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So I have very few, but strict dating standards. The first is that you can not talk to more than one woman at a time. The second is that you should never date if the intention is to not get married. And the third is to look for someone rational and Christian. Not exactly exhaustive standards. But by today's standards and the places I go and look, there was a whomping 1 in over 1000 women who fit the bill. Going out with her in a few days so hopefully that goes well, but no words can describe the pain and torment that is Jews trying to destroy standards that were considered normal not even 20 years ago

So I have very few, but strict dating standards. The first is that you can not talk to more than one woman at a time. The second is that you should never date if the intention is to not get married. And the third is to look for someone rational and Christian. Not exactly exhaustive standards. But by today's standards and the places I go and look, there was a whomping 1 in over 1000 women who fit the bill. Going out with her in a few days so hopefully that goes well, but no words can describe the pain and torment that is Jews trying to destroy standards that were considered normal not even 20 years ago

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

The only thing I would tell you is drop the "you can not talk to more than one woman at a time" thing.. at least until you find one and become exclusive.

There are many reasons for this. One is because you will likely have to go through a number of them, weeding them out, before you find the right one. Well, that takes time. And time is a valuable commodity. If you have a date with Jane on Monday, Susie on Tuesday, Juanita on Wednesday (fuck you guys, I like latinas), Rebecca on Thurs, Christine on Friday... and you keep dating all of them until they drop off the map (either because you decide or they decide), then you'll be going through the "pile" faster. It's like the difference between using a cotton gin and picking cotton with your hands, dude. Which one is more efficient? Easy answer.

When one drops off, she is already replaced.

Dude, I was juggling 10 women at one time last year. I will admit, it was a bit difficult keeping all their names, details, interests, etc. straight. And I did make some mistakes in that regard. But it was worth it.

Another reason is because it keeps your confidence high and keeps you from getting too invested in any single one unless and until you are really impressed by her. The vast majority are going to fall off the map. It's just a matter of time. And if you only have one option at a time, that can subconsciously make you come across as desperate in ways that you don't even know or are aware of. Nip that shit in the bud because women can smell if you're not confident or if you're desperate - even if YOU can't. So don't even allow yourself the option of going there. Keep a line, and keep that line moving.

Online dating is the most efficient way, in my opinion. Often times, you can weed them out without having to to drive anywhere or spend any money. I shut a lot of shit down before we even got to the "let's meet up" part. All because I would ask the right questions beforehand and thus, not waste my time with anyone unworthy of it. Of the women who actually passed that test, they were the best dates I've ever been on in my life. When it finally came down to pick one and go for exclusivity, I had really good choices. Well, you can't be in that position if you only date one at a time. And now, a little over a year later, I am about to propose to a badass, gun loving, based, Trump loving, and SUPER FUCKING HOT woman. All because I did things the way that I did them. Well, and also because I'm fucking badass. Very few dudes can come out of a divorce like I did and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes within the same month. But I fucking did.

Full transparency: I used to have that same standard, and I was convinced to drop it by a female friend. You see, in March of '21 I became divorced. I hadn't dated in 8 years. So I had to get back in it and start all over. Dating multiples until landing solidly with one exclusively was THE WAY TO GO. Trust me, man.

Keep your other standards, just drop that one.

*Note that I'm not saying to two-time a woman in an exclusive relationship. Nor am I saying to sleep with these women. I am saying neither. I am saying that it's ok to date around until you find exclusivity...it's not just "ok", it's more efficient and thus, smarter.

[–] 2 pts

I am female and agree with you. I wanted to treat dating like a job interview process, platonically get to know men, and hopefully narrow down on a good one to date to maximize chances of finding a suitable mate.

Due to outside pressures I felt like it was immoral to speak with more than one prospect at a time and would end up wasting huge chunks of time trying to respect a single male I was trying to get to know better.

It was a very ineffective way of finding a partner and I wasted y e a r s.

I think people should aim for more than one prospect at a time as long as they aren't trying to fuck them all for the lulz and just try to make sure they're getting the best fit for them.

[–] 2 pts

Most people can not afford to go out with sub par women like that. You date girls you are interested in, not literally every girl who gives you the time of day. What a waste of time and money.

[–] 0 pt

Who said anything about “dating literally every girl who gives you the time of day”?

You clearly didn’t read the entire comment.

The entire purpose of that system is to avoid spending time on anyone not worth your time.

Hence why I suggest online dating. “Dating” is really the wrong word.. it’s more like online “sourcing.” You weed them out online before every investing any real time or effort on them. The ones who pass that test, then yeah meet up IRL and take it from there.

[–] 0 pt

90 day fiance actor?? Lmao

[–] 1 pt

Not following?

[–] 0 pt

It's a clownworld reality show where people have casual sex with multiple strangers usually just for money.