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Joe Biden is still your president.

Now move those goalposts out to the next big habbening day.

Joe Biden is still your president. Now move those goalposts out to the next big habbening day.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

I'm done defending the Qanon I guess my question is when we we start working on a real plan not involving Trump or republicans?

[–] 1 pt

People are still too comfortable and acquiescent. We will have to lose much more before we are willing to take up arms for real. Sadly it will take a long time before we reach this stage and by then it may not matter anymore. I hope this isn't the case, but it certainly seems like this is the only way.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

The key is not to organize with other people. Go at it lone wolf. don't write out any plans and make sure your targets are high value. very high value. or not. be sporadic. and disappear like a fart in the wind.

There's an old book series called RepairmanJack by F. Paul Wilson. (mega.nz) There are like 20 books in total.

Anyways it's kind of based in the 80s/90s before internet, cellphones, and cameras became everyfucking place. It outlines a greyman, someone who basically carries themselves in a way that renders them invisible in public areas.

A technological society, has many advantages and disadvantages. you have to be a lot smarter about when and how you carry your phone around with you. if you even choose to use one. but we ourselves have become a lot smarter because of them. I can literally use the black mirror to scry around the world at a whim.

I've always been against wearing a mask. anywhere. But now that it's commonplace, it would be wise to use them to your full advantage when it is necessary.

Transportation is a long subject, but another fun object is caltrops. can make them yourself. they are very useful if you're ever being tailed

[–] 0 pt

I will check out the books, like your strategies. It is almost impossible to know how any close potential "ally/confidant" may be compromised these days. Often without even knowing it themselves until it is too late.

Perhaps we should get together for beverages in a public place and trade tips? 🤣

[–] 0 pt

Yep agree move out of cities. Get in shape. Get guns ammo and practice. Make enough food for you and two other families

[–] 1 pt

Local moves. Local connections. Not party affiliations. Gather with those who share your identity and your values within your physical sphere. Do things together. Train, work, build together. Encourage one another. Make moves for local political and bureaucratic offices and roles. Talk solutions and not problems, because people can disagree on the details of the problem, but they can get behind a feasible solution. Be proactive. Trust few, but be trustworthy and reliable yourself.

[–] 0 pt

should have done it months ago.

you let the election get stolen and did nothing.

[–] 1 pt

I mean, I get where you're coming from, but you didn't do anything either (I'm not one of these guys, for the record).

[–] 0 pt

Well I was never a qtard. Was a hopetard at best I've seen too many times the jew win to think now we are going to have sanity in the form of some savior. No America has been dead over a hundred years already its just how are we going to prepare our children for the future out in the open genocide of whites.

I've been preparing the entire time I hoped it wouldn't go this far into clownworld but it has we have a pedophile as president and a fucking stupid nigger<<< not real a poc fucking whore as vp it can't get much worse the election was stolen <<< it is beyond obvious statistically and the USA no longer exist..

What we do going forward? Not sure I'm getting out of the city as fast as I can hope nothing crazy kicks off that stops me from selling my properties

[–] 0 pt

We all did. Not just everyone else.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Step 1: Read tea leaves to discern the next big happening

Step 2: Nothing fucking happens

Step 3:backtrack like a spineless fag and say that "Q never said anything would happen on X date" or something to that effect.

Step: 4 repeat

Such is the life of the poor Qtard.

[–] 1 pt

I've been playing a game pretending Q backs Biden, interpreting every anti Biden statement and stupid gaffe as 4d chess; the end of the cabal seems even MORE apparent.

If they lied about this, what else did they lie about?

[–] 0 pt


[–] 0 pt

Sometimes i go into the qstorm subverse to get some second hand hopium. its nice seeing everyone so hopeful and cheerful, like we're really winning! then i shit on them for being gullible idiots.

I wish they were right, but they are not, they do not understand that its the jews and they never will.

[–] 0 pt

They’re already saying the 24th.

And then it will be some random date in April because some schizo decoded the date off of a cereal box.....

[–] 3 pts

April fool's day would be very fitting

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The day after..."You dummies, he meant April 1st on the Carpathian-Mayan Calendar!"

[–] 0 pt

KamelToe is in charge. Joe is the parrot.

[–] 0 pt

I thought it was on the 6th.