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My mother fell today and broker leg. She has dementia so that means she will not come back how she was before the fall. She was at the hospital, in the emergency room and i asked to see her. My dad was in there but we figured we could swap so there would be only one in at a time, because they are afraid of the fake fauci flu. Nope the jew niggers there said only one person from start to finish. So i wasnt allowed to say goodbye to my mother because of some shekel kike fake flu charge em list price bullshit. I hated bureaucratic doctors before. I cant see straight with my hate against them now.

My mother fell today and broker leg. She has dementia so that means she will not come back how she was before the fall. She was at the hospital, in the emergency room and i asked to see her. My dad was in there but we figured we could swap so there would be only one in at a time, because they are afraid of the fake fauci flu. Nope the jew niggers there said only one person from start to finish. So i wasnt allowed to say goodbye to my mother because of some shekel kike fake flu charge em list price bullshit. I hated bureaucratic doctors before. I cant see straight with my hate against them now.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Same with my 92 yo mom. Fell down the stairs, only my sister allowed at hosp, got out of hosp and was recovering slowly at my sisters (we all live far apart) then in Feb the idiots gave her the shot. She lasted a week, cremated, still in box at my sisters, still waiting to be buried next to dad at Arlington. At this rate she should just stay at my sisters. It was a Face-Time bedside death watch from 2000 miles away.

[–] 1 pt

Jesus this is way worse than my grandfather. At least he eventually got buried (not that we were allowed a funeral or to be there when it happened, so who even knows). This "pandemic" has fucked up our entire world. I'm so sorry man.

Did they count her as a covid death?

[–] 0 pt

No! It was heart failure. Go figure!