Interesting. I cropped that picture out and did a reverse image search on Google and Bing. Neither could find anything close. Kind of surprising.
Interesting. I cropped that picture out and did a reverse image search on Google and Bing. Neither could find anything close. Kind of surprising.
I found it by searching for "big brain african" lol.
I found it by searching for "big brain african" lol.
It's a shitty painting of Yakub, the NOI's fictional scientist who created white people. Go to a non-SJW search engine like Yandex and search for images of Yakub and you'll find tons of equally bad art.
It's a shitty painting of Yakub, the NOI's fictional scientist who created white people. Go to a non-SJW search engine like Yandex and search for images of Yakub and you'll find tons of equally bad art.
(post is archived)