We decided to create a hangman spelling game for kids.
TIL you were a racist indoctrinator!
I learned Basic in high school - phone patch to the district's mainframe. You could write programs and save them to tape locally, but had to have the patch to actually run/use them. Believe it was a 2400 baud connection - plenty for the time.
It was a really fun crash course in Basic and PC capabilities for me! I had only worked on IBM mainframes prior to that day. Received big bonus points from the gf too! It was about 10 years later, after living on IBMs, DEC VAXs and SPARC workstations that I got my first networked PC at work. Some of our test equipment was x86 based but not as flexible as a standalone PC. I did spec out and write a complete operating system for a homebrew rack-and-stack test system we developed in-house with power supplies, oscilloscope, pattern generators, homebrew hardware and our own in-house designed high frequency test head controlled by an HP instrument controller (HP Basic) in the mid-1980s. Exciting times! I had a blast!
...big bonus points from the gf
Ahhh, youth...
I ran into her in one of the the local grocery stores about 7 years ago. Got a big hug and smile, great conversation from her. She still looked great! Unfortunately we both had significant others, but I'd swear I could have redeemed a few more of those brownie points if we were single.
(post is archived)