I had to go to a physical location to have my Verizon issues cleared up. Talked to the chat bot, it said it was connecting me to a person, then the session ended. I called, talked to a person, the call ended. Seems to happen when they get a question they don't understand or don't want to answer.
The local verizon stores aren't usually owned by verizon and the employees tend to kind of hate verizon so they're usually happy to help you resolve your issue. At least at the one I go to.
I had to go to a physical location to have my Verizon issues cleared up. Talked to the chat bot, it said it was connecting me to a person, then the session ended. I called, talked to a person, the call ended. Seems to happen when they get a question they don't understand or don't want to answer.
The local verizon stores aren't usually owned by verizon and the employees tend to kind of hate verizon so they're usually happy to help you resolve your issue. At least at the one I go to.
(post is archived)