"Thank you, Rolf. I’m embarrassed to admit that up until a few years ago, I didn’t know anything about the evils of palm oil. Franky did. This is a woman who watches Grayson Franky. In the second season, Grace very innocently was putting palm oil in vaginal lubrication that she and Franky were going to sell, you know, older women, challenges. Well, when Franky found out that Grace was putting palm oil in the vaginal lubricant, she went ballistic. Grace had never seen Franky get that upset because she loved orangutans and palm oil trees were destroying the habitat of orangutans and she went on a rant that grace had never seen. It was so dramatic that me who plays grace started to research it. And that’s how I found out about the evils of palm oil. You see I have a big problem. I kind of like to think that Lily Tomlin never did anything before grace and Franky. Or 9:00 to 5:00. I kind of like to think she never did anything without me in it, with her. But I’m forced to admit that, in fact, she’s done quite a lot without me and kind of like done things that nobody else has ever done. Like she’s one of the greatest comedians that ever lived."
-Jane Fonda
(post is archived)