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Real houses are made of wood or steel and have exposed pipes and shit. Not this niggerish "hide everything behind the drywall" conspiracy!

Real houses are made of wood or steel and have exposed pipes and shit. Not this niggerish "hide everything behind the drywall" conspiracy!

(post is archived)

[–] 18 pts

So which part did you fuck up? The hanging or the taping? lol

[–] 14 pts


[–] 6 pts

You should have know taping drywall is not for the weak minded.

[–] 3 pts

Mesh tape, that paper shit is garbage. I still avoid sheetrock though, beaners can have that trade but I won't let a stranger in my home or be price gouged so I learned enough.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

mesh tape does not completely saturate dwall with compound. mesh is garbage. 'pretty good''doesn't cut it. is good or is not. use sheetrock all purpose dark green lid compound; it has adhesive in it; with paper tape. compound, tape, press and squeeze out. dry thoroughly then all purpose base coat. the paper absorbs the compound. all purpose dries hard. or you can tape with hotmud. then plus three is okay after base coat. you really need to pickup frame to prep for hanging. use glue and screws and glue and galvy roofing nails. you can use glue and nail for shimming if you know what you are doing. just don't pound the nail in all the way till the glue is dry. nails are god for joints and seams. use a small beveled edge hammer. any joint compund other than hot mud, all purpose, or plus 3 is useless garbage.

[–] 3 pts

Fuck, I did my bathroom a while back and it wasn't too bad. I'll head over and help out.

You have beer, right?

[–] 1 pt

Shit,thats the dunk part.give yourself a break,the skills will come,keep after it.

Taping is a motherfucker. I gotta had it to the wetbacks they can put up some drywall.

[–] 2 pts

The kind where you can see all the individual sheets and how they're oriented. Often they don't know enough like not to put a joint at a door or window corner. Have fun patching those little tiny cracks forever.

[–] 1 pt

Once you get it down it's easy. The learning curve is under an hour.

[–] 2 pts

I'm personally not a fan of the texturing part.

[–] 7 pts

The kike fears the sod dugout dweller.

[–] 5 pts

The dugout dweller fears the centipede

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

I have always hated the shit. They claim it is a fire resistant material but I say it is a shitty building material one step below the paper the japs use for their walls.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

And your suggestion to replace it would be....??

Wood, masonry, stones or any other traditional building material from before sheetrock.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

It's ironic that people are now putting french cleats over dry wall. Exposed wood? Cover that up! Ok, now let's put some exposed wood on it.

I just wish it was more durable. Over the life time of a house it is going to get hit, and become imperfect enough that you may even replace some when you want to resale, or take the hit. Or.. we could come up with a material that has some durability. It's like the builders and contractors are in cahoots to use materials that will inevitably need work.

Here is a list of alternatives: https://nimvo.com/10-types-of-drywall-alternatives-for-your-walls/
Every one of them is more durable. So if we add drywall to the list that is eleven. We are using the least durable of eleven choices as the most common wall? What are the odds?

[–] 3 pts

You haven't drywalled until you've hung double layer 5/8" lids in a 12' garage. Fire codes suck.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Getting flashbacks of helping my dad do this in the 90's. My mother and siblings all trying to hold up these sheets of drywall on ladders while my dad hung them. Lots of cursing, and "MY ARMS ARE TIRED, DAD!"

[–] 3 pts

Now you know why some of the house flippers on TV were always like 'lets do this wall with ship-lap'. I wonder if the trend in the 60s-70s with pop-corn ceilings was because it hid the imperfections of taping and mudding?

[–] 7 pts

hiding imperfections were exactly the reason why it was created.

[–] 2 pts

L2Renovate. It gets better with practice.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Lath and plaster, bitches. I think drywall is singlehandedly responsible for the increase in violence over the last 50 years. Why? Because you can hear all the noise your neighbors are making ten times better through drywall than plaster. It makes you angry. My last house was built in '64 and had drywall with about 1 inch of plaster over it. That shit was like a sound booth. I miss that part.

[–] 1 pt

texturing is weird

all UK walls are smooth

[–] 1 pt

Texturing comes from having 99% of drywall installed by beaners. It makes their poor craftsmanship a little harder to see. Takes a real pro to do smooth drywall walls and you can't see the joints or screw holes.

[–] 0 pt

That makes sense. A lot of older UK homes have minimal foundations so they all shift a bit and the ceilings develop hairline cracks, so in the 70's we used texturing (Artex) on the ceilings. It's a nightmare to get off. Yeh, plastering is a bit of an art and back breaking to do ceilings

[–] 1 pt

Unlike your bite.

[–] 2 pts

ah, a dentistry joke, yes, cosmetic dentists remained private so we never bothered much with braces etc and culturally, white teeth like Simon Cowell just look so freaky to us. Anything fake is seen as really an odd thing to do.

[–] 1 pt

Yea, it was a cheap shot. Thanks for the info. I always wondered why less dental work was done. In the US, dentistry can be such a racket that you need to be careful who you go to. Bad work issues aside, there are dentists that will search for anything they can call a cavity to fill, tooth to pull, or pain to "investigate".

I finally found a good dentist, on recommendation by a friend. I had some pain in my tooth and another cracked tooth (due to a bad filling years ago). They fixed the cracked tooth and looked at the painful tooth. Didn't find anything wrong with the painful tooth and instead of offering a root canal (like my previous dentist did) they explained how something in my jaw was swolled/out of whack and it would settle down in about a month. I was skeptical, but they were right. That saved me about $2,000 and a missed day of work.

[–] 1 pt

Watch some of those Vancouver Carpenter videos.

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