[–] [deleted] • 1 pt 4y Does anyone have a link to the video he plays at the 43 min mark? Does anyone have a link to the video he plays at the 43 min mark? link [–] • 1 pt 4y I'm not sure, it's clearly Vincent James of the Red Elephants narrating though. I'm not sure, it's clearly Vincent James of the Red Elephants narrating though. parent link [–] [deleted] • 1 pt 4y OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. parent link
[–] • 1 pt 4y I'm not sure, it's clearly Vincent James of the Red Elephants narrating though. I'm not sure, it's clearly Vincent James of the Red Elephants narrating though. parent link [–] [deleted] • 1 pt 4y OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. parent link
[–] [deleted] • 1 pt 4y OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. OK, thanks I'll take a look for it. parent link
(post is archived)