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I mean who let's children be raped one day longer if you have it all? How does God or Jesus sit back and let this happen? Free will so the top brass in the millitary is all compromised because they not only didn't defend the constitution they know the election was stolen they know epstein didn't kill him self they know the fbi is not legal or defending the constitution...

What the fuck is this the armor of God?

Now that nothing has happend Vegas is paying out bets biden is the real president and a whore Jamaican dishing communist is vice president

Q needs to be hunted down and arrested he might be worse then the democommies at least we know they are the enemy not a traitor who pretends to be good only to allow more kids to be fucked and trafficked another day..

I'm done with the hopium and will not defend the Qanons any longer.

What's the new goal post? We revolt from fema camps?

I mean who let's children be raped one day longer if you have it all? How does God or Jesus sit back and let this happen? Free will so the top brass in the millitary is all compromised because they not only didn't defend the constitution they know the election was stolen they know epstein didn't kill him self they know the fbi is not legal or defending the constitution... What the fuck is this the armor of God? Now that nothing has happend Vegas is paying out bets biden is the real president and a whore Jamaican dishing communist is vice president Q needs to be hunted down and arrested he might be worse then the democommies at least we know they are the enemy not a traitor who pretends to be good only to allow more kids to be fucked and trafficked another day.. I'm done with the hopium and will not defend the Qanons any longer. What's the new goal post? We revolt from fema camps?

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

They told you to trust the plan, and not Jesus Christ. It's unfortunate you listened to them and bought their false hope. The true and life giving hope is in Jesus Christ and Him alone.

[–] 0 pt

Sandnigger religion what the fuck I hope you are at least an Arab to believe that shit

[–] 0 pt

The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men. Proverbs 24:9

[–] 1 pt

What the fuck does Q have to do with religion?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

This system is in the hands of the fallen and will be for a short time yet. One of their tricks is to get others to blame God for their actions. They love to play off negative emotions like hate, depression, etc. Don't play their game it is a trick. Keep the blame where it belongs.

The armour of God starts with the word: get a good knowledge of the word {bible study?}, put God's laws upon your heart {start walking in a disciple path}, repent of all {to God not to man}, and love everybody in a none "flesh" way learn to see deeper than flesh ... Only when you have cast all that aside and removed that bundle of anger/etc in {that empty place} in your chest, can it be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask and you may receive. Once you have that the struggle is a lot easier just walk in the guidance of the spirit, but be always testing your actions with the word, as other spirits {and people} will still try to influence…

What is written will come to pass... and I have seen a few choice things come to pass, and something very interesting is about to happen if my understanding and timeline is correct. I said many times my hope was not in a man made government or some anon on the internet. Even if Q was a larp they made a fatal flaw it brought many people together towards a common goal... I would say judge them by their character, it is not wrong or evil to want justice for innocent blood... We have a common enemy, but those who peddle hatred control both sides.

Many people wonder how I deal with this why I can stay calm ... I know absolutely without doubt that karma is a bitch, what has been done in the dark will be brought to light, and none not even the powers and principalities of this "system" will get away with anything ... and what is in store for them is just ! No has not effected my faith not one iota

[–] 0 pt

Sure as a white European I will keep believing what a gypsies sandnigger tribe tells me about life I guess all the Chinese need Jesus too or the Japanese? Ane then the jews can use Christianity to invade the insanely peaceful and safe nation of Japan and diversify it as well?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

That was all the harlot ... not true Christians or "jews" ! I find it kinda interesting that the bible confirms what we later found out to be true, many of my earlier bible studies touched on the subject of scientific evidence in the bible. The earth is round {globe}, hangs on nothing, mentions dinosaurs, expanding universe, hydrologic cycle, every element that was needed for man can be found in the soil.

I think both of us are very skeptical, there is more evidence that the bible is real than any other religious book. Don't let those who have turned away from those teachings make you think the teachings are not worth considering. Yet another half truth deception the fallen will whisper in your spirit... You see they don't want you to have a weapon to use against them or even know of their influence. Remember how jesus rebuked satan "It is written !"

[–] 0 pt

Are the bets being paid yet, I thought not yet.

[–] 0 pt

Oh look a new sub to block.