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You may think that meme is clever, but if I see even a single spelling error on it I will assume you and the meme are both fucking retarded.

You may think that meme is clever, but if I see even a single spelling error on it I will assume you and the meme are both fucking retarded.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

I've said it time and time again:

If you don't care about your position enough to present it clearly, why should I be expected to decipher your ramblings?

[–] 6 pts (edited )

With this kind of determination we can't loose.

Edit: That actually really bothers me to leave that there. It's a battle between ocd and a shitty joke.

[–] 1 pt


Exhibit A:

Edit: I had an involuntary eye twitch from reading it

[–] 1 pt

This particular spelling error irritates me more than most, and I see it a lot around here. I'm by no means perfect, but goddamn.

It's not really spelling, but there is nothing more grating to the ears or obnoxious to the eyes than when someone says or writes "I seen".

[–] 4 pts

I view any meme or graphic with obvious spelling errors to be the work of spooks, niggers, and faggots. (((they want you passing on shit that makes you look retarded)))

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I get that spelling errors in discussions are common because people want to say what they think right away, but memes can be created or shared after thoughtful consideration. Spelling errors in memes are definitely a smear campaign by the bad actors.

[–] 1 pt

Really? So, there aren’t a bunch of grade school dropouts here?

[–] 1 pt

I understand your point while sharing to and from English based sites. We also have to understand that meme culture is in all languages across the globe. There are also many history based memes that have grammatical errors that I can only assume are done out of problems w/ translations. Such as can be seen w/ the plethora of Qaddaffi memes (for example) w/ misspelled words as English is not Libya's first language. Those instances get a pass from me as they want to inform but perhaps don't have knowledge of using decent translators.

[–] 0 pt

Hah, sum timez miss spellinks make some tink moar phunny! GET A LIFE!

[–] 1 pt

I'd also like to add onto this argument if i may that people stop putting big red circles round things. Its fucking obnoxious. Especially when its literally a meme of a sentence and a picture with a big fuck off circle round the sentence. For who's benefit is that?

Gotta make sure people read the text that's right in your fucking face. God damn, that's stupid.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Downlod it and then hand it back corrected using a red marker if you want to be pedantic about it.

Also. You are being taken for a ride. Not sure if anyone has noticed this, I recall seeing this as far as the bash.org days, but the idea is that including spelling errors generates more attention for some reason. It is probably the same concept behind subliminal advertising where advertisers will intentionally used an image with a subtle error (extra hand, two left feet) to push their product.

Good theory. No doubt there's some bad actors involved in some of these memes.

[–] 1 pt

It's more sinister than that. The spelling errors are often a fingerprint so the organization that released it can track its spread.

The basic idea can be good. Accidentally based is a thing after all. But they end up being a slideshow on a powerpoint to show penetration of their techniques so they can sell their services to NGOs.

These are memes made by jews. They create pro-white memes, spell shit incorrectly, disseminate them, and everyone sees it and goes, "Fucking racists! Oh look... They can't even spell. Figures they're fucking morons." In the end, it makes us look fucking stupid.

[–] 0 pt

Stop dissin. Dey din du nuffin

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