She tweeted a fucking fake email to herself saying ching chong ping pong, and claimed it was racists emailing her, and she knew about ghislane maxwell but kept her rice hole shut. What a fucking hypocrite chink that needs to be flung into the ocean
You got that right bish'
Dis u knoe mane
And the slurs tho.
Backpedal harder you stupid cunt.
Right…it could ONLY be for the slurs..couldn’t possibly have anything to do with authoritarian rule by a benign oligarchy trying to control literally EVERY ASPECT of my life.
I will be honest... I had a lot of fun making racial slurs on reddit back in the day.
Funny thing is, I wasn't even racist back then. It was just for the lulz. But I tell ye what, that Pao bitch sure made me hate dyke chinks!
Ha well said although I don't think there is such thing as Chinese (han) any more or for a very long time. Everyone in China is the product of a rape baby. So technically you hate dyke rape babies
Literal spiteful mutants.
It’s not racist to call her a slant eyed Ching Chong is it?
I just wanna call it a ugly tranny gook
I mainly wanna talk shit about jews and niggers
(post is archived)