit can you for any and no reason, with no notice, severance, or reference. But you have to be completely flexible even with being a participant in medical experiments apparently.

[–] 2 pts

According to my work I took the vax. I lied. I absolute lied. Anybody who demanded I get vaxed is an enemy, and so I am happy to lie.

[–] 2 pts

As long as the jab vial id on your faux card matches the location it was actually sent to, they'll never know yours is fake. Just an FYI to anybody who has to fake it.

[–] 1 pt

My local friends and coworkers were kind enough to post their cards on FB.

[–] 1 pt

My boss was kind enough to send our entire team a pdf of the front and back of his.

[–] 1 pt

What do we have, here

We have each others, whether we love each others or not is irrelevant

We have a daily active user base made of what? 40 people?

What can 40 people do, online. They can click on shits, that's something everybody can do regardless of their background

Now can it be turned into cash that's the question, because who cares about getting fired when you can rely on a side hustle to provide for your vital needs?

I'm not talking about getting rich, I'm talking about generating enough margin to be able to afford non-participation when necessary, for a prolonged period of time eventually, having the financial means to be able to tell them to fuck off without fearing professional/financial consequences, without feeling like you have no choice because you have a knife on your throat

Something for us

Lots of people got cornered into a catch22, you take the shot or you get fired, both ways you lose and you lose some

[–] 1 pt

Nope not even 0.00001 of an inch will I move. Imperial or metric my fellow Jesus lover?

[–] 1 pt

Lest we forget. Never forget! Network with your kind of people, stick with your people. Poal is great but can't replace your real-world need for community. If you know someone who knows someone, you'll never be out on your ass.

[–] 0 pt

Once upon a time there was this giant generation called the "boomers" who dominated the work force. Back in those days a company could "hire a person", of which there were many, to solve their problems. Now-a-days the boomers have begun to settle into their retired years, shrinking the labor force. Lazy employers are no longer able to "hire a person, and will be forced to come up with new solutions.

Eventually there will be so few workers that our corporate lords/ladies realize they must treat employees with respect or have no business at all.

We're not there yet. It's going to be a long road, but maybe not forAmazon. (engadget.com)

[–] 0 pt

Pureblood still.