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He didn't know how to respond so he left and went to his room. His brain could not comprehend how the PNW(Pacific North West) has more guns, and less restrictions with virtually no homicide crime, whilst NJ and NYC have more gun restrictions and invasive gun laws, but also way more gun crimes (and niggers, but we didnt touch that). He also refused to acknowledge that less gun homicides does not equal less murders, as we see in Britain, instead focussing only on gun crimes and ignoring the other variants. Essentially he got mad that the propaganda and lies he's been fed caused a cognitive dissonance error in his brain

He didn't know how to respond so he left and went to his room. His brain could not comprehend how the PNW(Pacific North West) has more guns, and less restrictions with virtually no homicide crime, whilst NJ and NYC have more gun restrictions and invasive gun laws, but also way more gun crimes (and niggers, but we didnt touch that). He also refused to acknowledge that less gun homicides does not equal less murders, as we see in Britain, instead focussing only on gun crimes and ignoring the other variants. Essentially he got mad that the propaganda and lies he's been fed caused a cognitive dissonance error in his brain

(post is archived)

[–] 15 pts

Now show him the percentage of niggers in both areas. We don't need gun control, we need nigger control.

[–] 3 pts

LOL. Precisely. How many school shootings were there prior to the 1950s where every family had guns? Yup, niggers.

[–] 7 pts

Tell him it's niggers

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

and spics

[–] 3 pts

yep, but mostly niggers

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Honestly, the truth as I see it is that a whole bunch of American born Hispanics are just fine and sufficiently conservative/right wing.

Born and bred in Texas here. The ones I know hate the illegal invasion as much or more than any of us. Now, I’m talking typically 2nd generation at least. But I even have a good friend who immigrated legally, served in our military honorably, and still has a thick accent. Super good, conservative dude.

I also believe that a lot more brown people voted for Trump than the media will admit. I know literally a shit ton of them.

Black people, on the other hand.. I know a few who “get it”, but they are few and far between.

[–] 0 pt

It's like 70% niggers 30% taco niggers. Taco niggers are definitely a plague on their own. It's just that they're overshadowed by the nigger plague.

You have spiggers... spic niggers that exist.

[–] 2 pts

Try to explain constitutional carry to him and that once Florida passes it in the near future that will be 26 states that allow a CC without a permit.

[–] 1 pt

I hope so. I refuse to sit in a classroom while some roastie drones on and on about 'SAFETY FIRST!' all day, and have to pay $250 just to get a piece of paper.

[–] 2 pts

Show him new Hampshire where we don't even need a license to carry one compared to chiraq

It's a good thing that you didn't delve into the reasons of why if he shut down like that with basic info.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

Demographics yes, but also population density. If you see 10 people a day or 500 the numbers change quickly.

[–] 0 pt

Once you adjust to per capita, and compare mid-sized cities, it's obvious it's still a nigger problem.

[–] 1 pt

That’s a good way to engage w leftists, because they either admit gun control doesn’t work, or that demographics matter because blacks are disproportionately violent. Win win

[–] 1 pt

Wait until he learns about 13/53

[–] 1 pt

Another fun one for you. Wyoming has more guns than people. The last time I checked was in the mid 2k's. 11 guns for every person in the state.

[–] 2 pts

Montana and Wyoming famously have no laws for gun sales beyond whatever the federal legislation is, everything else was removed for private sales. Montana also has (or had) an automatic detainment of all ATF/FBI agents in pursuit of gun laws. Wonder why Montana and Wyoming don't get any mass shootings ....

[–] 0 pt

I think you are going to need to remove that post. Dont need a bunch of people moving to those areas. Its nice because no one wants to live there.

[–] 0 pt

Nah man, the people who would do that from this info will be based and good neighbors. None of that "California diaspora" and 3rd world immigration shit where they leave their shitholes and bring with them the dumbass liberal policies that turned their previous homes into shitholes in the first place.

I'll probably be moving from my liberal shithole in Canada to a red place in the US with a good friend and we're willing to fight as hard as we can to preserve your constitution. It's the shining beacon of hope to the world to those with souls.

[–] 0 pt

i'm impressed he got far enough to even entertain the idea of looking at any data you presented to him.

Normally wokists plug their ears to new information as a self preservation reflex.

let that big red pill sit with him, his mind has major reprograming to do. It also may or may not start to question everything else he has been told, and now all his sources of information that he built his entire world view on are so blatantly wrong, how can he be sure of anything anymore.

but that would be much to hope for.

A well armed white population is a law abiding population.

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