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My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs chemo and my family is coming down on me HARD about getting vaccinated or I'm "not allowed to see her and going to kill her". My brother just spent an hour screaming at me over how he reads all the scientific journals and all them agree the vaccine is beneficial.

Can anyone help link me to studies/resources about negative impacts that he won't laugh me out of the room with? I want him to stop harassing me regularly.

Source I'm trying to find again:

1) CDC admitting test can't differentiate between COVID, flu, and colds.

2) The FDA not actually approving the vaccine. Just extending the emergency allowance to have it injected into the public.

3) Any other useful things about it's negative effects.

My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs chemo and my family is coming down on me HARD about getting vaccinated or I'm "not allowed to see her and going to kill her". My brother just spent an hour screaming at me over how he reads all the scientific journals and all them agree the vaccine is beneficial. Can anyone help link me to studies/resources about negative impacts that he won't laugh me out of the room with? I want him to stop harassing me regularly. Source I'm trying to find again: 1) CDC admitting test can't differentiate between COVID, flu, and colds. 2) The FDA not actually approving the vaccine. Just extending the emergency allowance to have it injected into the public. 3) Any other useful things about it's negative effects.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 26 pts

You can't have a discussion with insane and irrational people. Facts and reasoning are way beyond them now and they are in the "sanctimonious asshole" state of being.

As for 2) the FDA gave full approval for a vaccine called "Comirnaty" that is not being made and state it is the equivalent of the one that is available but still not fully approved so it can be used instead. The approved vaccine would open the corp up to legalities but the one they are selling now they have full immunity from any and all damages. If that fuckery doesn't wake someone up there is no waking them, lost cause.

[–] 17 pts

You give your mother the reverse ultimatum, its HER choice to never see you again, and tell her the moment she asks you will be there but its her choice to push you away.

You cant argue with idiots or people with their minds made up before you even start speaking, dont bother trying.

[–] 3 pts

Uno reverse is best move. Use critical thinking when dealing with critical thinkers and use emotional reasoning when dealing with emotional reasoners. You should be smart enough to know how to do both. Using CT vs ER or vice versa will just leave you frustrated.

[–] 8 pts (edited )

This might be of interest to you....


Oxford University, published (preprint) in The Lancet, so it should be "main stream" enough for your retarded brother. Those taking the vaxx, thinking that it will protect their compromised loved ones and relatives may be very sadly mistaken.

You probably have little chance of turning your brother around, he is ideologically possessed.

You might be able to shame him into silence though. Hammer him hard that being vaxxed, he is posing a much greater risk to the health of your mother by being a possibly asymptomatic super spreader carrying a much higher viral load than a non-vaccinated individual. This probably won't improve your relationship with your brother though.

[–] 3 pts

Interesting but couldn't that also be used as an argument as to why everyone should be vaxxed?

[–] 5 pts (edited )

The reason why he wants OP to be vaxxed is to protect his mother (who, due to her medical condition cannot be vaxxed, and even if she was it would have no immunological response since she is on chemo). The argument for forced or coerced vaxx is that it it to protect others from transmission. This is obviously false, as emerging research is highlighting very clearly. Since taking the vaxx does not provide protection to others (vaxxed or not), then there is no reason to require anyone to take it. If the remaining argument is that it reduces the symptoms if infected, then that becomes an individual choice for the patient.

As far as forced medication goes though, it wouldn't matter if you invented a miracle pill that cured all diseases instantly without any side effects, to force people to take it would still be immoral. Forcing someone to take a medication removes their bodily autonomy, which is about as fundamental a right as you could possibly have.

Quiet rage is spreading throughout our country. We should be damn angry.

[–] 1 pt

Ah I totally skimmed over the part that the mother couldn't be vaxxed.

[–] 2 pts

Nope. It's really simple:

Unvaxxed: You get the 'rona and either are asymptomatic and non-contagious or get sick as a dog so you stay home and dont spread it.

Vaxxed: If you get the rona, the vaxx mitigates the symptoms so much that you dont realize how sick you are until you either spread it to everyone or drop dead. Because the vaxx doesnt kill the virus amd just minimizes the symptoms, you gain a false sense of security and do dangerous things. Much as if you pounded opiods to mitigate the symptoms of your broken leg amd decided to go flipping dancing.

[–] 7 pts

Show them /s/CovidAwards

[–] 7 pts

Yeah, I'm sure showing them this website will absolutely convince them.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Thats like showing a pussy to a faggot and telling him to lick it

[–] 7 pts

Do NOT attempt to show them data.

It will not work. Make an emotional appeal directly to your Mother. Tell her that you're worried you don't have much time left to spend with her, and you don't know what you would do without her.

Tell her you are worried about potential reproductive side effects, because they haven't been conclusively studied yet, and you desperately want to give her Grandchildren.

Do NOT attempt to sway anyone with logic, or reason. They've already made up their minds.

Don't even talk to the rest of your family.

This is between you and your Mother.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Here's a big PDF of adverse effects.


There are four subs here you can comb through for info, coronavirus, covid19, vax, and thewuhanflu

Article on what the FDA really approved.


[–] -2 pt

Not because of the vaccine, because it was rolled out to the elderly with underlying conditions in large numbers

Using the 5-year average monthly death rate (by age band and gender) from 2015 to 2019 for comparison, 8,718 deaths would have been expected among the vaccinated population within 28 days of receiving their COVID-19 vaccination. This means the observed number of deaths is lower than expected compared with mortality rates for the same time period in previous years


Lots of false information in this thread OP, get the vaccine and visit your mother. 200m americas have had it so far. In 10 years time you'll be looking back at the time spent with your mother, I you spent this time fighting with her and your family because you believed retards on here pushing false info, you'll hate yourself.

[–] 0 pt

Instead of giving completely new information about Scotland, please discuss which information is incorrect in reply to the comments containing the information.

[–] 5 pts (edited )
[–] 0 pt

Not because of the vaccine, because it was rolled out to the elderly with underlying conditions in large numbers

Using the 5-year average monthly death rate (by age band and gender) from 2015 to 2019 for comparison, 8,718 deaths would have been expected among the vaccinated population within 28 days of receiving their COVID-19 vaccination. This means the observed number of deaths is lower than expected compared with mortality rates for the same time period in previous years


[–] 0 pt (edited )

So deaths are way down which means there isn't a pandemic and the vaccine is pointless. Got it thanks.

[–] 0 pt

So, the vaccinated people didn't die, therefore there's no covid? Maybe they didn't die because they were vaccinated

[–] 5 pts (edited )

You'll be able to find all the sources in the world but this

My brother just spent an hour screaming at me over how he reads all the scientific journals and all them agree the vaccine is beneficial.

is going to be near impossible to overcome. ZOG has very carefully manufactured the appearance of scientific concensus on vaccines and their efficacy and safety for a very long time. We have seen through it but for those who have not, there are endless peer-reviewed articles supporting the establishment position. The peer-review process itself is designed to protect the establishment concensus. So best of luck, but if I were you, I'd start preparing myself to cut ties.

On the texts not differentiating between the flu and COVID, we knew that was going on the entire time, but what they admitted to only pertained to one of the available tests. They gave up that piece as a sacrificial catch-all so people like your brother could screech and state that only one test was faulty. And while we know full well that all PCR tests are being abused, the published literature will still support your brother.

[–] 4 pts

Your family will kill your mother, they have too many germs that her immune system cannot defend itself from. People who have cancer have immune system problems and ANY bacteria, fungi, or virus that isn't covid is a potential threat to their immune system and life. There are numerous newspaper stories of highly vaxxed countries (take israel) having breakthrough cases and variant problems that end vaxxed lives. Your vaxxed family members will think they are okay but they are not, they are more dangerous to your mother with every cough and sneeze (saying it's just an allergy won't excuse blowing bacteria and viruses into your mom's home) https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2021/covid-vaccine-limited-protection-in-cancer-patients.

[–] 4 pts

I ask myself one question: if the vaccine works as advertised, why are they pushing it so hard and then using the carrot and stick?

[–] 3 pts (edited )

They aren't going to listen to studies or stats. You won't win any argument by proving them wrong. Truth and logic won't work. The only way to win is to prove that you are safer than them.

Stick to this one fact - The vaccines lessen the symptoms, so that when a vaccinated person catches Covid, their symptoms are less severe; they're less likely to clog up the healthcare system, and less likely to die. That's what the vaccines do.

Again, the vaccines make the symptoms less severe when a vaccinated person catches Covid. - THEY STILL CATCH COVID AND STILL SPREAD COVID. - But when they do catch Covid their symptoms are less severe.

The difference between vaxxed and un-vaxxed is that a vaccinated person is less likely to know they are contagious because the vaccine lessens the symptoms.

Go on the attack. - THEY should not be anywhere near your mother because THEY will still catch and spread Covid. And not only will they catch and spread Covid - But because of the vaccine, they won't know if or when they are contagious because the vaccine lessens their symptoms. - Repeat that over and over again.

If anyone says that you shouldn't be near your mother - Go on the attack. - THEY shouldn't be allowed near her.

Yes, once per argument state that because you aren't vaccinated, you are more likely to have symptoms and know when you are infected and contagious. But only say that once per argument. For the entire rest of the argument, argue that they themselves are putting your mother at risk because of the vaccine, they will catch Covid and become contagious without knowing.

Understand that by arguing this, you are not arguing that no one should be near your mother. Instead, what you are doing is destroying their "safety argument". Because if they truly want to be safe - You being near you mother is far safer than them being near her.

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