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[–] 16 pts

Jews hate Amish because Amish talk the talk and walk the walk, they aren't grifters that blame everyone else when the con is up.

[–] 9 pts

I was always told they were a bunch of weirdos. They avoided participation in pop culture, never monopolized their conversations with "the current thing", refused to waste their lives in front of the idiot box, shunned conspicuous consumption of consumer goods, never became reliant on distant and centralized fuel, food or banking supply, believed that hard work was the cure for life's troubles, found happiness in family and spirituality, and placed their faith in the Almighty with subservience. Yeah, who would want all of that?

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

I have a tremendous level of respect for the Amish for the reasons you mentioned. They seem to have seen a lot of things coming that it took me half my life to figure out.

[–] 7 pts


According to her, 15 kids is perfect, while she was hesitant to have 22 kids like someone she knows, becuase that was too many. Then she reaffirms 15 is the right number for her.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

It's a smart number, if she starts at 21 she'll be done before she's 40 so less chances of unhealthy children and she'll still have the energy to raise them.

[–] 4 pts

She should have already started

[–] 3 pts

I thought the whole "Having babies after 40 is risky" was actually bullshit. I read somewhere that, yes chances of complications double. The thing is it just means instead of a 1% chance of complications, a woman will have a 2% chance.

[–] 3 pts

They don't really know the full implications of having kids after 40. Downs and autism risk are definitely higher. Our shit pseudo-health system is really bad at doing long-term tracking of this kind of stuff both because its more and more operated by pajeets and other retards and also because any data to suggest women should spend their healthiest and most fertile years focused on their families would run counter to the interest of our corporate overlords who want us assured that post-40 parenting is totally fine.

BTW, theres increased risk if either parent is above 40. Men are also more likely to have "weak" / mutated seed after 40. The effect is less severe for men than women though.

[–] 1 pt

You nitwit. The kids raise themselves. She only has to rear five or so. By the time the eldest is 6, hopefully a girl, she will be helping mom. Mom is taking care of the dinners while preggers. AND the sisters will be all hands on. This is Community.

[–] 1 pt

Your math made sense of her statement... thanks!

Mafs iz ez 2010 + 2015 = 15 simple.

[–] 0 pt

IKR. I found that funny. I only have four flat screen tv's in the house, eight is just way too many, four just right. Wheeeew ....

[–] 5 pts

Big families are awesome

[–] 2 pts

100% agreed. I come from one.

[–] 4 pts

In the current world, the Amish live under an umbrella of a more advanced society. Imagine an American nation full of Amish people trying to fight off China. It's not going to work.

As far as technology, it's Jewish media that's evil and needs to be avoided, not washing machines and dishwashers.

[–] 4 pts

C'mon. Do you really think Muh-China plans on invading? The invasion already happened, and that was when the Jews took a stranglehold on our government. We aren't a nation anymore. It's one big economic zone, shopping mall for the goyim.

[–] 0 pt

China would love to invade everywhere, but it's not really safe and feasible. They have a million man army going.

[–] 0 pt

Exactly, that's exactly what the world has become (but there are signs of a change, sure hope so).

See Luke Gromen, Dr. Steve Turley, Peter Zelhian..

[–] 0 pt

I don't know about that. Amish people own guns and are self reliant. Commies can't function in a country where the people can take care of themselves.

Sure Chinese military could possibly take over an amish country in the short term. But it wouldn't be able to govern them.

[–] 0 pt

There has never been a plan to invade the US, and the Amish could fuck up the chink invaders, and do it without being dependent upon tech.

[–] 0 pt

Amish could fuck up the chink invaders

with their steam-powered nukes?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Nukes don’t win wars. Boots on the ground, will to fight, and familiarity with terrain do.

See: Vietnam War and any modern invasion of Afghanistan.

Not that it matters. The chicoms have no interest in invading the US, so you’re all engaging in bullshit hypotheticals.

[–] -1 pt

😂 a nation full of Amish people would be rapidly enslaved by the Han.

It's real cute to see the fantastical myths you people like you fabricate for yourselves.

Here is a fact, most whites were a peasant class for most of their existence, only a few who mattered actually changed history.

The difference between a nog eating dirt cookies and a white man who invents the world is more than a racial one, it's a spiritual difference.

[–] 2 pts

The jew tag is appropriate, kike.

[–] 3 pts

Considering how big their families are I'm surprised there aren't more of them.

[–] 7 pts

They have grown a lot. Exponential growth always has a long tail in the beginning. If they can hold on to thier culture they will be a dominant population in 100 years.

Not brainwashed to be fags. Not sterilized with jabs. Not retarded from infant "inoculations". Not pacified with fluoride.

If only they had more genetic diversity.

[–] 0 pt

Their lifestyle will self-limit that growth at some point. Unless they're willing to turn half their land into high-density housing and live like sub/urbanites do (not a curse I'd wish on them), they'll never begin to approach the numbers required to become a majority.

[–] 0 pt

They continue to buy more land.

[–] 0 pt

We should send them some niggers

[–] 1 pt

Most give their kids a chance to choose between Amish or typical American lives when they get old enough to move out. Many of them stop being Amish when they reach adult ages.

[–] 3 pts

I don't think this is an Amish. I think it's a Mennonite. It looks like a Mennonite head covering. Amish don't drive cars and I don't think they even have electricity. Mennonites drive black cars and their women have that head covering (I don't think Amish women have head coverings at all, and their clothing is much more plain).

It is weird to see a Mennonite with a cellphone. I wouldn't think that'd be allowed, but maybe it is now?

[–] 1 pt

It depends on their church rules.Here the old order Amish women wear head coverings, the men wear straw hats, they all have cell phones and e-bikes but don't drive cars (children do before they join the church but parents seldom ride with them). They have generators they use for well pumps and stuff, gas lights in the house..mennonites you couldn't tell from white people except the women wear little doilies on their head

[–] 0 pt

There's something called Dunkard who are Anabapists and they wear those hats. Might be Dunkard.

[–] 2 pts

That's a lot of Pole Barns lady, but best wishes anyway

[–] 1 pt

Because they can’t infiltrate them. Same reason they hate gingers and real White Societies.

[–] 1 pt

My wife was watching the Netflix show "Devil in Ohio". I asked her why she was watching jewish propaganda painting amish as devil worshipers? She said it wasn't. She watched 2 episodes and told me the next day I was right. Once I pointed it out, she couldn't help but notice. She asked why. I told her it is because they are self sufficient and not under control so they must be demonized. That way when the Feds go Branch Davidian on them, we won't complain. The FDA is already clamping down in PA.

It's so refreshing to see a woman happy to be a woman rather than trying to play the victim all the time.

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