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My mother fell today and broker leg. She has dementia so that means she will not come back how she was before the fall. She was at the hospital, in the emergency room and i asked to see her. My dad was in there but we figured we could swap so there would be only one in at a time, because they are afraid of the fake fauci flu. Nope the jew niggers there said only one person from start to finish. So i wasnt allowed to say goodbye to my mother because of some shekel kike fake flu charge em list price bullshit. I hated bureaucratic doctors before. I cant see straight with my hate against them now.

My mother fell today and broker leg. She has dementia so that means she will not come back how she was before the fall. She was at the hospital, in the emergency room and i asked to see her. My dad was in there but we figured we could swap so there would be only one in at a time, because they are afraid of the fake fauci flu. Nope the jew niggers there said only one person from start to finish. So i wasnt allowed to say goodbye to my mother because of some shekel kike fake flu charge em list price bullshit. I hated bureaucratic doctors before. I cant see straight with my hate against them now.

(post is archived)

[–] 15 pts

I'm sorry. My grandmother had similar, fell and broke some bones and she had to go into full time care.

I wasn't able to attend her funeral for the same reason. You may have my hate for the shekelgrubbers to add to your own.

[–] 26 pts

You may have my hate for the shekelgrubbers to add to your own.

Count me in. Hospitals are supermarkets of death.

[–] 2 pts

They'll "care" you into death because every move they make is correct to them.

I once actually planned my escape because they were literally mis-treatment'ing me to death. I convinced them to let me have walks outside. I did one test run with my clothes under the gown. The next day was going to be the real run but that morning they let me go.

[–] [deleted] 14 pts

Next time don't ask permission. Just go in.

[–] 4 pts

Yeah. What a virgin obedient refrainer.

[–] 7 pts

I'm sorry mate, truly. I feel your pain. My grandpa died early in this farce (not of the rona, just died in his sleep) and we weren't even allowed to have a funeral. Couldn't even bury him for 2 months. They are fucking monsters, and I hope that every single fucktard who went along with this hoax rots in hell. Try talking to a lawyer, perhaps there is something they can do to help. I'm sorry man, fuck.

[–] 4 pts

But fentanyl Floyd had 3 or 4 funerals with mass gatherings there. But your grandpa wasn't a nigger

[–] 3 pts

So much fuck them all because of this. When vengeance day comes, do not forget these things brothers.

[–] 1 pt

and we weren't even allowed to have a funeral. Couldn't even bury him for 2 months.

What the fuck, did they atleast cremate him or did they seriously not give you his body for two months?

[–] 2 pts

Same with my 92 yo mom. Fell down the stairs, only my sister allowed at hosp, got out of hosp and was recovering slowly at my sisters (we all live far apart) then in Feb the idiots gave her the shot. She lasted a week, cremated, still in box at my sisters, still waiting to be buried next to dad at Arlington. At this rate she should just stay at my sisters. It was a Face-Time bedside death watch from 2000 miles away.

[–] 1 pt

Jesus this is way worse than my grandfather. At least he eventually got buried (not that we were allowed a funeral or to be there when it happened, so who even knows). This "pandemic" has fucked up our entire world. I'm so sorry man.

Did they count her as a covid death?

[–] 1 pt

The later... yes. They would not release his body. We were told due to covid blah blah blah...

[–] 1 pt

They just kept him in a fucking fridge for two months? Fuck them.

[–] 5 pts

We need our own network where we dox every scumbag and leftist so we can grocery shop them in our area when the time comes.

[–] 1 pt

Don't bother, they all got the jab.

[–] 4 pts

How did they stop you by telling you no?

[–] 7 pts

They have security who didnt let me up, gave me a phone number to call so i screamed at the fat cunt on the other side. She didnt care. They are heartless and morally corrupt.

[–] 2 pts


[–] 4 pts


Damn, that would make a great sign to start putting on all Hospital buildings.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah. More heroes work at the grocery store imo

[–] 1 pt

To me a hero is a person walking by a buring car crash or a burning building and goes into danger to save someone. Not someone getting paid to do a risky job.

[–] 0 pt

I hope you told them as much.

[–] 1 pt

Not in those words but using "dont you have a mother" worked pretty well. She's in rehab now. The greedy jews need more shekels to send back to Jewusalem so they sent her packing.

[–] 2 pts

Right? Just ask your dad to step outside of the hospital and tell you the room number and you just walk in

[–] 3 pts

Or bash em in the face and step over the body

[–] 0 pt

That may not work, the local hospital here has a security guard that puts a wrist band on the visitor and puts your name next to patient's on a daily visitor log.

[–] 2 pts

My dad passed away last year from brain cancer. He was in the hospital and long term care facilities when they started restricting visitation. At that point I convinced my family to let him come home and die, instead of being locked up with no one but strangers and abusive treatment. I feel for you. That's a hard thing. For me, I know I would be in prison if they wouldn't let me see my dying dad. We got him home and he passed away in his own bed.

[–] 1 pt

She's coming home, nobody wants her in a facility where she'll sit in her soiled underwear for hrs. My dad can be with her so thats at least something.

[–] 0 pt

Good job, you saved your father from a cruel ordeal.

[–] 2 pts

My mom got drunk and fell a year ago, broke her hip, she also has dementia. My poor dad has to deal with it, I am 1000 miles away. I wish it were 10,000.

[–] 2 pts

I dont live here either im just home to go on a now canceled trip with them. She so wanted to go on this trip with me.

[–] 2 pts

Git some acid, and you can both trip balls together

[–] 2 pts

She was the reason i needed acid as a teenager so i could deprogram from their way of life. Now i know why they lived it.

[–] 2 pts

I'm sorry for your loss. I will say a prayer for you, your mother and family tonight.

[–] 1 pt

Sorry for your loss, brother.

[–] 1 pt

I've already told my parents that it doesn't matter when they get old and turn into raving crazy people or complete assholes that I know that isn't them and that I still love them. I'll see them on the other side of the veil one day.

It's rare that we get to say goodbye to the ones we love. Either they walk out the door one day and never come back alive, or they slowly slip away and they're gone before we realize it.

Damn hospitals are built like prisons too. I'll go see my GP because I can simply walk out the door if I'm not happy but I won't step into a hospital lockup unless I'm staring death in the face.

[–] 0 pt

Me too. I hate the fucking doctor's. Yeah ive told my mom i dont hate her or hold her mind problem against her. Its not fault. I try to hold her hand or rub her back and give hugs. Humans need contact.

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