Excuses from a sniveling coward, Risk nothing, Reap nothing. We made more gains with the alt-right when they were doing rallies and marches than in the half a decade since, (((they))) were scared, and we were winning. When we stopped, we lost momentum, attend the fucking meetup this june 4th, get out there and group up with fellow anti-establishmentarians, make (((them))) afraid again, stop giving a fuck about the risks of being arrested. I posted my name, address, number, and email on this site, got a visit from the cops, didn't spill my spaghetti, and that was it, before then i was arranging meetup locations and dates, and I showed up to each of them, never once did any cop so much as bother me.
I did everything that I could possibly do to put myself at risk of getting partyvanned, and I never got vanned, most I got was a visit from two pansy-ass cops who couldn't do fuck all but make a failed attempt to try and intimidate me.
The threat is overblown by shills in order to discourage IRL activity, remember what the meme says: revolutions didn't start in quiet anonymous circles, they started in loud meetings held in pubs and taverns, with declarations and demonstrations of intent.
As I had said, I did everything I could do to violate opsec and endanger myself, and I was merely inconvenienced for one afternoon for all of it, and only at the tail end of everything I had been doing for over a decade, and only after I deliberately broke the most cardinal of rules and openly identified myself in the clearest terms possible on a site with username accounts, I'm not asking for something even close to that of you or anyone else.
You want to hide in your holes and LARP as if you are accomplishing anything, fuck you, you piss yourself in fear of threats that aren't there.
You aren't doing anything intelligent, if you were, you would be making some sort of progress, instead of leaving it up to some lolbertarian like Rand Paul to be the most productive dissenter from the establishment, the libertarians, a mainstream political party that's basically a joke, are now a greater threat to the establishment than us, and it's all thanks to "covert" morons like you.
Back when the alt-right was holding meetings and events, back when it was marching in the streets, back when it was exchanging blows with BLM and AntiFa on university grounds, back then it was actually accomplishing things, people were talking, people were actually debating us, because we were a force to be reckoned with in those days.
As much as you can come down on them as being feds or cucks, they made gains, the centrists and leftists were forced into talking to and about us because we were so loud and visible that it would be foolish to ignore us, the media was going into maximum damage control mode, and we showed up how these leftists commies were fucking pansies who couldn't fight for shit, even when they had been given every advantage over us. Events like the battles in Berkley and Charlottesville weren't losses, they were major wins for us, we had legends being told of us, we had people getting behind us without any sense of shame for doing so, because they knew they had a mob of like minds backing them up, we had martyrs done hard by that we could use to rally ourselves behind.
When we retreated back into our basements and rejected IRL activism, when we allowed ourselves to be deluded into thinking that getting out and loud and in people's faces, without any sense of fear or shame, was resulting in losses, not gains, we were fooled, tricked, into taking ourselves off the table.
Ask yourself, compared to the days of Dickie Spencer, how well have we been doing in making any difference whatsoever?
We've had power, we've had momentum, we've had a voice, all of these are off the tables now because we became cowards, and we delude ourselves into justifying our cowardice by telling ourselves that we are so smart, even though the fruits of our new strategy pale in comparison to the old tactics of the alt-right.
They accomplished things by going out and making noise, going out and getting visible, making it clear that we are not some collection of crazies, but an group that demands to be taken seriously with there being consequences for ignoring us.
We were forcing the police and the mobs to crack down on us, and winning fights with mobs despite overwhelming odds, and highlighting police corruption with their blatantly corrupt responses to our activities.
We were forcing the media to ruin their reputations with lies and self-humiliation, we did a lot of damage to them that they could not recover from, we created stories and legends that made us interesting to the common public, we got them talking to us and about us, stirring up a pot of controversy regarding issues that were before never acceptable to discuss.
We were forcing the center and left to try and show us up in debates, only to be put in their place by an opponent who they believed to be unreasonable and uninformed, who turned out to have the most reasonable positions and all the data to back up their claims, we shook people's faith in the intelligence of their authorities and in the stupidity of our own position, we earned a lot of credibility by simply being permitted to speak, and they were only forced into speaking with is because of our offline presence in the meatspace, simply ignoring us or refusing to address us directly would have been suicide, but paying attention to us and engaging with us was equally damning for them. do you have any clue how may converts we won just by the Spencer v Sargon debate not going as his sargoyim expected it to?
You're approach has been tried, and we have something to compare it to, we need to go back to those alt-right tactics of open activism and cut this bullshit of what is equivalent to jacking off in your basement and pretending your getting laid, back then we were a force to be reckoned with, now we are ignored by the public, and the elites are cooking up crackdowns on us, since our falling off the map means hey can now quietly silence us. You approach has shown itself to be a recipe for the doom of our cause, you had your chance, we were ding better before, time to get back to the approach we had before we lost our balls.
(post is archived)