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The weirdest kid I ever came across was when I was 6. Everyone in the school was normal except this kid. He had 2 adults with him at all time. I'd see him in the hallways being lead somewhere, he didn't even come up to the waist of the adults holding his arms, and he was kicking their legs.

One time my class had to go into his class to do a presentation of some kind. Everyone else in his class moved their desks to the side and sat on the floor. He didn't. He stayed sitting in his chair. He had one of those sugary drinks with a peel away aluminum lid. He had taken his scissors and stabbed through the lid, would pull out the scissors and put them into his mouth to suck off the little bit of juice on the scissors. Stab again, repeat.

The teacher told him to come sit on the floor, he didn't answer, just kept stabbing into this drink. So the teacher and those other 2 adults (why they were letting him stab something with scissors, I'll never know) went to go grab him. He gets up and tries to run away from them, they easily catch him and he starts kicking their legs right away.

I've never seen those cheap drinks in the grocery stores my mom took us to, but looking back, all of the poor/dumb kids had those drinks.