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The guy was a complete nigger, turned him in, his behavior was severe and he's going to jail for 20+ years. Can't go into super big details but still. My mom on the other hand, is seething and telling me i should have just live and let live, and stopped when i was ahead. Since I also get restitution for damages, my mom is absolutely hating me right now, and told me i should just settle down, count my losses, and let this nigger continue to rob and embezzle money that doesn't belong to others, because it's not my place to tell him off. As far as she is concerned, I have to care more for the feelings of some criminal nigger, over the damage he has done to multiple lives. I want to forgive this woman and try to understand her, but sometimes she makes no sense, why in the heck would you champion criminal behavior at the expense of the innocent?

The guy was a complete nigger, turned him in, his behavior was severe and he's going to jail for 20+ years. Can't go into super big details but still. My mom on the other hand, is seething and telling me i should have just live and let live, and stopped when i was ahead. Since I also get restitution for damages, my mom is absolutely hating me right now, and told me i should just settle down, count my losses, and let this nigger continue to rob and embezzle money that doesn't belong to others, because it's not my place to tell him off. As far as she is concerned, I have to care more for the feelings of some criminal nigger, over the damage he has done to multiple lives. I want to forgive this woman and try to understand her, but sometimes she makes no sense, why in the heck would you champion criminal behavior at the expense of the innocent?

(post is archived)

[–] 12 pts (edited )

I believe you did the best thing. As for your mom, she could be afraid of BLM showing up and destroying everything they can get their destructive hands on, or possible retaliation against you.

[–] [deleted] 11 pts

To an extent that's it, she even mentions as much, but that mentality is what gives these assholes power. It's this limp wristed, NIMBY crap which lets. criminal niggers get away with nigger behavior in the first place

[–] 4 pts (edited )

I wholeheartedly agree and they don't deserve to get away with crimes.

[–] 1 pt

“that mentality is what gives these assholes power”

Yep. You’d think a mother would be proud to have a son who isn’t a pussy..

Did your mom also vote for Biden?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

she voted for whoever you want her to, she's as wishy washy as they come. Im sure when the money comes back my way, my mom will be first in line begging for a handout

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Yes, that being said, ALWAYS consider what your mom says, regardless of whether you fully agree with what is said or not. To consider (an opinion/advice) is not to agree, that's two different things

Prepare for confrontation, retaliation attempts, just in case. Think of the possible scenarios and prepare yourself and your environment accordingly, again just in case

Never underestimate the fucking retards when it comes to sheer stupidity

[–] 1 pt

Or giving in to woke culture

[–] 8 pts

Niggers wish Whites dead and cried when Rittenhouse was acquitted and celebrate when OJ was found not guilty etc... fuck niggers. Good job.

[–] 8 pts

Do the crime, do the time. Anything less is racism.

[–] 4 pts

You're going to have to nigger pill your ma

[–] 3 pts

I understand WHY women do this from an evolutionary biology perspective, but it still manages to infuriate me.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

this nigger would happily kill and rape her, but she has sympathy for this asshole. Drives me nuts

[–] 1 pt

>I understand WHY women do this from an evolutionary biology perspective

I'm interested to hear your theory, because I still don't get it.

[–] 3 pts

They are hardwired to care for useless, helpless creatures.

Works well if they have a baby, not so much for anything else.

[–] 0 pt

They're also programmed to desire "winners". Evolutionarily speaking, someone who takes from others without consequence is a "winner", they have resources where others do not. For half a century, niggers have been unassailable crybullies, cementing them as "quality" in the eyes of the simpleminded.

[–] 1 pt

They are also highly susceptible to group-think. Our primitive ancestors succeeded because of division of labor. When game was scarce hunting would become a solitary activity; group hunting is only good for large herd animals, not squirrels and deer. Women would always operate in a group for safety. This worked because chattering women and screaming children moving through the forest would sound like a monster to any predators, and one does not need stealth gather nuts and berries.

[–] 1 pt

Makes sense, that's some good insight.

Honesty if I heard a mob of chattering women and screaming children approach, I would run away faster than any predators.

[–] 1 pt (edited )


Just doubled back to answer this, sorry for the late response. Here is my take:

The female nervous system is hard wired raising infants up to about the age of 5 or 7. This hard wiring forces them to focus in on their partner during courtship and prepares her for all the changes her body (including her brain) will go through during child birth. The hard wiring forces them to focus in on them selves and the newborn almost exclusively and relegates the importance of her partner to third tier status as virtually all of her attention has her focus her and her childs survival.

If we keep in mind that in our species pregnant women and women with very young babies are incredibly vulnerable and would have difficulty surviving without support of her husband, family and tribe during the late stages of the pregnancy and early childbirth because of our dietary requirements, we can also notice that females in our species are highly motivated to have in group preference and are highly territorial with respect to out group members.

Have you ever been in a situation where a woman with a child of some young age is agitated and you are the outgroup male member and she percieves you as a threat and just goes nuts? I think probably a lot of us have been in something like this situation. Well, she isn't crazy. Her nervous system is forcing her into firing up the panic and fight or flight subsystems in order to ward off the perceived danger. She is not even in control, it's the subystems in the back of her head percieving the danger and forcing her into that mode. This is why women will often say and do things that look crazy to us because they are not connected to any sort of logic of problem solving, when in reality, it is their child rearing / in group preference survival mechanism firing up. It is also why women with young children will often act with extreme selfishness because their nervous system is programmed to assume that they are always in the vacinity of the ingroup and the ingroup should be helping her raise her newborns.

Anyway, once a child reaches ages of 7 and up (or there about) the father takes over the raising and training of the kids. The female wiring is still there and still directs the female toward nurturing but it is more of a generalize supportive role. I can't tell you how many time I have heard women look at their husband and sons and see infinite detail and infinite amounts of things that need to be taken care of in order for the sons and husbands to be taken care of and sent off on a trip or something in safety with the right amount of resources. Of course, the husband and sons would be fine just the world would be messier and less organized but their nervous system cannot stop absorbing huge amounts of finite detail because that is the wiring still at work that was required to raise infants. I just saw this phenomenon the other week at a friends house.

As part of that general process where the wiring is still in place but perhaps her family doesn't need her as much in the later days of development, sometimes the wiring misfires and a females radar for things to empathize starts to extend beyond her immediate family further out into her extende family, friends and even beyond. The empathy radar will eventually find someone they percieve needs saving and they start to fixate on that and it can be physically painful for her to cut the newly formed bond she percieves exist.

This is WHY it is incredibly dangerous why white men leaving their dominance roles in society to outside organizations is extremely dangerous. Instead of this dominance role always guiding the females empathy radar back to her own family and maybe extended family it can now be directed further outward by and accidentally lock on our enemies. If we had proper male leadership in our civilization, the male leadership would ALWAYS be labeling and pointing out the out groups as our enemies, and as long as a female does not see the out group as an enemy her nervous system will percieve them as an extended member of the ingroup and potentially fixate on them. As well, our womens nervous systems are perpetually under auditory and visual stimuli that specifically targets their nervous systems visually and auditorially to guide them toward out group preference, which they did not have before.

Apologies for the kind of messy brain dump. I need to expand and categorize that properly so that it is easier to understand. Usually I just say "our white women have huge hearts and enormous souls that need to save everyone" to kind of capture what is going on. It is part of our womens beauty and why they are such a treasure that it hurts to seem them afford our enemies their need to mother and care for them, but it isn't meant to hurt us. The above reasons are why they do it.

As I see it.

What do you think?

[–] 0 pt

This is very well written and makes a lot of sense, opened my mind to a lot of things. Thank you for taking your time to write such an extensive response.

You should definitely make it into a post so more people see it, maybe in /s/Psychology?

[–] 1 pt

Is this the same nigger that was giving out terrible financial advice?

That's the guy, not just terrible, financially wreckless advice

[–] 1 pt

Well he gets what he fucking deserves. Your mom's just giving in to her nurturing instincts for some reason.

[–] 1 pt

Are you 15 ? Grow a pair

[–] 1 pt

Restitution? From a nigger? You can’t pay for shit with a copy of a judgement.

In this case the restitution comes from a secondary source that is not said nigger, due the funding pool he stole from

[–] 1 pt

Please explain to her that The survival of Civilization on Earth depends on ENDING the 'obama' minority rule laws, that Allow blacks to kill and rape and steal at will and not be punished.

[–] 1 pt

Tell your mom she is a nigger lover and has zero right to resect from a white man

[–] 1 pt

Sounds like you did everything right (short of goodifying the nigger, which we can't know was warranted or not). Logic is not the female forté.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

In his case he embezzled a shit ton of cash and decided to use it to go gambling, to the tunes of millions across multipe clients. The firm in question did virtually fuck all about him, and only realized he was a problem when i noticed very large discrepancies in behaviors and accounts. What makes the case special was the nature of his status, and the location which made a lot of people shit their pants

[–] 3 pts

Fuck that nigger. If your mom doesn't understand what he was doing, then she doesn't understand that this is beyond "live and let live." She can safely take that stance because it wasn't her money and as a result, it's just a show like what she watches on TV.

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